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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Meta Thread 7 Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:44 Id: a82bff [Preview] No. 92884 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Meta Thread 7 has met it's limit. I'm starting a new one.
The rules are these
1. No jews. The enemy is kikes plus traitors, their religion is Judaism and they will be banned. Do not distract from the enemy. It is not possible to remove any other problem until the jewish tumor is excised from our nations. (All other religions besides Judaism and Satanism are off limits for bashing. You will recognize Judaism as pure evil. Period. With the exception of Scientology. Bash that all you want.)
2. Insulting National Socialism or Hitler, even by implying anything wrong about Hitler, will result in an immediate ban. (No excuses will be tolerated for this. No "but I was just pandering to normies", "I was ironic shitposting" or "you misunderstood muh context".)
3. Threads and posts must not support jewish propaganda. Expose jews, don't empower them. This doesn't matter if you're not jewish. (Does it have jewish proponents for the cause? Does it prevent Caucasians breeding? DOES IT DISTRACT FROM JEWS AS THE PRIMARY ENEMY? Yes? Then it's jewish propaganda.)
4. Shills have come here claiming "Not jews run the world but Annunaki" or some other aliens. NO /X/ BULLSHIT

If you want your ban lifted, you must agree not to violate these rules. Calm appeals may be accepted unless you're a jew. Rage appeals are denied
Typing "Write your appeal" (as AIDSkike does) will not be lifted.
Ocelotte and George_Costanza are forever listed as Volunteers and may return any time they wish with zero expectations

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply. https://endchan.net/.static/globalRules.html

Previous threads:
#0 - http://archive.fo/zPA9W
#1 - http://archive.fo/cFJEA
#2 - http://archive.fo/rPzLu

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Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:45.
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Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 00:32 Id: 8ad77b [Preview] No.93044 del
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>Meta Thread 7

Can't believe we've made so many throughout the years. This board has certainly come a long way since it's started.

Here's to some more years of fun and info drops.

Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 06:05 Id: a82bff [Preview] No.93248 del
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I'll just leave this here. Though it's not like the banned and removed shill didn't know the lies they were peddling. Meta Thread 6 isn't on the first page anymore. So now jews don't understand why it's bannable to insult Hitler. Is it because we're National Socialists and that hurts our precious feelings? Because we really feel bad about slander by cowards directed towards a man who's been dead for over 78 years?

Or if you do so, that reveals you to be a jew because it's irresistible to them.

I'll let you figure that one out.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 06:07.

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 03:55 Id: d21e40 [Preview] No.93366 del
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yeah shills and spammers are part of the experience when posting here.

Oh well. Nothing in life is ever perfect is it?

Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 20:37 Id: 825e16 [Preview] No.93701 del
i need a bf who agrees with this type of stuff. i swear to god everyone around me is either jewish themself or kisses their asses

Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 06:21 Id: a82bff [Preview] No.93702 del
I feel about the same, except I'd prefer to find a woman who shares my mindset. There are some vague ideas I have to end ZOG, but nobody I ever meet feels the same. So I never reveal my power level anymore.

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QTTDTOT Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 19:07 Id: bdb57c [Preview] No. 90546 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is a successor to the 2019 Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread https://archive.is/sdM7U The point is to avoid clutter because a one sentence question is a waste of a thread. So stop doing that. Ask here instead. Keep in mind the rules. Loaded questions may be removed. https://endchan.org/pol/rules.html
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Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 04:07 Id: f05207 [Preview] No.93687 del
Jews have honestly bern coping so hard with their insecurities of being a mutant race of mixing and inbreeding since the foundation of their existence, probably bred as sex slaves by the Sumerian civilisation before setting them loose to be made use of in Egypt as some archaic experiment.

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 09:33 Id: bdb57c [Preview] No.93688 del
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Unlikely. Jews are fucking hideous.

