Joy the DM 08/31/2024 (Sat) 00:52 No.5525 del
>C'mon now that's harsh!

No one noticed because no one noticed. But other goblins and monsters will notice now that you have a nice collection. It's a pungent blend of rotten and fresh goblin cartilage infused hide. A stronger scent than 3 dead rats in a trash can after three days in the heat. Should work well for distracting monsters away from treasures and taunting in general.

I intend to smell a bit like a goblin, not like a pile of rotting corpses!

2 ears should be enough, 4 is plenty. Pick out the finest ones and you're good to go.

>I admit deodorizing will take a while but the ears are currently engulfed by my body anyway.

Is the spear inside your body too?

