Level up! ~Ashley~ Joy the DM 07/07/2024 (Sun) 02:33 No.4884 del
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Ashley steps to the orb cautiously, "I'm not sure I want to touch it."

"That's okay, but if your goddess doesn't arrive then we may need to call her. I haven't felt her presence yet." Freya concentrates and her eyes widen, "I wish you would touch it, you have Godsight, you could so easily see this."

Ashley sighs and touches it reluctantly, her eyes widen as well, "oh wow."

They sit there mesmerized for a few minutes, not speaking, just staring into the orb silently. They remove their hands and a slight lavender glow envelopes Ashley. "I think I leveled up."

"You did! So you've gained a clockwork soul, that's remarkable, you didn't have that before did you?"

"It's not my soul, this demigoddess is attached to me. What does she mean by Avatar?" Ashley asks.

"Well, you're not her avatar, but she has imprinted on your soul regardless. It sounds like she granted you protection from undead."

"Nope, that was the raven Queen, I already had that... no, I had resistance from necrotic damage and now I guess I have protection from undead now but it's barely different."

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