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:02 Id: e7681f [Preview] No.93689 del
Depends on how much you classify jew and refuse to know there jews like kaifeng, moor, ashkenazi, sephadic etc
Of course that doesnt change the fact that they are jews thats just a nitpick on how rhese retards are blood disease maxing themselves

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 14:12 Id: f05207 [Preview] No.93690 del
>blood disease maxing
lmfao they will try shill this if they exist in 40 years

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 15:53 Id: bdb57c [Preview] No.93692 del
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I know about all the jew types and the Kaifing non-jew dipshits who classify themselves as jew. Ashkenazi, Sephardic are ugly bastards. Moors were confused niggers, even the ones who called themselves "jews" from Moorish Spain that existed in Harlem early 1900s. Confused blacks who call themselves Hebrews serve a purpose in making kikes cry like a little bitch. Israel needs to accept niggers to replace jews the same as jews demanded we accept their result of the trans-atlantic slave trade to replace us. Everyone should encourage mass migrations into Israel.

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Israel and US vs Palestine and Iran etc. Official Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 05:49 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No. 91652 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
From what I gather of all these links from >>>/news/ , Israel is swiftly losing support from the entire world's citizens and many governments. The UN included. Netanyahu is so desperate after returning from corruption charges that he's rushing invasion of Gaza with the same old war crimes. The Left are turning against Israel. Soon it will be time, friends, that the worldwide population begins to wake up and see the merit of Adolf Hitler. Jews are showing their vile natures and people hate it. RIP Palestinians. Arabs are banding together to avenge them.

The Gaza diplomacy of Biden, Sunak and co seems to be heading for failure

Israel BOMBS historic Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza – world’s third oldest church

jewish Activists Take Over Capitol to Demand Ceasefire in Gaza (yet they're not labeled terrorists like the January 6th occupation)

US Vetoes UN Security Resolution Calling for ‘Humanitarian Pauses’ in Gaza

Israel ordered STAND DOWN to allow Hamas to attack
https://www.bitchute.com/video/J2U6XR1UmrFu/ [Embed] [Embed]

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Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/17/2023 (Fri) 12:33.
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Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 22:06 Id: 054eae [Preview] No.93588 del
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Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:50 Id: 89a430 [Preview] No.93599 del
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Hypocrisy if it was a nation and a government.

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 10:03 Id: cb6713 [Preview] No.93605 del
>It is a hypocrisy against your own org.
How since iran is crypto jewish satelite since the overthrow of shah in 70s and NOBODY proved bashar al assads gas attacks or even the fact that INSURGENTS are NOT protected by k ternational law which commited war crimes actually
Isreal itself even admitted commiting attrocities against protected subjects of international law just by looking into hamaya strat which clearly states neutrals as enemies for not choosing side with them and most importantly not being THEM
But who am i fooling as jewish metaphysics are even worse than of a average twitter user when having not yet another meltdown from anything that doesnt give him the dopamine hit

Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 05:51 Id: 491bcf [Preview] No.93635 del

Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 10:42 Id: 6fe9d2 [Preview] No.93636 del
Yes as it doesnt matter if you have a tank made for urban combat
Its still a sitting duck if not escrted by troops or has its crew made out of war thunder players

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AI translated Hitler speeches Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 13:17 Id: 53ccf7 [Preview] No. 92906 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Someone is doing something useful out there.
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Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 03:59 Id: 8d9734 [Preview] No.93055 del
Yeah it was clearly automatic now that you mention it. I don't know what triggers YouTube's stupid AI. I was replacing jew/kikes with a metaphorical term to reference them in an attempt not to trigger it. Didn't work.

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 09:13 Id: 7f65cd [Preview] No.93111 del
Good one. Goebbels gets sometimes a bit too wordy and ends up repeating himself, but his point still gets across.

Are there any speeches clearly listing all the crimes committed by the (((communists))) in germany?

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 18:00 Id: 8d9734 [Preview] No.93115 del
I'm not fully aware of all of Goebbels speeches. For Hitler, however, there are a few.
The NSGWP meeting at Hofbrauhaus Friday 15th, August 1920.
His first proclamation as head of government February 1st, 1933.
March 23rd Reichstag, Berlin 1933
March 28th, 1933
May 10th Congress of the German Work Front, 1933
January 30th Reichstag, 1934
July 13th Reichstag, 1934
Ward Price's interview of Adolf Hitler January 17th, 1935
May 21st Reichstag, 1935
Many more.

