Joy the DM 10/22/2024 (Tue) 17:57 No.6195 del
>lynxes guarding

The cats Ashley summon are supported by her. I allowed them to remain in the material plane while she sleeps just so she didn't have to resummon them if she rested but they also rest during that time. So they can't be used as sentries other than if someone attacked one and physically hit it, they are essentially asleep if Ashley is 'resting'.

Currently Helga is in the chamber with the civilians but she's not guarding them and she is hiding with stealth.


Helga could potentially mouth and carry the crystal back.

>not killing the civilians
[Ashley] if we don't, they could escape and warn the others. Technically anyone left alive could communicate the whole plan to any scout sent by the castle group. They are accomplices to the raids and ambushes. In my chaotic neutral mind, they're culpable and have been sentenced to death by Sildar and the dwarves per our agreement.

[Ashley] Imagine going back to Sildar and saying we left some alive. As much as I don't like the lack of information he left us with, not killing them all would be a failure on our part.

>good guys

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