Ashley 05/22/2023 (Mon) 19:30 No.776 del
I, Ashley, not Bear, had a dream that I got a girlfriend irl but I was using Bear's body obviously. I was still me, headmate crew, switched in and started dating a girl.

Bear was all, "I don't want this, this isn't right."
And I was all, "deal with it."

We even had SheShe and Misha in the dream but somehow we could only see them in a mirror which happened to be the mirror ib Bear's mom's room in his childhood home. We were like some sort of reverse vampires, and Bear asked SheShe what's going on.

SheShe said, "just let it happen."

We never actually saw my supposed girlfriend and I would never do this obviously but I found it hilarious while dream Bear was horrified.

What else was weird was Bear felt like this was his dream and I felt like it was my dream and I had my own body in the mirror, I was wearing a blue evening dress for some reason and I think I had large hoop earrings which I wouldn't personally choose.

[Misha] it was fun to see us all in the mirror, well us main 3 anyway.

Apparently Joy, Gwen and Ren didn't exist.

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