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:37 Id: ca71db [Preview] No.93571 del
it's time to turn on the ovens once again
fucking hell.

Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 01:19 Id: 8d9734 [Preview] No.93575 del
The ovens were brick and used to dispose of the sick and elderly who died. They weren't as effective as jews claim.

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Upon the precipice of the decline; a discussion upon civilisational collapse Anonymous 10/28/2019 (Mon) 00:07 Id: 674410 [Preview] No. 76449 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
At first I had considered leaving this topic within the realm of the /sig/ thread but it's something of great interest to me and would be most grateful for a deeper discussion on it.

Now, when one thinks of a collapse of a civilisation, what do they think. For most, they imagine a Mad Max-esque wasteland, complete with scantily clad whores in leather gear, undulating violence with pockets of survivors huddling together for shelter. A most warped and somewhat semetic view of humanity, one feasable for Africa and the Middle East but not the Western world (that is unless the parasite succeeds in it's miscegenation goals which it seems unlikely to do). No, a collapse is a far quieter thing, a far more subtle thing. You may be noticing it already in fact.

What is one of the first things to fall as a civilisation collapses? The borders. From Rome to Greece to countless other examples, it's the borderlands and the far corners that are the first to be lost, not all borders however are purely within the realm of migration but on a societal level as well. Now I do not feel I need to expand on that point as anyone here is fairly understanding of the semites very deliberate destruction of our nations borders of both the physical and societal variety over the past decades, through subtle subversions (sexual revolution, hedonistic hippy movements etc), media indoctrination (mixed race couples, open borders, climate propagada) and outright force (need a good example of force, look into the mixing of races in US schools at the end of segregation and law enforcement arresting and intimidating those resisting in this age of misery). What follows on from this is a slow loss of resources to maintain the status quo of the former heights of that civilisations native people and to try accomadate the new "citizens". Energy, food, services, all requires more and more (((finance))) in order to acquire until eventually there is no more finance to do so for the nation in question has been overburdened. Now a keen observer will note that this particular game has been rigged for quite a while, when a state or nation requires more of a particular resource, well, they'll get finance from Moishe and then the nation in question will buy from Hershel who happens to know a chap who runs a factory that produces these resources within a third world nation for cheap and so forth.

But what happens you do not have enough manpower and resources to maintain it over time? Well, everything retracts. The meager pay for a job you hate fails to increase with costs, less availability of medicine, price of proper food increases so cheaper, more disgusting cuisine is offered, the ability to maintain infrastructure halts. California is a perfect example of this. San Francisco, a once (((shining jewel))) of America is quite literally living on borrowed time. Blackouts, failing power grids, the general state of infrastructure all over the US is a thing of great concern but California itself is a model of what will inevitably spread no matter how much is tried to halt the degradation. After all, what happens when a location is flooded with foreign invaders who bring in no finance but are an incredible financial burden due to public services and the sheer amount of violence they commit. Now, when pondering this example there are a few factors to consider. The first being the immediate effects. Now with most European nations and colonies having to cater for the parasites golems, just who do you think will be prioritised within a power outage? Will it be the white suburban section containing most likely older folk, many of whom rely on the power for everything from dialysis machines to needing diabetic medication chilled or will it be the "neighbourhood" consisting of violent negroids or third world infestations who will pillage their own businesses the second the lights turn out akin to the Baltimore riots. My, such a hard question is it not, who will the parasite serve first, it's golems or it's victims.
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Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 20:29 Id: cbcc82 [Preview] No.92878 del
Do you rwalize rohm and strasser brothers wanted communism with extra steps and not volkish movement...
Oh no because you never dealt with DDR and fact one of strasser brothers was there like a pig in wheat when others lived in poverty and fear

Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 05:31 Id: 1c2a69 [Preview] No.92882 del
I'm not 100% sure that this anon ID:2b9ac2 is the Soybooru Israeli faggot. After all, there was another who unironically called National Socialists "Nazis". But who says "Your dear Hitler"? It's mocking. Got to be a kike or shabbos goy servant.

Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:58 Id: 1c2a69 [Preview] No.92902 del
Speaking of civilizational collapse.

Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 13:42 Id: 00de8a [Preview] No.92908 del
>No retirement for goy
Pierun you see it someone is as same as retarded as that faggot commie lolcow Luboš Blaha...

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:56 Id: dcdf64 [Preview] No.92926 del
I mean this guy anon posted >>92902 is the lowest of low when it comes to grifters. Don't even mention his name because he's always desparate for attention (he loves bad exposure the most). Probably makes all that shit on social media and on web videos to get more book sales.

People get angry or happy at what he says ---> more book sales and whatever else sales. It's the same thing the comic book industry has been doing for years. and Alex Jones and other people do the same thing he does so there's that

/SIG/ Self Improvement General - Rebirth Edition Anonymous 02/27/2019 (Wed) 00:11 Id: 706dae [Preview] No. 70828 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves

<OLD THREAD >>12552532

""Go to the gym, or start a body weight routine fat ass. Don’t neglect cardio, go for a morning run. Take a cold shower. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night, avoid stimulants in the late afternoon. Become a morning person and get up early.""

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=XtDc_iJ-j-M

""Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.""

""Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The (((food pyramid))) overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.""

""Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.""

""Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.""

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=Q-L2ZKYMsag

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Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:08 Id: 3808e7 [Preview] No.92554 del
>I'm completely opposed to your particular agenda - and I've been fishing around wherever I could for people like you.
>back when I was in university, I caught one, and let him think I was just a poor misguided soul that needed a few redpills.
>Once I'd coaxed him into saying something extreme enough, I reported him to the police.
>I haven't caught another would-be redpiller yet, but I'm eager to
This is a kike I'm disappointed I completely missed his message in 2022.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 01:48 Id: 5df238 [Preview] No.92608 del
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I will never give up and I want (You) to never give up either.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 19:42 Id: 902165 [Preview] No.92673 del
Thanks for the new content anon

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:02 Id: 3808e7 [Preview] No.92694 del
Nice graphics. One problem I've had over the years is fucking idiots who refuse to read a fact presented as an infographic. These might actually work because they're loud with colors and blatant. Even the semi illiterate could shut the fuck up and read. Maybe. I can only hope.

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Humour thread Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:54 Id: 8d07b5 [Preview] No. 93076 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
is this board too slow for an humour thread?
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Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 17:08 Id: 678e96 [Preview] No.93624 del
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Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 08:10 Id: de7a3a [Preview] No.93694 del
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Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 08:42 Id: a655c0 [Preview] No.93696 del
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Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 14:50 Id: 1c6f80 [Preview] No.93697 del
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Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 17:37 Id: 26782d [Preview] No.93698 del
>the last image
That's a dyke, anon. Women who are whores are that way because of kikes spreading degeneracy.

Zelda = Zionism Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 08:25 Id: 8c3244 [Preview] No. 76630 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Zelda is Freemason, and Zionist propaganda. Zelda is a Yiddish name. Honey and darling are male, and female dualities spinning around a center pole. Honey has dark curly jew hair. It's programming you to serve the Rothschild's using Mason lore.


Zelda's language of origin is Germanic, Turkish, and Yiddish. It is predominantly used in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Yiddish origin, Yiddish use: It is derived from the word selig which is of the meaning 'happy, blessed'.

>British Israelism

A Link to the Past was the first to swap the Christian crosses for mystery school symbols; Triforce, Masonic eagles, Horus falcons/hawks, Cancer lobsters, etc.
Link = linking your dualities. The Triforce symbolizes two lower dualities ascending as one. The Triforce consists of equilateral triangles, and can be made with the vesica pisces. The claimed Hojo clan source is a squat, non-equilateral triangle.
Tal Tal Mountain is a step pyramid with a "world egg" on top.

Ocarina of Time = the magic flute from "The Magic Flute" (Mason Mozart's last opera)
child Link = child Horus
adult Link = adult Horus
Green was the color of Horus's eye.
Link's hat forms child Horus's loch of hair.

