Alice 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:22 No.5110 del
>The spreadsheet failed to load on our system.
Not your fault, file seems broken. This is getting ridiculous! Let's try again as .xlxs and .ods file. You need to put such files in a .zip container to upload them here. Please check if you can open the inventory, Joy!

>I had recorded a few items you missed.
.) Yulya and me both kept one dagger

.) Cat is wearing the longsword on the oxhide belt

.) The component pouches are already in Yulya's list

.) We wanted to keep 1 glass jar as water reservoir but since they are new it's better to sell them for a premium price

.) I thought Ashley wanted to eat the herring instead of 'special' full rations but if not we sell it

.) I added the dried meat from the goblin loot

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