Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:21:43 No.10 del
I'm a hikki and a neet but I'm not living on welfare or with parents.
>Is it true that Japanese people really don’t like gaijins in their culture?
Yes, although depending on the person they might be okay with it depending on how respectful you are/how well you integrate.
>Do you go to yoshida every year to observe the cherry blossoms blooming?
>do you use Skype?
>Can we talk, or are you rather reserved in friendships?
If you're interesting sure.
>do you think I could learn Japanese the same way I learned English? As in, by using it? Speaking it?
You'll need to study things like Hiragana, Katakana and most importantly kanji, but yes using it helps.
>Is miso soup good?
>Oh yeah, for steam, what game would you like me to buy for you?
I only play CSS/CSGO, preferably CS:GO.
>Ok another thing how come are Japanese boys so cute, and women even cuter? Like look at this

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