Alice 09/04/2024 (Wed) 13:52 No.5584 del
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Well I told you didn't I? But some cat got impatient again? She has a point though, time is against us.

If the goblins have minimal intelligence they just block off the entrance and wait without coming at us and shoot at anything that moves in the forest. We gotta rest soon or become exhausted and then they can kill us with ease.

Kashtan's right, it is 300 tier. Their defense position is extremely good and they have all the advantage of manpower, supplies and most of all time.

Where to?
The niggers have bows with the same range as mine and it covers the entire area outside the cave. We have no advantage by staying out of their close combat range. Only advantage is the full cover in the trees. So we will go there.
I could move out of cover 20ft, attack and move back but again this assumes they don't ready attacks and shoot anyone who moves.That's extremely risky with my shitty AC. But shortbow, longbow and sacred flame wont be enough to hold them off for long.
Ashley Panther with her disengage might be better suited for such hit and run.

Tamamo's right about the molotov cocktail. I'm mot that dumb, it's an alcohol-oil mixture. But it was my mistake with the goblin flasks. I'll refill the breakable oil flask. I hope taking the oil flask from Cat's backpack, pouring the content of my 2 flasks in and sealing it with a wick can be crammed in 1 action.