Alice 07/17/2024 (Wed) 00:27 No.4993 del
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Ice dragon forshadowing intensifies
Oh fuck me! Does it haave to be an ice dragon of all things? Can't it spew fire like a good ol' normal dragon? Or acid? Or poison? I think I'm going back to Neverwinter to hide in my tree and collect bugs. You expect LV.2 rookies to fight a dragon that can alter the climate of an entire region?

>It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.
Gundren-san you can't die here! I need you to finance and market my deluxe leaf springs and antidragon IEDs!