百合 06/20/2024 (Thu) 01:27 Id: bf90d2 No.229941 del
>What do you think about Hematospermia?
I would have preferred not thinking about it.

But since you asked, as I in turn asked GPT-4, and here is its answer:
Hematospermia, or blood in the semen, can be a concerning symptom for many individuals. It is often seen in men under the age of 40 without significant underlying pathology, and in many cases, it resolves on its own without treatment. However, for men over 40, hematospermia may be more likely to be associated with more significant conditions like infections, inflammations, or tumors of the reproductive or urinary systems.

Common causes of hematospermia can include prostate infections or inflammations, sexually transmitted infections, trauma, or, less commonly, cancer. Diagnostic steps typically include a physical examination, urinalysis, and sometimes imaging studies like ultrasound or MRI to determine the cause. Treatment is directed towards the underlying cause if identified.

If someone is experiencing hematospermia, especially with other symptoms like pain, fever, or if it persists over multiple episodes, it is advisable to seek medical evaluation to rule out any serious conditions.