(1.41 MB 3088x2316 IMG_84100.jpeg)
Cewl thread #19 Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 00:04 [Preview] No. 96072 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
368 posts and 88 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:08 [Preview] No.96918 del
i just wanna idk. I wouldnt be asking if I knew why

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:18 [Preview] No.96921 del
(2.41 MB 3024x4032 IMG_8624.jpg)
if it makes you feel better i have fapped to pic related

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:20 [Preview] No.96922 del
(1.65 MB 424x732 loli_coke.webm)
cewl when she tries to blow me

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:50 [Preview] No.97005 del

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:00 [Preview] No.97027 del
Water sprinkled legs are nice ngl, сестра

(234.24 KB 412x302 whenyouhavenothing.png)
tinker thread #4 Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 19:10 [Preview] No. 82935 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
tiktok @grlwiththemousyhair

instagram @roadkillbaby29

discord @imsodeathmachine
392 posts and 125 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:27 [Preview] No.97017 del
She looks 35

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:40 [Preview] No.97019 del
(298.93 KB 828x618 IMG_1245.png)
(461.79 KB 828x1082 IMG_1240.png)
(305.29 KB 828x615 IMG_1258.png)
Literally the cutest thing ever

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:42 [Preview] No.97024 del
Wow. This new style suits her really well.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:56 [Preview] No.97025 del

stfu stinker, I guess you wanted to look like Ema Thurman in Pulp Fiction but it backfired and now you look more retarded lmao

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:57 [Preview] No.97026 del
Dude looks like a lady!

Lili Mori Thread OP 07/28/2023 (Fri) 02:47 [Preview] No. 27916 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I came here to share my ex attwhore
I dated and lived for 6 years with this bitch for her to cheat on me, but she's pretty cute so I'm bringing her pics
194 posts and 156 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:38 [Preview] No.96903 del
Tell everything about it

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:39 [Preview] No.96904 del
This first pic it's a ultra rare
Post more

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:27 [Preview] No.96923 del
There's not much else to tell , specially since I wouldn't be confortable exposing anyone besides her , I only added more information because OP outted himself as a cuck already.
Everything to do with her just makes me sad honestly, we weren't besties or anything but she was so sweet and nice to me despite being mere acquaintances that frequented the same places and knew the same people; we spoke briefly on twitter back when that was still a thing you could acess here lol, and she posts constantly about her kinks for the world to see , so nothing has changed it seems

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:49 [Preview] No.96981 del
some early posts ITT make it sound like she's a madwoman but it seems you have other experiences. how bad is it really? moodswings left and right or actually a nice person?
perhaps she's a pervert but so am i. i just think she's cute, not like i'm going to interact with her in any way. i don't interact with anyone

Bee Thread #4 Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 09:28 [Preview] No. 87180 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Joker Edition

373 posts and 181 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:05 [Preview] No.96782 del
Stop insulting Ika, Bee

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:11 [Preview] No.96783 del
She should stop fucking pedrophiles and send us some nudes

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:28 [Preview] No.96786 del
I can't believe how awesome bee is

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:16 [Preview] No.96824 del
I know right?? Do you think she'd kiss us bros??

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:11 [Preview] No.97022 del
For certain

september thread Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:20 [Preview] No. 58452 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
the lazy one is the only one making new threads edition
444 posts and 823 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:44 [Preview] No.58920 del
Oh suddenly timecodes work on this site.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:20 [Preview] No.58921 del
I could stop the sun from rising if I bet $20 on it happening.

Mite be cool. A modern setting allows for more paraplegic brown gender blob soldiers.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:05 [Preview] No.58922 del
(1.71 MB 720x1278 outfits.mp4)
Bee update: The bee activity is similar to how it was before the heat wave melted their hive. I opened the wooden crate they are in a bit more so they can more easily get in and out and they didn't seem to be bothered by my presence.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:07 [Preview] No.58924 del
Perfect solar alignment at the wal-mart. Beautiful. The weather wasn't too bad today either.

(56.00 KB 800x450 lmaoo.jpg)
Becca hochman/Girls of teens react Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 01:51 [Preview] No. 62706 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Am i the only oldfag autist that never quite got over becca hochman and her huge Bazongas from the REACT youtube days??
I know Lia was usually other anons cup of tea but still.. i miss those old /tv/ threads, Its a shame becca seems to have vanished after seething about the fact that most of the attention she was getting was because of her body
40 posts and 22 images omitted.

Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:22 [Preview] No.74619 del
(2.89 MB 1280x720 beccs2.webm)
New (Old) webm i found looking through 4plebs

Anonymous 09/01/2024 (Sun) 04:51 [Preview] No.92771 del
(2.72 MB 1920x1080 hochmans1.webm)
I just happened to stumble upon this mid fap session and was befuddled to see a random omegle vid of some guy posting pics of Becca, pretending to be her brother lol

Anonymous 09/01/2024 (Sun) 07:50 [Preview] No.92775 del
you guys are insane. no more porn to watch?

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:50 [Preview] No.97004 del
(982.14 KB 1050x1020 hochmans2 lift.webm)
Are you really trying to moralfag on what is essentially a cyberstalking board?

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:58 [Preview] No.97021 del
oh it's mostly public info. mostly.

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Ashley Jones Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 21:15 [Preview] No. 7748 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for "Ashley Jones," AKA Kaleigh. Former Youtuber who catered to /pol/ at the age of 15 and gained a lot of orbiters, including Marky Jane Thompson.
216 posts and 60 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:23 [Preview] No.96998 del
(359.78 KB 720x1280 KM.jpg)
Ashley Jones is also a supporter of Kamala Harris (picrel), so it makes sense that Donald Trump hates her.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:57 [Preview] No.97008 del
Ashley is just another woman thinking with her vagina.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:57 [Preview] No.97009 del
Mod abuse

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:12 [Preview] No.97012 del
>the world's funniest female comedienne, Ashley Jones.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:50 [Preview] No.97020 del

(218.50 KB 945x945 ken.jpg)
Kennedi thread #19 Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 11:38 [Preview] No. 88164 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Kennedi Cotarelo, slender and bright,
Dances through cinema’s flickering light.
In literature’s realms and music’s sweet song,
Her spirit finds where dreams belong.

With poetry’s grace, her soul takes flight,
In every word, she captures the night.
A name that sings of beauty and grace,
A vibrant life in time and space.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kennedicotarelo
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/heartbeat/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/flowerco
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/194172735@N06/
Tumblr: https://throbbinggristle.tumblr.com/
Fragrantica: https://www.fragrantica.com/member/1299311 (inactive)
Blogspot:' https://lovesickloveletters.blogspot.com/ (inactive)

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

449 posts and 82 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:35 [Preview] No.96840 del
A 15 year old with painted on eyebrows who ditched the habit and turned beautiful. Most girls get uglier with age. Ken has only gotten better. This makes you seethe with jealousy and resentment so you resort to pretending she's still 15.

Its been 10 years.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:55 [Preview] No.96841 del
(1.41 MB 852x1510 1726133927495.png)

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:44 [Preview] No.96879 del
She looks cute

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:28 [Preview] No.97018 del
I <3 ken

(185.91 KB 1110x802 1018117_397536.jpg)
THE Audrey 18: Armpits edition Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:21 [Preview] No. 96804 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

24 posts and 5 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:10 [Preview] No.96985 del
Classic roastie cope but it doesn't matter. She's already branded for life.
She might cope by saying what matters is the present but that sure as hell won't change the fact she was happily gargling cum and playing with man ass like a whore before. Miss me with that shit.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:25 [Preview] No.96991 del
Considering people have been "leaking" fake nudes of her since these threads have been made I'm obviously not going to believe any of them are real unless there's explicit proof, like one of her exes comes out and verifies. Who is leaking these nudes anyway?

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:04 [Preview] No.96995 del
>Who is leaking these nudes anyway?
No idea but I think it's interesting that that boobs pics was quietly posted to /r9k/ last week and namedropped Audrey out of the blue only to be all like "haha jk not actually her lol ;)". Idk that's the kind of behavior I'd expect from someone who does have something and then plays dumb.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:47 [Preview] No.97003 del
Fuck Audrey

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:53 [Preview] No.97007 del
Who did she send this to and when? She looks very young there

SAINT EUPHEMIA THE ALL-PRAISED 百合 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:18 Id: 9dd516 [Preview] No. 233138 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's currently her feast day.
65 posts and 61 images omitted.

