百合 05/26/2024 (Sun) 04:34 Id: 6b0793 No.229357 del
(63.39 KB 1122x319 Enemies of Judea.jpg)
You are all worthless, dumb, idiotic goyim scum, by the way
None of you will survive the coming Era of Mashiach. Our sages told that in the days of Mashiach, gog u-magog, aka the 70 non-Jewish nations of the World will be destroyed. That includes all of you white nazis, the chinese, the niggers- everyone who is non Jew.

The only Gentiles left are the ones that will serve us. According to Sages, each of us will have 2800 Gentile slaves.

Baruch Ashem, we will witness this first hand very soon.