Autumn 09/28/2024 (Sat) 03:10 No.5874 del
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So there are three arcs now, one where Ashley and I are in school but we're yet to have our first day. Bear, Ulla, and Hali are now headed toward Joy while Gwen and Freya are slowly working their way back to Luskan from the north. They're in a place called Hundlestone, basically an undermountain town with minimal farms and a short growing season, relying on rock hares and more rock hares, and trade for sustainable living along with snow cattle.

[Gwen from here]
We had no packs and limited funds. So we had to negotiate and hunt foxes, we got some coats and snow shoes so we could walk on the snowy trails. We were in ten-towns then headed southwest. Now we're on a quest to find 12 stolen cattle. Someone picked a lock took a few at a time until they were all gone but locked it again after every incident. We also can get 50gold for every pair of yeti horns, and we found some tracks, but they can't pick locks so someone else took them possibly. We're in an old mine and are investigating now.

[Autumn] Bear hasn't forgotten about us otherwise and still gives Ashley and I attention. By the way, I'm now on par with Ashley.

[Ashley] not hardly.