百合 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:39 Id: 9dd516 [Preview] No.233207 del
Watch any anime lately?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:43 Id: acc613 [Preview] No.233209 del
Need good internet first.
But, I tried watching the first episode of Rolling Girls and that was awful.
This season was really bad.

百合 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:45 Id: 9dd516 [Preview] No.233210 del
Get good internet.

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Rozelli Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 03:23 [Preview] No. 14943 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
a thread for the ugliest r9k girl!
205 posts and 121 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 01:08 [Preview] No.96125 del
>refugees welcome
>fucks niggers

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 07:08 [Preview] No.96284 del
how old is roz? I thought she was like 28.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 00:28 [Preview] No.96466 del
(213.71 KB 1024x1024 1726350005500533.jpg)
(982.02 KB 879x669 1531699989647.png)
Why didn't anyone save Roz?
Like 24 or 25

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:32 [Preview] No.96994 del
(243.71 KB 1088x1920 1551449780126.jpg)

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:44 [Preview] No.97002 del
>Like 24 or 25

God damn. I thought she was 24 or 25 in her OLD pics.

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Sydney Johnson Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 01:27 [Preview] No. 96141 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This thread is about our little johnson! Sydney Johnson.
If you can possibly find any rares post them!!!

This is the linktree link to all of her socials
Her private account on instagram isnt included but its @pjgtail
80 posts and 50 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:43 [Preview] No.96976 del
my god anon you are obsessed with this thread

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:46 [Preview] No.96978 del
no way she even knows what endchan or 4chan is

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:52 [Preview] No.96982 del
whats the new tele links ? i got to see what she's said about this thread and shit

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:13 [Preview] No.96997 del
(525.32 KB 1170x808 IMG_6228.jpeg)
is this who she edits to try and be like??

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:42 [Preview] No.97001 del
(888.63 KB 828x1792 IMG_9893.png)
damn i just realized that same person that has been archiving every pic of bianca devins also has some rares of sydney johnson

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/qtg/ - qt general #3 Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 08:36 [Preview] No. 88815 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for the general posting of miscellaneous e-girls and/or cute girls of any kind, especially ones who do not need or deserve their own dedicated threads.
Do not make new threads for non-established e-girls if you're going to contribute nothing more than an OP. Do not make threads for girls that you have one photo of, no information, and that are unlikely to generate any significant interest. Low content threads like these will be deleted. Such posts should be made in this thread instead.
This thread enables the posting and some discussion of lesser known e-girls. If they attract enough interest here it may be possible that they will eventually require their own thread.

Previous: >>59736
214 posts and 305 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:43 [Preview] No.96874 del
Can't believe Kay would do something like this

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:29 [Preview] No.96959 del
fuck this hoe lamb is my pseudoname

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:26 [Preview] No.96992 del
You're an irrelevant Brazilian monkey

Bianca Devins / Oxychan discussion #3 Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 17:43 [Preview] No. 95109 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread to discuss Bianca Devins aka Oxychan and the events surrounding her death.

Previous Thread: >>81383

Related threads:

Post rares if you have any.
113 posts and 70 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:47 [Preview] No.96980 del
I know that, but you can't officially make a blanket statement like that in an infographic or set of rules, especially in case some idiot misidentifies agonal breathing for someone who is breathing with distress but could be saved. Always make your rules with the dumbest people in mind.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:05 [Preview] No.96983 del
i thought this >>96969 was your last post on this "yucky" website. why are you still here?

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:06 [Preview] No.96984 del
(404.05 KB 828x622 IMG_9886.jpeg)
i think her outfit is cute in this

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:10 [Preview] No.96986 del
i would recommend maybe tumblr? i was gonna say instagram but then the bianca pages are gonna be on ur ass for not privating lmao i deeply appreciate you for not gatekeeping pics of bia tho

star 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:08 [Preview] No.96996 del

omg yes tumblr is a really good place!!! thank you sm I'll let you guys know once it's made

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2024 collage thread #2 Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:11 [Preview] No. 58456 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
new thread since the other hit bump limit. i will update the collage soon, guys. id appreciate if you can post any new egirls because im kind of out of date
484 posts and 130 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:54 [Preview] No.96930 del
why are you deleting posts that compliment pukara? she's a good girl and winner of queen 2023
ban evasion (fatsaturn)

vore is chad only Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:30 [Preview] No.96933 del
(195.29 KB 1199x1155 vore_chadsexual.jpg)

