Round 3 Joy the Referee 08/17/2024 (Sat) 02:14 No.5304 del
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With everyone hidden, Cat had nothing to do but deftly position herself in a advantageous location. She was watched carefully, mesmerizing her prey with her quick movements. She rushed like the wind, fast as lightning across the field to the west and hid again.

Ashley was stunned by this performance but she knew now Cat couldn't repeat that without resting for a turn, she could run and walk but not like that again unless she maintained her position.

[1d20+4=(11,24) vs DC13] Dazzled, no one could find Cat but because of her stealth disadvantage with her half plate, the glint of metal gave her away!

Attacking someone in stealth. If they are undetected, they cannot be targeted with ranged weapons, but they can be melee attacked with disadvantage. Given they flank, the attacks made will be normal. In this case, Cat was detected passively.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth consider their actions carefully.

Ashely is left scratching her head. "What in the gods' name is she thinking. FOUND YOU!"

"Babies, get to her and surround her." Ashley rallies attack on Helena, giving her a second turn and gets her babies to flank her, pinning her in place. She is not actually pinned.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth both rush to Cat, surrounding her but are unable to attack this turn.

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