Alice 07/21/2024 (Sun) 20:58 No.5070 del
>Alice attempts to snuff out the goblin [1d20+4=(19,10)] [1d6+2=6] The goblin is skewered by her spear and takes his last breath. Alice then moves to Goblin #4 and uses 1 ki point for her bonus action to attack him with flurry of blows. [Alice has used 2 ki points during this engagement and is out of ki points I believe. She will regain 2/hour rest IIUC.] [1d20+4=(6,13)] her blows glance off his armor.
Reading this again I don't understand what you did. Not that it matters for the outcome aside from the ki point but I'd like to understand.

I know it's work but could you add a bit of details of the rolls for us noobs?

You gave me 4 attacks instead of 2 because of advantage because they were down, so far so good. The bonus attack still costs no Ki point though, only 2 would.

But the modifiers seem all wrong upon reading up everything again.
My attack rolls for Monk weapons = simple and light martial weapons I am proficient with and the unarmed strike both use DEX+PROF so 1d20+5 (3 DEX + 2 PROF).

I was supposed to attack the goblins once with my spear 2-handed (1d8) and once with an unarmed strike (1d6).
Why does the spear get 1d6+2 and the unarmed strike 1d6+4?
My ability modifier for DMG rolls is always DEX+3, or not?

My ability score modifier for attacks/damage is DEX+3 now at lv2 because I upped my DEX to 15. See

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Edited last time by ALICE on 07/21/2024 (Sun) 21:01.