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:41 [Preview] No.96947 del
She sent pussy pics to a fat black incel named Almios so this is false

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:56 [Preview] No.96951 del
holy fuck she sent nudes to a minor

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:12 [Preview] No.96988 del
post all the screenshots

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Sunny/Kaya Thread #9 Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 00:59 [Preview] No. 70586 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
404 posts and 70 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 07:09 [Preview] No.96285 del
Angelic Sunny is going to be there for us. She's gonna make it.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 00:21 [Preview] No.96463 del
No, she's not and NO, she's not.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 19:32 [Preview] No.96604 del
Yes, and Yes. Angelic Kaya is something else. She's no mere bpd whore like the rest. She's a scholar, a researcher, a hero.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:26 [Preview] No.96957 del
Shes narcissist larping as autist (le uniq mind)
Different but still fucked up

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:56 [Preview] No.96961 del
yes, we can at least agree that Angelic Kaya doesn't have the crippling Borderline Personality Disorder that has doomed so many e-girls. The fact she is ignoring us shows that she doesn't need us to rely upon for attention, that she's matured, and that she is improving. She's one of the few of the girls from this site with a proper honest to goodness degree in her hands. Most do not have the attention span or IQ to handle university. Most e-girls are midwits or worse.

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Shinobazooka Thread Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 11:23 [Preview] No. 24139 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
197 posts and 44 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 00:15 [Preview] No.94858 del
that's david lucas. she def not gonna have them around for actual MDE

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 00:24 [Preview] No.94867 del
happy for her and sam 😊
they both deserve love and happiness

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 13:15 [Preview] No.94925 del
actually yes but sam always seemed like a scumbag hopefully he changes as a man

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 06:06 [Preview] No.95331 del
proof that the kid still exists or I call bs

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:04 [Preview] No.96953 del
do you guys think sam is aware that blasting TRT more or less guarantees you have daughters? it's kind of funny that the king of chuds himself is doomed to have daughters and no male offspring unless he fixes his hormones

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Wagie/ Donut-chan Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 15:42 [Preview] No. 90802 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
New /b/ / r9k 21 years old e-girl she works in a fast food restaurant she seems very sweet what do you guys think of her?
332 posts and 125 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:49 [Preview] No.96939 del
ALSO DONT SPEAK ON DONUT'S NOSE WHEN THIS IS KENNEDI'S NOSE. not only is it the size of a truck but it's 5 miles away from her mouth. a long philtrum is considered one of the most unattractive traits in people which kennedi has one of the longest ive ever seen

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:38 [Preview] No.96945 del
Poor malding skank feels threatened by a far more attractive woman, must feel horrible knowing the only men attracted to you are fat fetishists who would abandon you in a heartbeat for the next lardtub that comes along

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:41 [Preview] No.96948 del
(102.68 KB 640x621 1560831300824.jpg)
i would rather be attracted to a fat girl than a neanderthal troon

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:45 [Preview] No.96949 del
You are just a fatter version of Medoi. Nobody simps for you and you have no friends. You scream and shout over how you are a "Stacy" when in fact you are a deformed hippo who looks like it ran into a wall. Continue seething, you are a lolcow and nothing more. Also, put a fucking proper bra on, those fat bags are already touching the ground and you aren't even 30.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:01 [Preview] No.96952 del
im not talking about donutchan im talking about kennedi who looks like an actual man. you're insulting people who simp for donutchan yet you simp for a "woman" who has a prehistoric man face and body

(468.31 KB 1125x2001 1597862143720.jpeg)
210 posts and 63 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:22 [Preview] No.96740 del
Show’s face yeah. DM him for the preview.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:32 [Preview] No.96742 del
So, you DMed him for a "preview" but didn't download it? I smell a scam

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:37 [Preview] No.96776 del
Can’t save disappearing messages

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:43 [Preview] No.96779 del
Guess you aren't set up to record, shame

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:30 [Preview] No.96944 del
Seller being the worlds biggest cuck doesnt help.

