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(10.52 MB 482x360 BadHarmony_orig.webm)
(3.09 MB 1920x1080 ScootasMomHas.webm)
(2.70 MB 1280x540 SFM_WhiskOrPerf.webm)
(14.97 MB 640x360 UppityPegasi.webm)
Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:36:15 [Preview] No. 7485
/Webm/ animational end of Friendship.

This is to consolidate all the great animations, PMVs, animatics the fandom made that you keep going back to appreciate.
It's also to encourage some folder dumps because we're bound to not have all the same ones.

No need to be codec or carrier centric; mkvs and mp4s are fine too.
Since the End didn't like the 20MB encoding of whatever animation I've renamed to 'uppity pegasi' (what're they up to, up there?), I've recompressed it and include it here as the first of ... a fair number of files.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:41:24 [Preview] No.7486 del
(2.35 MB 640x360 Lyravator.webm)
(6.83 MB 1920x2160 Lick.webm)
(7.24 MB 1920x1080 LessonsLearned_S5.webm)
(6.02 MB 960x540 IMadeAThing.webm)
(76.26 KB 640x360 HintHint.webm)
>first of
Except for the part where the thread-creation form aligns everything alphabetically so it was last.

So, a long time ago there was a "whole ep when?" thread because this place allows 250mb per post, which is pretty generous.

Also I've seen the movie fit into 16MB if you wanted to remind yourself of what it was like, though I wouldn't recommend queuing it up on a television to entertain visitors.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:47:51 [Preview] No.7487 del
(40.40 MB 640x360 2BestSisters.webm)
(10.70 MB 640x360 AJwon.webm)
(7.22 MB 640x360 AllAsIntended.webm)
(15.92 MB 1920x1080 CracklesInvade.webm)
I somehow only have the end of the ponification of the count of monte cristo. It was well done and I should pursue a more complete archive.

Also, are you ready for smooth jazz? How about Countess glimglam's helmet?

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:51:48 [Preview] No.7488 del
(2.61 MB 320x240 MLPrapFoE.webm)
(9.35 MB 640x360 ApogyPonee.webm)
(3.29 MB 1280x720 ApplBlmr_1.webm)
(3.96 MB 1280x720 ApplBlmr_2.webm)
(10.77 MB 1920x1080 ApplBlmr_3.webm)
Jacob Stuek's rap battles is another set I should have the rest of. Thought I had a few but can only find the one right now.

I have all three Apple Bloomer trailers though. Official, from the hub! Starting April First!

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:55:22 [Preview] No.7489 del
(5.88 MB 1280x720 Drepy.webm)
(11.33 MB 1280x720 DerpyDelivers.webm)
(11.50 MB 1280x720 EquestriaUnknown.webm)
We ... don't invoke her name. It tends to cause statistical anomalies, among other things.

Hearths Warming is safe to invoke though. Sometimes celebrated in summer, as I recall.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 05:02:14 [Preview] No.7490 del
(11.34 MB 854x480 PPPolka.webm)
(8.22 MB 1280x720 GoodbyeHoers.webm)
(6.58 MB 426x240 NotAddicted.webm)
Pinkie is relatively safe to invoke. It happens often enough, as you'll see in the first video.

Also, Lyra sings about horses -- who are measure in hands, btw. Hopefully that explains everything.

I'm moderately sure 'not addicted' is in the catalog somewhere but I guess I'm risking a repeat. It's not like I'm addicted or anything.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 05:07:49 [Preview] No.7491 del
(25.20 MB 640x360 PoniesRDrunk.webm)
(11.25 MB 1280x720 pinked.webm)
(15.98 MB 640x360 MLP_OrigEnd.webm)
(10.71 MB 1920x1080 PerigeeRescues.webm)
Despite the filename I think Deltavee's daughter's name is Apogee.
And we needed her to rescue us after that initially planned ending.
Sometimes Pinkie isn't all that safe to invoke after all.

Also, what is Rarity doing...? UwU

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 05:13:29 [Preview] No.7492 del
(3.09 MB 1920x1080 ScootasMomHas.webm)
(14.03 MB 1200x500 SFM_ChgWd4U.webm)
(5.23 MB 1280x720 QnChrDayOff.webm)
Hmm. That was DWK. I mean, I appreciate all his reviews and have a folder of nothing but DWK talking with just a little slur about ponies but wasn't going to dump those until some discussion happened.

Anyway, After the adoring stares of Rarity, we have Fluttershy, who is very comely and seems to not like being stared at, even if she does really have it going on, as the saying goes.

But after a couple SFM vids I'm pausing my threaddump because my day off is rapidly drawing to a close -- and I haven't played video games yet so ... tomorrow, y'all
(Y'see what I said about invoking her name? Didn't work so well for Chryssi did it?)

