Ashley Panther Joy the DM 09/10/2024 (Tue) 15:51 No.5678 del
Ashley Panther asked me in catspeak to tell you that she's low on HP and if Cragmaw had gotten another breath out she might have actually died.

5 or 6 on 1d6 will recharge her breath.

Failed saving throw from Ashley would cause upwards of about 21 damage but could be as much as 36 (6d6 damage). She'd likely die outright as her -HP would exceed her total HP. She is governed by a slightly harsher death than you all. Otherwise if it was Cat it would require another CON saving throw to see if death was instant or not.

So 2 bad rolls from death if Cragmaw were to breath in her direction again.

Alice cannot die from this method.