(76.65 KB 797x1003 1668735754944.jpg)
Burunete womean


Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 03:06 [Preview] No.39946 del
handcrafted for BBC

sage Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 11:34 [Preview] No.55562 del

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:11 [Preview] No.58916 del
drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you shit-skinned donkey rapist

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agatha2 mu Anonymous 11/07/2021 (Sun) 14:08 [Preview] No. 5975 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's share all the music and playlists that make us think of any of the girls. I'll start with the obvious.
Ciara and The Smiths
https://youtube.com/watch?v=w3qPMe_cCJk [Embed]
87 posts and 23 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 16:51 [Preview] No.78723 del
>t. uncultured pleb

Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 23:03 [Preview] No.87659 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NqnvI2AS35Q [Embed]

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 16:04 [Preview] No.96005 del
Both songs belong to Audrey now.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:39 [Preview] No.96818 del
(810.92 KB 956x972 CUTE.png)
Tinker's theme
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OTSfZjFC8YA [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QuizC8P9VtA [Embed]

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:21 [Preview] No.96868 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CTAud5O7Qqk [Embed]

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Lucy thread Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 16:53 [Preview] No. 17054 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Lucyspectre on discord. I need more pictures of her because I am not in any marc e-faggot server and I don't know her socials, can someone post more pictures of her please?
449 posts and 87 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 21:48 [Preview] No.92182 del
she just doesn't have it anymore, you know what I mean?

Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 10:07 [Preview] No.92262 del
(228.89 KB 1261x710 lucy.jpg)

Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 15:24 [Preview] No.93459 del
What the fuck was her problem?

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:32 [Preview] No.96839 del
(1.63 MB 1179x2019 19381699.jpg)
Looks super different now.

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:37 [Preview] No.96851 del
Still looks Filipino

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Kane Gang Anonymous 07/26/2021 (Mon) 04:52 [Preview] No. 3524 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Who else a fan of this autistic jewish girl?

57 posts and 14 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 13:23 [Preview] No.67676 del
(1.31 MB 576x1024 1715519296473676.webm)
She told me to donate to her because she has big boobs but also told me to to mention her big boobs

Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:27 [Preview] No.72611 del
>lives in LA
>Disney adult
>degree in art/animation whatever

How is this bitch now employed at some company? They're hiring nitwits like this all the time. How is this not a thing?

Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 07:19 [Preview] No.78638 del
She is sooo frakkin boring

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 23:24 [Preview] No.96056 del
her tits have gotten so fucking big, oh my god. they are the size of giant watermelons

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.96835 del
But she is soooo boring omg. Its either star trek and only the original star trek or angela anaconda.

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Rose Thread Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 16:01 [Preview] No. 83999 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread dedicated to the british youtuber and gamer Randytaylor69 aka Rose aka Rosemary Lisa Wolfe Gotto.

Last video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6c3gxlyCaQE [Embed]

discord gg/HCjNFYb

A fan-made channel that archived all her deleted youtube videos and 600+ video responses she recorded for a now gone site called vyou:
39 posts and 20 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 16:38 [Preview] No.94110 del
OK, I lied about old files. Still, the site is almost 20 years old and goes under the radar all this time, no piracy scandals.

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 18:17 [Preview] No.94140 del
I think bunkr is better

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 18:43 [Preview] No.94164 del
2GB size per upload vs 10GB total (expandable up to 39).

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:13 [Preview] No.96734 del
(587.87 KB 2988x5312 1531373781811.jpg)
Roz> Rose

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:14 [Preview] No.96736 del
Olive nigger, go home retard

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Empathchan/Empiechan/Seppukuprincess thread #2 Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 19:08 [Preview] No. 10893 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
E-thot, facetune addict, twitter attention whore, wannabe camgirl, and art thief living in her parents' basement.

259 posts and 135 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 04:50 [Preview] No.95692 del
her "art" idek if she traced this

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 10:22 [Preview] No.95713 del
Whenever I hear her voice I get the feeling she needs a hug, she sounds like she is gonna burst into tears whenever she speaks.

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 13:35 [Preview] No.95734 del
why is every egirl a shitty "artist" that just doodles anime girls? imagine being an artist and that is the extent of your skill and imagination.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:19 [Preview] No.96698 del
(1.22 MB 1170x1526 1726390302824.jpeg)

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:32 [Preview] No.96708 del
Do you realize how many normie chicks want to be "artsy" and "cultured". It's like a roastie right of passage