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 05:33:56 [Preview] No.7493 del
(1.56 MB 1280x720 WithSomepony.webm)
(50.55 MB 1920x1080 ChrissysNightmrNt.webm)
(2.89 MB 1280x720 1589840371-0.webm)
I see what happened. I grabbed DWK's file thinking by the thumbnail it was something else. Also, the originally unintended end of MLP didn't upload, so I'll have to look into that.

In the mean time have an a questionable ad for cider. The other two are well beyond question and moved to reproach.

The last, once proposed as MLP's theme song, is ... somewhere back between reproach and question. It will still probably make you blush so ... caveat viewing.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 22:11:01 [Preview] No.7495 del
(15.31 MB 960x540 MovieOrigEnding.webm)
(5.33 MB 1280x720 WiggleWiggle.webm)
okay let's try that broken file again.
Turns out this PC doesn't have hardly any videos except for some political commentary. More, this evening I guess.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 22:32:14 [Preview] No.7496 del
Hue Hue hue I Fuck Horse

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 22:49:36 [Preview] No.7497 del
(208.39 KB 1160x688 LittlePipReturnsFire.jpg)
> 7496
Might be worth trying to ban this bot -- it posts everywhere across this site now.

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 04:53:09 [Preview] No.7498 del
(12.22 MB 1280x720 derprolled.mp4)
(5.14 MB 640x360 Cosmic.mp4)
(14.82 MB 1920x1080 SunlightStolen.webm)
Made'ya click. Cosmically derprolled?

In this set we hear a female cast re-sing the SFM set for 'a story told', again from Count of Monte Cristo.

Also, this may not show up until tomorrow, but it seems the sunlight was stolen too.

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:05:57 [Preview] No.7499 del
(96.53 MB 1280x720 HoldMe_W-it_N-it.mp4)
(31.18 MB 1280x720 DontMine.mp4)
(18.69 MB Flash.zip)
(7.81 MB 1280x720 Alicorn-D.mp4)
I have a few .swfs that are pretty much just videos, but I haven't taken the time to convert them to webm because I didn't expect Adobe to kill flash in quite the underhanded way they did.

If you want to see them as flash files, you either have to have an old install of flash, or you have to set your computer clock to last year or earlier.

Other files in this post are pretty famous so I won't say more.

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:13:51 [Preview] No.7500 del
(5.33 MB 1920x1080 AlushyIntros.mp4)
(6.85 MB 640x360 BeepBeepDeep.mp4)
(10.92 MB 640x360 Industrial PMV.webm)
(14.75 MB 800x450 LaDeeDee.webm)
(6.47 MB 640x360 sfmPONIES.webm)
Oh, hi!
_<quick, hit random!>_

Falls on "Industrial Strength"

Nope, that didn't work. Simply didn't work.
In this post, PONIES go BeepBeep (but not fluttershy in particular. I have that one, but not in this post).

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:19:16 [Preview] No.7501 del
(1.66 MB 640x360 SmthGnWrong.webm)
(4.19 MB 640x360 PoniesUnd.webm)
(6.98 MB 854x480 SweetieBot_HFSB.webm)
(3.68 MB 640x360 TonedeafLilPip.webm)
Is something wrong? Oh! Yes. I posted Scoota's Mom twice.

Getting about to where I'll need to catalog this thread for filenames to avoid that again.

Also gone wrong, they invoked her name again. You'd think they'd learn.

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:25:45 [Preview] No.7502 del
(15.99 MB 640x360 UndrPanc-ChocPdd.webm)
(9.66 MB 800x450 UndrPn_Raiders.webm)
(7.65 MB 640x480 Uh...Rarity....webm)
(11.95 MB 1920x1080 trashSFM.webm)
(8.08 MB 640x360 WakeUP.webm)
The panic this duplication has caused is undreamed up except by Undreamed Panic who apparently makes a schtick of it. Also music. Great music.

Wake up! One post left ... I think.

Anon 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:34:33 [Preview] No.7503 del
(9.04 MB 640x360 SparkleRadishes.webm)
(11.85 MB 640x360 Skrillex_Kyoto.webm)
(15.55 MB 854x428 LunasDetrmn.webm)
(22.77 MB 854x480 PMV_HardwrStor.mp4)
Hmm. No I have a few good ones left but they've not been recompressed and Luna_Lucid-mode is nearly 80MB

So I'll pause here while I consider compressing those files that are left.

After that it's on to whole episodes, DWK or Silver-Quill discussing episodes ... and the half-hour orchestration of Seventh Element's Equestrian Wasteland album performed live.

