Tamamo 09/02/2024 (Mon) 09:56 No.5551 del
So at least both wasps could carry it I guess? But it's a leather flask and not gonna shatter on impact. The oil flask would. It's better for dowsing things and setting them on fire. We need incendiary arrows too!
Man, we gotta prepare more things next time.
Let's find out no help in worrying.

But Cat can't light a fire here without being seen. This gotta wait until we are at the entrance. Another great Alice plan ruined by harsh reality.
But we'll keep the wasp drones in mind for next time. They have potential for setting things on fire.

I looked it up and unfortunately throwing distance is only 20ft even with Cat's Berserker strength. So the wasps would be extremely cool for firebombing distant targets.

So if we can without cramming too much into a round we will distribute 2 flask between Alice and me and then start to attack before they find us.