Joy the DM 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:37 No.5113 del
(429.22 KB 707x531 Revive R2.png)
>Can only cast revive once

Correction: you can cast it more than once, just not more than once per day. I have changed the wording of the spell so that "1d4 chance of being destroyed."

You can sell Cat's rations but the Inn will tell you if you can use their kitchen or not. You can camp outside of town to cook but that will draw in "intelligent creatures". You could ask Hobby if you can cook at his dwelling but that's a little intrusive.

[Ashley] I'll buy my own stuff, I wouldn't want Alice to confuse me again as to whether or not I can use something.

>And just to understand - do we return to the goblin ambush location by cart?

Ashley asked him if he could accept the cart and horses for a while.

[Ashley] No, the cart stays here, we can walk it in 7 hours, the horses are in danger of target practice if we take them. Owlbears, bear bears, pumas, hungry ice dragons, so no they're safer here, it's not our cart to use willy-nilly anyway.

>We cannot walk that distance and then fight

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