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 06:04:32 [Preview] No.7504 del
(15.85 MB 640x360 SFM_21guns.webm)
(9.66 MB 1280x720 SFM_Pinking.webm)
(7.99 MB 1920x1080 SFM_PonyTacos.webm)
(2.60 MB 1280x720 SFM_Printer.webm)
(2.42 MB 640x360 VeryHot.webm)
Of course, my other computer has other, different .webms and mp4s.

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 06:13:06 [Preview] No.7505 del
(17.89 MB 1920x1080 [☆] Bar Buddies.mp4)
(11.03 MB 1920x1080 DeletdScen.mp4)
(949.10 KB 1280x720 GlimmerNewtonpones.webm)
(1.98 MB 640x360 Alive.webm)
(3.55 MB 2048x1152 UnusualCreation.webm)

I saw an animation taken from Repo Man's opening song, but with the gal's part cut out. SFM I think? Goons chasing the singing stallion around the graveyard as he sung to us about his sub-market.
Lost the file, can't for the life of me find it on YT anymore.

If you've got it, that's my first request. Also the zydrate anatomy clips I've seen are at best so-so. The show clips just don't lend themselves to that kind of song!

Anyway, have a few more.

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 06:25:31 [Preview] No.7506 del
(9.66 MB 640x360 RDfl_tylenol.mp4)
(12.62 MB 1280x720 WellThatsTwoThings.mp4)
(15.72 MB 1920x970 Interspace-80sWas.webm)
(15.55 MB 740x540 WayThroughDiscord.webm)

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 06:37:11 [Preview] No.7507 del
(15.65 MB 960x540 Apogee2Dance.webm)
(797.10 KB 1280x720 Apogee-No_fingers.webm)
(1.80 MB 940x720 ApogeeWhatRU.webm)
(10.12 MB 960x540 megalomane-ia.webm)
(6.20 MB 1280x720 Ashes_of_Pony_Town.mp4)
More Alushy
Fun fact. In the 'abridged' series whose audio is used for these clips, Alucard explains about how, normally the misogyny labels could be applied:
1 >I was a chick in the '60s
2 >My boss is a woman

In short, check your privilege!
(then he proceeds to eat her, I think. Or just punch her into pulp? Helsing Abridged leaves all the gore in from the original and cuts out the silly dialogue parts).

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 06:44:32 [Preview] No.7508 del
(6.55 MB 854x480 AluShy_Shoot2Th.webm)
(17.43 MB 640x360 LeafPirates.mp4)
(14.98 MB 640x360 PMV_Terminal.webm)
(2.75 MB 1280x720 LilPip_RetakeThat.webm)
You know, once I noticed I'd attached six files and one of them fell off the ... oh! here it is.

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 10:23:54 [Preview] No.7510 del
CB, you have outdone yourself with this thread. I have spent 2+ hours watching videos here. Some I recognize and some that I haven't seen.

OP definitely delivered!

Alright, I have some stuff to dump that I think you probably haven't seen but I am not sure how interesting it'll be for you. Taken me a bit of time due to issues with converting my old .flv and .3gp files to webms/mp4s.


Neat to see that one video I saved (cosmic) is also part of your collection as well.

It being the last remnant of a small YT channel is rather haunting for me and I am glad somebody else has it.

>Made'ya click. Cosmically derprolled?
Yes indeed. It did get my attention. I have heard that Derpy cover of Never Going to Give You Up in several different videos and I think, it dates back to 2011.

Pretty good cover, honestly.

>If you want to see them as flash files, you either have to have an old install of flash, or you have to set your computer clock to last year or earlier.
Oh, all the pony flash games I used to play...

>In this post, PONIES go BeepBeep
I have the CMC video (and I think the YT comments) as well.

All and all, great thread. I will comment more soon.

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 05:43:07 [Preview] No.7511 del
I also have AnthologyVII -- but it's nearly nine hundred megabytes. Not gonna fit without some damaging compression. Or splitting into twenty pieces, I suppose.

Here for you consideration, is Luna -- lucid mode. Also something cute and something nostalgic.

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 05:49:30 [Preview] No.7512 del
(7.88 MB 640x360 FiM_ApulThf.mp4)
(19.15 MB 640x360 FoE_DieInna.mp4)
and three more before I reboot so my game will stop glitching.

Appul thievin varmint! Now wheer wuz I?

Oh, right. FoE, Die in a Fire.

How could I forget Friendship is Witchcraft? I actually only have this one saved so I can rewatch Snowblind with the fillies...but it's 65+MB so again, I'll have to re-encode it to webm another day.
But I really should try to complete my sets -- Count of Monte Cristo animatics and/or SFMs, FiW, Some others I can't remember right now. I have most but not all of DWK's "reviews" and I think there's more of Helsing Abridged that has been ponified.

