Alice 07/18/2024 (Thu) 13:24 No.5017 del
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>RAGE and RECKLESS ATTACK and use CLEAVE with the longsword to wipe out both goblins flanking her.
Sounds awesome, do it! I don't think anything will survive to attack you back on their turn.

Only the rage needs one short rest to recover. I think that's worth it.

>Try to flank but be wary of opportunity attacks because they get a free shot on you if you walk away
I don't understand that one.
The Hob is unconscious, the 2 goblins attacking Cat are busy. Your lynxes can just attack them from behind. Can won't move but just swing her sword hitting both goblins with CLEAVE. No flanking, no moving. Also she already has advantage with reckless attack. It doesn't stack, right?

>[Joy] keep in mind, that's for an ability check, not for an attack roll. Yulya snuck that in too, if the round had officially started she wouldn't have been allowed to do that.
Excuse me but no!

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