Autumn 07/27/2024 (Sat) 20:56 No.5146 del

We're going the way of the mystery gang and splitting up. We don't know which and which but probably Freya, Ashley and I will be working toward one mystery and staying in the region of Neverwinter to Baldur's gate while Bear, Gwen and Ulla go to the Dire forest region to save none other than your own DM, Joy! Yes Joy in our world is a 2000+ old throw back from the age of man.

1300 years after 800 years after 600 years ago roughly, Joy lived in 80's America but the timelime where bioengineering was as sophisticated as modern computers and they didn't have much beyond UNIVAC room sized computers used exclusively for scientific calculation.

They had a form of radio and TV even but that was the height of electronics, utilizing vacuum tubes.

The Earthkin rebellion was first, basically Barbarian predecessors who overran major cities and caused much devistation, fought off with the help of psi-ops (mana bearing humans.) Brought about a tenative stalemate for a few decades forming what was known as the redzone, a no man's land.

The dragonkin rebellion (a human/lizard type hybrid regarded as the pinnacle of evolution and worshiped as gods), the ancestors of dragons, left the company of man early into that 21st century, brought the human civilization and their genetic predecessors of mana bearing races to their fragmebted knees, reverting to feudal city states for the next 800 years. Imagine this as the first flight of dragons.

Then there was the great cataclysm, when summoners opened rifts and geneticists created hybrids of those rift creatures to form many of the beats of DND. Demons of course were among the denizens who traversed the rifts. That opened up the first portals to the other planes and garnered the gods' attention. 600 years later a world-spanning war succeeded in one thing, closing the rifts.

That again left the hunanoid races in shambles and fighting for supremacy.

1300 odd years later, here we are, a tenative truce between the races and beasts again left with vast swaths of untamed lands, teaming with beasts, and walled city-states along patrolled roads.

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