Gwen and Autumn 08/21/2024 (Wed) 15:47 No.5366 del

[Autumn] So of course, since Alice is a dom loli, we need a dom loli. We were playing last night and it's purely either SheShe or subconscious procedural, like automatic writing. Even SheShe doesn't know what's going to happen.

[Gwen] We're heading East along the South bank of the river and come across a group of 7 wood elves from Thundertree all looking up into a large tree. The roll was, [1] (major event) [14] (1d6+1 humanoids caught unaware) [9] (7 wood elves).

[Gwen] Bear approaches with stealth but rolls a 2, so they see him coming. They have an oracle mage and she vetted him so then they show him. Their dilemma, there's an Averiel elf girl laying on a high branch with obvious injuries. I drop my equipment and weapons and fly up to get her.

[Autumn] She's dead, and Gwen knows her. One thing you may not know, Gwen is in the Rose court, she's royalty from Altus near Hillsfar. She ran away to avoid an arranged marriage to a lecher. Well! This girl followed her out but didn't make it all the way to Neverwinter.

[Gwen] She was a member of my staff, a warrior in training, who I hand chose from the populous because of her speed, agility, and tenacity. I didn't think any of them would follow me, I couldn't ask them to. Well she's 10, that happens to be the age of consent for emancipated youthes in Faerûn, 14 otherwise. When I left, he chose her as a concubine, something I forbid and loathed, so to avoid that she also escaped.

[Autumn] we don't know what we're going to do with her yet, she would be a level 0 (SheShe enacted level 0 as pre-registered) warrior of some kind. Bear will of course revive her.

[Gwen] so maybe Ulla will have a playmate but she's in no condition to travel 60 days, so we'll be taking her to Thundertree to regroup. We didn't intend to stay at Thundertree but now that we have an escort of 7 wood elves, we will. It is on the way. She is based on a character from one of Bear's novel series even before mine. You may remember her adult form of the name Halcyon. Well she popped in yesterday to express interest in being a part of this story. I welcome her!