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Do you know her? Anonymous 04/22/2021 (Thu) 15:51:10 [Preview] No. 1457
I saw this in the gallery of one of the bubblegum communities over 10 years ago.
Being a bubblegum fetishist since I was a kid, I was very surprised and excited.
Somewhere along the way, the community disappeared, but I was able to find this photo again.
The background makes it look like an old photo.
Does anyone know who she is?

Anonymous 04/22/2021 (Thu) 15:58:31 [Preview] No.1458 del
I am not 100% sure who she is, but I believe her nick-name was the champ. I think her and her husband posted several pictures of her bubblegum skills.

Anonymous 04/22/2021 (Thu) 16:24:22 [Preview] No.1459 del
What is the origin of the name "Champ"?
How many other bubbles did she have?

Anonymous 04/23/2021 (Fri) 22:09:09 [Preview] No.1460 del
I have never seen any other pictures of her blowing bubbles besides these four.

Anonymous 04/24/2021 (Sat) 21:22:16 [Preview] No.1461 del
These are some more of her. These are the only ones that I know of and have found. I wish I knew of her history. I really like these site when I am able to read some history of various bubblegum blowers.

Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 16:30:16 [Preview] No.1462 del
how pathetic

Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 20:22:32 [Preview] No.1463 del
No you

Anonymous 04/26/2021 (Mon) 14:43:31 [Preview] No.1465 del
Well I heard her husband is requesting the community to refrain from posting pictures of her because she passed away.

Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 13:17:41 [Preview] No.1466 del
She became known by Yahoo Groups.
Is there any way to browse Yahoo Groups anymore?

Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 22:57:10 [Preview] No.1467 del
Yahoo Groups was shut down on December 15, 2020.

Anonymous 05/15/2021 (Sat) 13:01:37 [Preview] No.1473 del
When was the time she was called a champ?

Anonymous 05/25/2021 (Tue) 18:33:32 [Preview] No.1485 del
I am not sure.

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 00:08:44 [Preview] No.1487 del
About 20 years ago, I think?

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 00:54:49 [Preview] No.1488 del
Twenty years ago, at the time, was her bubble the biggest?
Was there an official world record?

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 01:21:37 [Preview] No.1491 del
As far as I know, her bubbles are still the biggest. The bubbles in these pictures are not even close to her biggest.

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 05:15:47 [Preview] No.1492 del
Were they using a special ingredient to strengthen the gum?

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 16:16:11 [Preview] No.1493 del
No “special ingredients “ because that would be cheating.

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 18:14:56 [Preview] No.1494 del
Was she bigger than Sandi's bubbles?

Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 18:31:31 [Preview] No.1495 del

Anonymous 05/27/2021 (Thu) 03:40:19 [Preview] No.1500 del
> Anonymous 04/28/202
Got any photos? Or else it would seem hard to believe lol

Anonymous 05/27/2021 (Thu) 09:56:28 [Preview] No.1501 del
None of her pictures should be posted, including the ones that are here.

Anonymous 05/27/2021 (Thu) 21:14:13 [Preview] No.1502 del
Who cares

Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 19:15:37 [Preview] No.1724 del
This woman was the best ever.,

Anonymous 07/20/2022 (Wed) 15:31:43 [Preview] No.1727 del
The fucking champ women we hear so much about...Whatever. That scotland weirdo prolly made up all his recent discord posts about how big this ancient person could blow.


Anonymous 07/20/2022 (Wed) 19:40:13 [Preview] No.1729 del
Some people have already seen the other pictures, but nobody owes you anything you little faggot! Rude, entitled, millennial pussies don’t get to anything! Go fuck yourself! The world doesn’t owe you anything because it was here first.

Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 15:55:21 [Preview] No.1730 del
these photos are older than you are

Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 15:55:55 [Preview] No.1731 del
these photos are older than you are

Anonymous 07/30/2022 (Sat) 12:35:25 [Preview] No.1733 del
There are none. The pics in the OP are the biggest she blew.

Anonymous 07/31/2022 (Sun) 21:35:56 [Preview] No.1734 del
These are not the her biggest. Robby, one of the first to see the material over 20 years ago, on one occasion, even mentioned a film or video. To be logical, why would the owner of this property ever show anything better than this to anyone ever again? I am sure if he did show bigger bubbles to someone, they would never end up posted here, right? WRONG! They would end up hear in 2 seconds flat! However posted these pictures knows they should not be posted. This is a lesson to everyone. Nobody should share anything believing that people will keep there promises not to display it. I can’t think of any reason for the owner to share any pictures of larger bubbles after what has happened. Too many liars and creeps!

Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 18:38:39 [Preview] No.1735 del
That Scotland “weirdo” sure has lived the dream. He’s had two beautiful girlfriends that blew Humongous bubbles for him. The Champ was the best of the two girlfriends, and she is practically a legend in the online bubblegum community.

Anonymous 08/02/2022 (Tue) 17:45:24 [Preview] No.1736 del
Fuck this Scotland fucker. Put up or shut up with the bigger pics. Aint no way she blew bigger than dirty sandi

Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 03:08:03 [Preview] No.1737 del
the pirates arent old enough to have those

Anonymous 08/06/2022 (Sat) 19:38:52 [Preview] No.1740 del
It makes your lips look thicker.
I think her dainty face and shoulders make the bubble stand out more.
I am concerned that the swelling is more distorted than the current bubble gum.
Was her gum special?

Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 02:03:42 [Preview] No.1741 del
Her face from hairline to chin is 8.5”. If her arms are by her side, her shoulders are 18” wide. With her left hand extended, her shoulders are at least 22” wide in this picture. This gum was just ordinary store bought gum. The bubble stands out because it’s humongous!

Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 23:41:14 [Preview] No.1747 del
Gum that is swollen and distorted, say what?

Anonymous 08/10/2022 (Wed) 22:30 [Preview] No.1749 del
Her gum wasn’t special. She was special.

Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 04:31 [Preview] No.1755 del
Greatest of all time!

Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 04:42 [Preview] No.1756 del

Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 08:36 [Preview] No.1760 del
This fetish has too much math involved. I'm here to nut, not to solve the square root of two.

The Champ Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 18:55 [Preview] No.1794 del

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:09 [Preview] No.1799 del
The GOAT, absolutely!

Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 19:20 [Preview] No.1800 del
She blew bubbles that were well over 5 foot in diameter

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