Joy the DM 08/27/2024 (Tue) 20:06 No.5458 del
>What are the odds of being attacked? Obviously not in their base but around the area we are now?

Imagine you thoughtlessly torment and murder several innocent humanoids simply hanging out in front of their totally legit, not for profit, clubhouse, then collect their ears in a jar of apple cider. Then pile their bodies in a bush on top of the skeleton of an unlucky orc who was the first to pass an angry dragon who reacted by slaughtering him only to let the entire rest of the orc hoard to pass peacefully and steal all his treasures.

Then you take a nap in the road right on top of the bloodstains.

Do you think maybe someone in the clubhouse might notice a half dozen of their members are missing?

Also goblins tend to be sneaky and so there might even be more watching and as you are stringing said ears on a necklace to wear at the tea party, they might warn the rest of the group.

The chances are not insignificant.