01/26/2025 (Sun) 22:59
>>70849Gonna have to concur with this:
It's becoming clear that it's just all too much for them. Zenimax/Bethesda are in over their heads with ESO and can't deal with the userbase (providing tech support, game support, banning cheaters and over-the-top toxic players), and can't fix their network and multiplayer client/server bugs either because the client design and interpolation logic is too much for them or they've commited to a cloud game server third party that has issues. Their attempts to fix bugs or - for the love of god just stop - crank out yet more DLC that only breaks more and more stuff.
Apparently Sony put the screws to them and wouldn't allow preorders of the most recent chapter on the PS4 platform because ESO was so buggy and generating boatloads of crash reports. Sony basically said "Fix the bugs or no preorders!" They couldn't fix the bugs, so in an effort to at least look better to Sony, they did something with an exception handler or whatever to just start hanging and not call the crash reporting code. Careful Zen, Sony's not that stupid.