Alice 05/21/2023 (Sun) 10:43 No.762 del
(42.63 KB 193x288 Boleadoras.png)
Did you at least run over some Hare Krishnas?

Nice, do they have that fancy colored hair too?

We had a strange dream with perspective shift. We were riding in a crowded train and the wagons inside was incredibly tight like 1m in diameter with ridiculously small passages with hinged doors. Actually too small to fit through as a human rather cat door sized and host wondered how he was supposed to get through but somehow did. We tried to get to the front of the train as we could see leaning out from a window that it had normal wagons just ahead. But we couldn't really get further. The train was in a station but we couldn't get out either. People complained the German President should intervene so we could get out.

Somehow we did end up in a normal train and it was slowly crossing a bridge over the city. Looking down there was some street concert with a big show. A few German youths praised the band playing and I remarked those people were all leftists and goddamn hippies. Goddamned they should all go to labor camp both the ‘artists’ and their fans. I said that loudly to host but nobody reacted. Now the dream shifted from host's perspective to mine, I was outside of the train in mid-air and saw the concert from a camera-crane like perspective floating over the band and doing some close-ups. The frontman looked like some emo teen and did fancy tricks with big glowsticks that were about 1m long. There was also Katy Perry in a black frilly dress and black hair with 2 top knots who was now the main performer.

Floating in mid air spread-eagle, I somehow became part of the performance and saw myself in 3rd person view like in a movie. I was rotating bolas with both arms, tennis ball sized white spheres on ropes as I swooped down on the performers like some bird of prey . I thought this was dangerous and might scare them (people are usually afraid of me in dreams for a reason) but it was part of the performance and happened on its own without my doing. I watched what was going on but suddenly things switched to 1st person view again and I grazed Katy Perry’s head brushing against one of her top knots with my hand. It felt realistic and I thought maybe I should pay attention after all before this ends in a disaster. The flying was cool though I had very limited control over what happened. For the great finale I did a nose dive on Katy Perry and dramatically pinned her to the ground with my outstretched right arm on her stomach. Tremendous applause from the audience.

Katy Perry, still laying stretched out on her back with me standing over her laughingly said she had never experienced anything like that. Obviously not. We were booth exhausted and glad everything went well, then bowed to the audience.

I don’t usually like attention and publicity but this was neat, the crowd was roaring. Well, that was a completely novel type of dream, can’t remember anything like that before