08/15/2024 (Thu) 22:47
For many lore specific reasons, we rescued Ulla but she's still a slave, the contract was that we had to take her as our slave but we can emancipate her, only it costs thousands of gold to do that and she doesn't want to be emancipated. I can understand that well, Bear's a great master.
So she's a young tulpa, they're always a little generic but she's been around a long time so she already has quirks. Like she likes to call Bear 'master' even though he didn't want her to. He made the mistake of saying she didn't have to do anything she didn't want her to do so basically she took that to mean she can do whatever she wants. He's not the kind of guy to correct us unless we're doing kinky stuff so she's calling him master. A 10-yr old calling a thirty-something "master" isn't creepy at all.
[Gwen] I think it's cute.