Proposed Buffs Joy the DM 07/16/2024 (Tue) 19:56 No.4991 del
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I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.

Reasoning: Tabaxi are known for "better than normal hearing and sense of smell" house cats have keen smell. "Keen" means advantage on perception rolls.

Blindsight is superior to any other sight as it's omnidirectional and can see even steathed creatures that aren't behind total cover so I want to add +2 to perception for sight within the radius.

In addition, truesight should be additionally useful for perception. So I propose either making that "keen" or adding +4 for sight when truesight is active.

To balance Ashley's additional perception, I would like Cat to either have keen hearing (advantage on perception foe sounds) and keen smell (advantage on perception for smells) or a +2 bonus for one or both, bringing her to the level of Yulya for perception in those two areas or with advantage which would also help, Ashley would be on the level of Yulya within 20ft and 17 when she casts truesight on herself. This would also suppose she could cast truesight on Yulya but her truesight spell is self only due to her curse.

Agree/disagree? Ashley's extra perception is being implemented in the other run, so I'd like to sync them.