Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 21:07:08 No.11909 del
At the start of the game, remember not to work for free. System bounties or Heg's on its own. You can also try personal bounties (those leading outside the core systems), but you will have to manage your resources more. In this case, use free look (right mouse button) to navigate better around the storms. If you don't see a clear immediate route, though, just plow right through them, it's not worth the time. Remember to emergency burn if storms take you way off track.
About your ships in particular
>Tarsus, Phaeton
non combat, don't deploy
>wayfarer, cerberuses, hound
Combat freighters. Try to avoid deploying them, but don't feel too attached.
A brick. Use it as a meatshield.
>Hammerhead, Lasher
The best offensive ships you have, you should use them to press the advantage or pick off smaller ships quickly.
In your current fleet it's going to be another brick, but a way more survivable one. It has a lot of PPT in comparison to most of your ships, I think, so there's an option of putting safety overrides on it to make it into a blazing fast murder machine. Savescum a bit and see if it's your cup of tea.