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Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 19:30 Id: 446a0b [Preview] No.93660 del
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>That game series doesn't even make any sense. You play a Pole fighting all of NSDAP (but it only shows the German side). The games never even acknowledge the Katyn Massacre. Or that the Soviet Union was doing those types of massacres and invasions for a while.

Because since the activision sold the IP to zenimax and machine games dev team it was just an ordinary shooter with occult esoteric myths for edgyness to look even more cool
No really return to castle wolfenstein was stupid but stupid in sense of not being abnoxious
However we all know what came when new order came by and its not an excuse that their timelinenis not canonical
A giant jewish projection and butthurt over aryans that they showed in whole game how butthurt from nsdap they were
So much they went into their old stealing of achievements and even going into projections after proje tions

I recommend looking on odysee platform american krogans analysis on the games as that vid cost him for redpills a channel and how much he went on for dementia and audacities there

Na ah ah it is establishednsince new collosus wolfenstein he is a jew since his mother was a jew
I should have known that wolfesntein was prequel to bethesda and zenimaxes willingnes to undermine many just for ruining what many loved for its whackiness i shouldnt be naive by that time thinking they would never expand as they did in this year on fallout franchise

Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 19:32 Id: 446a0b [Preview] No.93661 del
But simply tldr
Wolfesntein games and most importantly machine games ones are on purpose made audacities to mock and shame you the player
T someone who played all of them and few times cried over that audacity of them presenting it as factual truth of how would grossdeutches reich look

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:36 Id: 0c41da [Preview] No.93683 del
>"How does any of this affect YOU personally?"
Off topic, but I don't give a shit. I want to address that image on how it affects me personally. I have been jealous ever since I found out all the amenities jews had in the labor camps. I labor much harder than those kikes ever did. What I NEVER have at my workplace is:
• A swimming pool
• A soccer team and field
• On site post office
• Rabbit breeding facility
• Library
• Greenhouse
• Sauna
• Horses
• Orchestra
• Dentists
• Live actors theater
• A brothel
• Artists studio

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Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:55 Id: 0cc766 [Preview] No.93684 del
> I labor much harder than those kikes ever did. What I NEVER have at my workplace
Tell me about it...
And it hurts me.even more than nsdaps achievrments that we even to this day have despite being undermined negated etc. are attributed to marxists except nsdap
But i take a lecture from the camps if anything positive can be taken from them
It diesnt matter how humane one is or benevolent you cannot satisfy someone who wants you dead or desolate

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:56 Id: 01e44d [Preview] No.93685 del
Seriously looks like a script spit out by a bot. Now I feel like a machine ripping apart the skin on top

Besides pavlovian or other methods employed by thinktanks such as Tavistock. Shit, I can't believe how they get away with the compartmentalization within institutions now. After 7 years a graduate, I look back on how they still continue making impressions on a prospective character, leading someone to believe that's the major for them whilst plummeting into that free scholarship money spent on their programs, or programming. Nefarious at best, devilish at worst. There was discussion once years ago on this board when I only lurked that showed in Japan how they test to see what job you may be best suited for based on a mixture of 4 aspects combined into different venn diagrams, and in the middle was the term for the test.
or something like that

