Alice level 2 Joy the DM 07/06/2024 (Sat) 00:35 No.4870 del
>Meh I rolled 1+2 with d4+d2×4 (odds 0, evens 1). That's 5 so it makes no difference. Got 10+5+2 that's 17 HP now.

I'm not sure what you did here, but 5 is acceptable.

>My base speed increases to 40 on lv.2

What about climbing speed? I have 10 for some reason.

>I propose granting a 50% chance of magic items wielded by Alice working.

The magic of items is in the items, you can usually use them without any magic prowess. You'd have to have negative magic for them not to work, even mechanical creations can use them normally. There are certain things that you could say channel through you. Let me know if you come across a certain item what you shouldn't be able to use.

For the evolution, you tell me when you're ready.


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