Joy the DM 09/20/2024 (Fri) 16:13 No.5805 del
>sharpen all blades with the whetstone

This will work to bring a scrap weapon up one level to make it useable but still worth only scrap. Weapons have a chance of losing a level of quality on critical miss. So it won't help other weapons, it requires a blacksmith and tools and costs 50% of the value increase (SheShe figured all this out in their run). I could allow a temporary +1 for the first hit, like poison adds +1d4 for the first hit.

Nope, they're fully aware of their compromised position and will have watch just inside the cave, the dogs will also bark if they detect someone. In any case if you use stealth, usually you can have a chance of surprising a group inside the cave but they're way too wary now whether you pretend to leave or not and the moment you do they'll send out scouts as that's what they're used to doing.

[Ashley] I don't like it anyway, someone could escape. Nope I'm guarding the entrance with lynxes. If we have time to rest and prepare, I'm summoning 2 lynxes and then recovering my mp. Joy said she'd allow it as long as I don't abuse it.

[Ashley] They can't have too many more in there right?

[Ashley] They already said we could rest, the dwarves will wait for us before they leave.

If you had tinkering skill and woodworking tools or tinkering tools, you could make fire arrows from one torch and one arrow but it exchanges 1d6 sharp for 1d6 fire damage with the possibility of setting things on fire. You don't have the skill or tools here. You can throw a torch. Let's say 60ft but with disadvantage to hit anyone.

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