Tamamo 07/18/2024 (Thu) 09:26 No.5012 del
Ahem, actually it says:
>Cat hops off the cart to rush to the horses
not and so she would still have been right next to the cart. But this looks fun so let's go along with it this time. I knew something like this would happen! First time anyone ever took damage btw and -10HP from a goblin!! At least the spear isn't poisoned like the arrows, right?

>Ashley then uses the rest of her turn to grab Cat's shield off her pack, laying in the cart, and hides behind it the best she can. "Shouldn't I have this strapped to my pack?!"
Sorry Ashley but Cat doesn't have a shield, never had. The one with a shield strapped to her pack is Yulya. You'd have to steal it from her, good luck!
So Cat doesn't even have her backpack on? Well doesn't matter much in this situation.

>Helga jumps for the Hobgoblin throat [CON1d20+1=12 vs DC14] and does [(1d4+3)x1.5=7] damage, the bite succeeds to knock the young Hobgoblin unconscious!
Nice one, Helga!

Before more confusion arises, strategizing! Cat has already caused enough trouble. What do we do?
Cat is pissed now and unless convinced to do otherwise will enter RAGE and RECKLESS ATTACK and use CLEAVE with the longsword to wipe out both goblins flanking her.

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