Joy the DM 07/24/2024 (Wed) 01:38 No.5109 del
>You can regenerate 10HP in 5h of driving a cart? Ok, please state such full recovery next time! I guess my Ki point is back as well. Only Yulya's Healing Hands needs a long rest. And Cat's rage needs 1h rest.

According to my rules: you regain 1 hit die of HP or MP per hour of rest. I presule sitting in a cart is as good as resting, she has no MP.

I believe you regain either all your ki or 1 ki point per 30 minutes, again, 5 hours is more than enough time.

Normally the other team heals only if they can't rest. Otherwise the rest to heal and only need a few hours. In my rules, those hours integrate over time to count as a long rest.

> upload it here.

We can't upload .xls here we didn't try putting it in a .zip though. We couldn't open Yulya'a zip file contents. It looked like a spreadsheet but the data was unrecoverable.