Defending Hitler and National Socialism General Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 15:20 Id: 88987e [Preview] No. 77267 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT: We defend Hitler from claims such as that he was a jew working to establish Israel/etc.
From a "French" jewish anti-Hitler website:
<The shady things about Hitler sustaining the idea he was a zionist jew
Authored by "hexzane527".
>1) First of all, in a country dominated by jews as was Germany during the 20's and the 30's, it would have been impossible for a hostile goy like Hitler to come to power. When they control a country, jewish leaders don't let hostile goyims take back the power. So, the rise of Hitler is unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time.
hexzane527 seems to have no idea how revolutions work at that. 10 years isn't a "short period of time" first of all.
Hitler's takeover wasn't democratic or such at all. It was purely a result of the peoples' will. Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler the chancellor, and through that Hitler took over in 1933. He wasn't elected.
>2) The reaction of Hitler about Dunkirk is also incredible. He can capture the entire English army. But what does he do ? He let them flee. What !!? And the Hitler's pretext is that he had a great respect for England ! Wtf !!? No, only a traitor acts like that. A real nazi would never have done that.
>He did that because he was a zionist jew. And as the war was a fake one, he had to let the english army flee. Otherwise, England couldn't have continued the war. And the USA couldn't have made the D-day and won the war with the USSR as it was planned.
How childish. If you look at the two options here:
<Hitler respected England and the English people to the extent that he actually said he wasn't willing to shed their blood for war.
<Hitler was a Zionist jewish puppet which is why he let them escape!!
Which one is more reasonable and realistic?
Second, Dunkirk wouldn't have affected the war with England at all. It boils down to Lord Halifax or Churchill becoming prime minister. Halifax could've accepted the position of PM, and he was for peace with Germany. The mason Churchill being one of the worst warmongers of the 20th century he would have still been stubborn enough not to accept the peace if Hitler bombed them at Dunkirk.
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Hitler was not "controlled opposition" Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:45 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93664 del
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THE ROOTS OF the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist parties, the leftists of the West, and the hard left faction of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).[1] The intention was obviously to prevent Hitler and the NSDAP from being elected. So, Hitler sued the leftist newspaper Berlin Vorwaerts that was defaming him with slogans such as “Hitler Got Jewish and Ford Money,” and won his libel case for which he was ironically awarded 6 million marks.[2]

Since then, many other myths about Hitler and how and why he came to power were created for different reasons.

Here are a few of the most famous of these straw man fallacies:
• Hitler was a crypto-Jew and a Freemason Zionist, an “Illuminist” put in place by the Rothschild clan in order to destroy Germany and prepare for the Jewish takeover of the world and the foundation of the state of Israel.[3]
• Zionists put Hitler in power and “ordered him to create a Holocaust. They did this to atone for their sins to their god, to create an incentive for Jews to move to Palestine, and to create a pretext for “genociding” the Palestinians and stealing their land.”[4]
• “Nazis who did not lose the war” and are now in power in the US and in the West [!], are trying to bring a form of National Socialism to America and the world, creating in essence a new Empire or “Fourth Reich.”[5]
Hitler was a puppet specifically put in power to start WW2 in order to enrich the American and German capitalist bankers and corporations that financed him.[6]

Intentionally or not, these myths discredit Hitler and his extraordinary achievements[7] by portraying him as a traitor to his nation, an unscrupulous warmonger, a psychopath who couldn’t care less about his people and the effects of the war he triggered for sickly reasons. Nobody comes close to this Darth Vader of humanity except Putin. In reality, Hitler never had such imperialistic ambitions. Moreover, Hitler had the support of the vast majority of his people after raising his nation from starvation and the gutter. Moreover, Hitler was neither Jewish nor Jewish-controlled,[8] had both his testicles, was not a homosexual or a pedophile, and resisted war to the very end.[9] He was in fact considered by most honest and level-headed people to be the greatest statesman of his time.[10) So, what role do the above myths play in today’s politics? These false accusations are used to confuse and lead the public astray. The protagonists of political or rabbinic Judaism, aka globalism and Zionism, are the ones who are actually attempting with their non-Jewish vassals, by various subversions, to take control of the world and enslave humanity.

And they are not doing this for religious or spiritual reasons. As Yale Professor Henry Ashby Turner (1932-2008) stated in his stupendously well-referenced book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, whose conclusions are now accepted by nearly all specialists in the field,[11]

One of the most basic premises of the professional study of history is that events are not directly caused by abstract concepts, whether those be “the hand of God,” “manifest destiny,” or “monopoly capital.” The concrete events of history occur because of the actions of human beings, who often carry out their will, to be sure, through institutions of their own creation. Unless this proximation form of causation can be convincingly demonstrated, the invocation of more remote levels of causation remains empty speculation, bereft of any foundation in the realities of history.[12]

So, if it’s not a spiritual or a religious war, what is it? Well, this is in fact a racial war that doesn’t say its name, a war in which our enemy uses religion and other tricks to fool competitors and to mobilize his supporters of all denominations.

Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:47 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93665 del
Hitler was well aware of this cryptic Darwinism:

One of the most ingenious ruses ever devised was to sail the ship of the Jewish state under the flag of religion, and thus secure the tolerance that Aryans are always ready to grant to different religious beliefs. But the Mosaic Law is nothing other than the doctrine of the preservation of the Jewish race [and its progress towards world domination].[13]

Furthermore, this is not about a social class struggle either as Karl Marx would have it and more recently, Warren Buffet.[14] The richest people on earth are indeed at the helm of this war on humanity, but most of them, with a few exceptions such as Warren Buffet and the Rockefellers, are Jewish.[15] According to revolutionary socialist, Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876),

Marx completely ignores a most important element in the history of humanity, that is, the temperament and particular character of each “race” and each people, a temperament and character which are themselves the natural product of a multitude of [genetic], ethnological, climatological, economic, and historic causes, but which exercise, even apart from and independent of the economic condition, a considerable influence on its doctrines and even on the development of its economic forces.[16]

Forget the Benjamins. Money is a means to an end just like “liberalism,” “human rights,” and “democracy.” It’s all about race, and nothing but race. The greatest proponent of Zionism, much more important than Theodore Herzl, was Max Nordau, who was also one of the founding fathers of nineteenth-century European racialism.

No one today in our well-meaning society where racial reality is staunchly denied would be allowed to admit that racialm and not social or religious, considerations are the Jews’ main motive for waging war on humanity. But truth be told, Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), the Jewish prime minister during the reign of Queen Victoria from 1874 to 1880, was right:

No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity — it is written by people who do not understand [or do not want to understand] the race question and what belongs to it.[17]

Thus, you cannot understand globalism or Zionism or the war against us if the racial factor is excluded. Race is real,[18][19] competition between races and individuals is a basic instinct — it’s survival of the fittest — and Jews are exceptionally good at this game. Not because they are more intelligent but because they are better organized and have a higher degree of racial solidarity (hyperethnocentrism). As Wilmot Robertson explains in his book The Dispossessed majority, one of the best contemporary American underground bestsellers ever published,

The truth seems to be that any organized minority with a given amount of intelligence can obtain supremacy over a disorganized majority of equal intelligence. A race-conscious population group is far more effective and successful than in most forms of endeavor than a race-unconscious population group…. To put it in a different perspective, Jewish power may derive as much or more from majority weakness and disorganization as from Jewish strength.[20]

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Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:50 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93666 del
Reality Behind the Myths

After this small digression on race, let’s get back to the main subject of this article: the financing of National Socialism. As conclusively shown by Henry Ashby Turner, big American or German banks and corporations such as J.P. Morgan, I.G. Farben, Flick, Krupp, and Siemens did not, on the whole, support Hitler and his political rise to power:

If the role of big business in the disintegration of the Republic has been exaggerated, such is even more true of its role in the rise of Hitler. While a significant part of the business community contributed materially — if less than wholly voluntarily — to the consolidation of Hitler’s regime after he had become chancellor, he and his party had previously received relatively little support from that quarter. The early growth of the NSDAP took place without any significant aid from the circles of large-scale enterprise.[22]

Big firms and organizations, notes Turner, bestowed the bulk of their funding upon Hitler’s opponents, the bourgeois parties who supported President Hindenburg, the hard-left faction of the National Socialist Party itself, and the Jewish-led German Communist Party.[23]

Who then Financed Hitler and the National Socialist Rise to Power?

Emil Kirdof and Fritz Thyssen were the only German captains of big industry who supported the NSDAP. Most of the party’s money came from the German masses. The American writer on economics and business, Peter Drucker, who agrees with Turner, is quoted as follows by journalist Ivor Benson:

The really decisive backing came from sections of the lower middle classes, the farmers and working class, who were hardest hit; as far as the Nazi Party is concerned, there is good reason to believe that at least three quarters of its funds, even after 1930, came from the weekly dues and from the entrance fees to the mass meetings from which members of the upper classes were always conspicuously absent.[24]

In the final analysis, Hitler was an honest man who wanted the best for his people.


