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"Assuredly I say unto you, if a man doth display his porn and another man doth covet it, thou must giveth him the sauce, lest he have a chafed dick the rest of that day." - Board Owner

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Fapper 05/29/2023 (Mon) 12:17 [Preview] No. 1207
Operation ACK

ITT we share our p0rnz with endfags and discuss how to purge 4/gif/ of troons/ nigger/jidf.

To do:
>decide what we raid with
>dump raid material in a second thread
>recruit support from other boards (frenz will help for sure)

Some people mod on sites, but those people should let us do this anyway for the lulz.

Fapper 05/29/2023 (Mon) 12:32 [Preview] No.1208 del
>how to purge 4/gif/ of troons/ nigger/jidf.
How about invite here the users who don't like tranny and nigger and jidf content, and leave the faggots over there.
Add "https://endchan.net" watermark to videos from nth frame. Preferably not the tranny/nigger/jidf videos, but lafflose ones and others.

Fapper 05/29/2023 (Mon) 12:36 [Preview] No.1209 del
A lot of users have already left cuckchan, but I don't think it's the right response to allow bad actors to take over.
As soon as we move here they will do the exact same thing, in the past this has badly fragmented some communities.

No, no it's the shills who have to leave not us

Fapper 05/31/2023 (Wed) 05:02 [Preview] No.1210 del
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Archive of the /gif/ raceplay spam discussion thread so far.

Best replies attached.

I think that instead of or along with raiding we should develop a message that we can post in image or screencapped text form which succinctly summarizes the issue and contains our proposals to fix it.

This should also contain rebuttals to common spam-replies and "arguments" made in response. To make this we must first get those replies and break them down logically so we can rebut them.

The goal is to raise awareness among the userbase that:
1. There is a problem.
2. What that problem is.
3. Easy ways to fix it.

After everyone is aware of the problem we can then find ways to apply pressure the the owners of 4chan.

Fapper 05/31/2023 (Wed) 05:02 [Preview] No.1211 del
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Last two screencaps.

Fapper 06/11/2023 (Sun) 23:28 [Preview] No.1232 del
Also a good idea to document/archive instances of filter evasion going unpunished for days. It's free ammo to use against the mods.

Fapper 06/12/2023 (Mon) 14:58 [Preview] No.1233 del
With proper moderation the problem goes away

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