Round 2 Joy the Referee 08/15/2024 (Thu) 09:46 No.5288 del
(51.05 KB 320x372 Ashley 002.jpg)
(1.50 MB 1728x2592 GARDEN SPAR R02.jpg)
(620.80 KB 1109x427 MECHATHEREAL CAT.png)
(790.50 KB 1238x530 MECHATHEREAL LYNX.png)

Deploy catnip infused yarn ball chaff

There was an error in your shot last round, I forgot to add the +1 but it wouldn't have mattered.

Note: Stealth does not work in plain sight. Running through an open area in plain view for instance.

Cat makes it to the first tree in the upper Eastern green area of the map and uses stealth.
In this case of course they know where she is, they saw her run there but with stealth and cover, there's no way to say pounce or ranged target her without approaching from a place of no cover and detecting her first either passively or actively.

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx 10ft. East of her position. With a swirl of her hands and a whisper to the negative plane a Helena the mechathereal lynx pops into existence and races north finally settling behind a tree and hides about 75ft. from Cat. [1d20=5]

Ashley has 1MP left and is at her maximum number of summons.

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