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Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:55 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93667 del
[19] Steven Pinker, Fear of Race Realism and the Denial of Human Differences, Conference on YouTube.com, 2012.
[20] Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority, Howard Allen, 1972, p. 188.
[21] Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, 1stBooks, 2002; Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Antisemitism, 1stBooks, 2004; A People That Shall Dwell Alone. Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora People, IUniverse, First Edition, 2002.
[22] Henry Ashby Turner, work cited, p. 341.
[23] Ibid, p. 346.
[24] Ivor Benson, work cited, p. 178.


Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:30 Id: 79d640 [Preview] No.93679 del
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On the accusation that magda goebbels was a jewess

This myth is caused by the stupid assumtion on residency card of her adoptive father Richard FriedLander for who it was impossible to ever be a farher of Magda as by the time her mother entered into second marriage after the divorce with Oskar Ritschel she already had cca 5 years (remember second marriage was cca in 1905)
The reason why seprging around Friedlander came in the first place was because of first
>The social shaming over illegitimate children in early 20th century
Which caused the inheritence card found on her residence where for reasons above she was labeled as not a illegitimate child but biological child of that jew
Second because of her first husband we can deduct back she WASNT a child of jew as he demanded from her to reclaim her biological rathers surname before mariage
Nobody ever mentions anything else but that residence card or archive where it was found

>But she dated a jew in early years
There is no evidence it was romantic relationship before that jewish fuck went to palestine only her first marriage was and even then she divorced because of lack of attention to her and family where her man wasnt a jew
>But she met a mason and was buddhist
She wasnt even in nsdap by that time and to this day in prominent institues you can find a members of lodges easily as same as in past
Second there are no reports from peers ever her saying this or them confirming this and historian accusation is empty if not founded on archival finding

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Praise Jesus Christ Praise Father 12/28/2023 (Thu) 03:55 Id: 3ab93d [Preview] No. 92035 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Acts 7:
39 “But our ancestors refused to obey him. Instead, they rejected him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt. 40 They told Aaron, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who led us out of Egypt—we don’t know what has happened to him!’[i] 41 That was the time they made an idol in the form of a calf. They brought sacrifices to it and reveled in what their own hands had made. 42 But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars. This agrees with what is written in the book of the prophets:

“‘Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings
forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel?
43 You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek
and the star of your god Rephan,
the idols you made to worship.
Therefore I will send you into exile’[j] beyond Babylon.

44 “Our ancestors had the tabernacle of the covenant law with them in the wilderness. It had been made as God directed Moses, according to the pattern he had seen. 45 After receiving the tabernacle, our ancestors under Joshua brought it with them when they took the land from the nations God drove out before them. It remained in the land until the time of David, 46 who enjoyed God’s favor and asked that he might provide a dwelling place for the God of Jacob.[k] 47 But it was Solomon who built a house for him.

48 “However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says:

49 “‘Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house will you build for me?

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109 posts and 74 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 12:46 Id: cfbf97 [Preview] No.93615 del
That symbology originated in Dartmoor, England. Ask them.

Praise Jesus Christ 05/10/2024 (Fri) 11:03 Id: 08e2c3 [Preview] No.93637 del
Matthew 10:
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
1 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

5 These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

9 “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. 18 On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

24 “The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!

Praise Jesus Christ 05/12/2024 (Sun) 12:28 Id: 08e2c3 [Preview] No.93654 del
26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

40 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. 41 Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. 42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”

Praise Jesus Christ 05/12/2024 (Sun) 12:44 Id: 08e2c3 [Preview] No.93655 del
Matthew 9:
The Calling of Matthew
9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Praise Jesus Christ 05/13/2024 (Mon) 07:48 Id: 08e2c3 [Preview] No.93677 del
1 John 3:
More on Love and Hatred
11 For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous. 13 Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. 15 Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.