Alice 08/23/2024 (Fri) 20:01 No.5390 del
(85.70 KB 299x288 Wait a sec.png)
Hey Miss DM!

I just recalculated whether Cat would be better than me with a bow for shooting goblins and correct me if I'm wrong but a longbow uses STR not DEX!

For Cat that's 4STR+2PROF+1 = 1D20+7
Same as with her greatsword!

>[It will be a fair fight, I will not give any favoritism to Ashley]

>The arrow sails over Ashley's head as she breaths a sigh of relief.
Assuming you rolled 4 that would have been 4+7 = 11
Ashley has 11AC so that would have been a hit!

Really gonna keep an eye on your rolls from now on. Them goblins will not escape so easily...