It's time for more rules Joy the DM 10/08/2024 (Tue) 01:07 No.5989 del
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>Can you do that?
The whole dash and 30ft thing is only during battle, otherwise you can move about freely.

Can she actively look for traps? I suppose I could take it easy on her since she is explicitly looking for them.

>I also don't get the darkness.
>We have darkvision which according to the rules means we can see in complete darkness

"you can see in the dark"
"Dim light becomes bright light and darkness becomes dim light"

Darkvision is OP, everyone gets it but humans, denied. Think cats, they can see in very low light, not zero light. They can't see infrared, they don't produce their own light.

"Cats can see in the dark because they have a reflective layer at the back of their eye, which reflects light through the retina a second time. This allows them to make the most of dim light conditions and ensures they can see clearly, even when there isn't much light to work with."

With Darkvision, You are cat tier. With Blindsight, you are bat tier. With truesight you are god tier.

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