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 07:19:55 [Preview] No.7513 del
Alright, have some low quality gameplay videos that are deleted from their YT channels.

Why are they so low quality? I didn't have much space and was obessed with conserving in. I actually can tolerate and still enjoy stuff in this quality but I wish I had saved some of it in higher quality.

Especially the Curse of the Lost Kingdom video, for that maybe one of the only remnants of the game dev's channel left. Curse of the Lost Kingdom will get a post on /go/ one day, but for now I'll just say that it was a extremely ambitious project and I think if it even had been released with half the features he wanted to put in it it would've been one of the best MLP fan games in existence. The sad part is that he didn't get stuck half way, he did get a lot of the features he planned fully implemented!

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 07:52:32 [Preview] No.7514 del
Have some PMVs:

>Sweet Victory
This was one of the first PMVs I ever saw, if not the first. It may have been the first time I saw FiM in animated form in fact.

>The Garden
This PMV was one I used to watch sometimes and saved later one when the video became unlisted. I like how well the editing and effects have been put together.

>Move Along
This song is significant for bionicle reasons, LOL. All and all I consider the PMV pretty good.

>Cadence Of Her Last Breath
Don't know much about the song or band but I think this PMV has a pretty dramatic tone with it, even if its not quite my style I saved it because I would often run into it browser other stuff and thus a nostalgia and familiarity.

This was a song purpose written for Bionicle. I think there was two or three PMVs that used this song but it is pretty hard to search for amist all the Skillet Hero PMVs. This is one I saved and for all I know is deleted off of YT now. This PMV is probably the most basic but such clipshows give me nostalgia.

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 08:29:13 [Preview] No.7515 del
First one is indeed cute.

Second one I have probably at least seen a glimpse of before, but it has been a long time.

That last song is a odd style, I like the mix of artwork and I find it does a better job selling it's relative amateurism.

Cute short. The Die in a fire one though I will admit is far from my taste.

>How could I forget Friendship is Witchcraft? I actually only have this one saved so I can rewatch Snowblind with the fillies...but it's 65+MB so again, I'll have to re-encode it to webm another day.
Friendship is Witchcraft, not a fav but I won't deny liking some of the songs and the memes from it sweetie bot It's a shame the series didn't get further along, though that is the case with life.

Where are you on the whole FiW vs Mentally Advanced Series debate if you don't mind me bringing that up.

Now, I probably won't be making it all in one or two big dumps but smaller waves of posts every so often, especially as I find old videos that I save and some stuff on the side of /go/ research. My computer sometimes doesn't play very well with video processing.

Anon 04/30/2021 (Fri) 08:33:32 [Preview] No.7517 del
Alright, works, though I'll probably still stick mostly to mp4 and webm for playing within the browser.

Anon 05/01/2021 (Sat) 20:51:25 [Preview] No.7518 del
FYI, TOR address isn't responding. Many aren't just now the zzz and nano both are okay.

3rd is suggestive but should be safe enough. 4th is Bridge's MKV as webm, much-compressed.
you're welcome...?

Anon 05/01/2021 (Sat) 21:24:36 [Preview] No.7519 del
It seems v3 has problems elsewhere too. Try v2 until resolved.

Anon 05/01/2021 (Sat) 21:35:42 [Preview] No.7520 del
(829.99 KB 1500x1500 CandyWHO.png)
V2 addresses have been completely and officially deprecated by the network.

They don't exist, effectively.

Anon 05/01/2021 (Sat) 21:58:52 [Preview] No.7521 del
From July-October.

Anon 05/01/2021 (Sat) 21:59:30 [Preview] No.7522 del
I mean this year July-October. Check their schedule.

Anon 05/02/2021 (Sun) 09:15:29 [Preview] No.7523 del
That is pretty neat song. I really need to investigate the non english side of the fandom more.

Not my style but I can't complain.

>4th is Bridge's MKV as webm, much-compressed.
>you're welcome...?
Thanks! I know it's a short vid but it was something that a lot of the fandom raved about at the time for being a cool effect on a low buget flash slow.

>A close-up inspection of our calendar reveals that it is, in fact, not July 15th, 2021. We are still in a time when the remnants of winter have not yet fully passed away and the mid-year festivities are still far, far out in the horizon. Yet the Tor developers removed support from v2 .onion services with the release of Tor on March 18th, 2021. This was done without updating the changelog, thus also without a notice on the blog.
>We asked expects within the Tor developer community if the original time-table for v2 eradication from the Tor network has been changed. It appears that it has not.
<"It's ( an alpha, not a stable release.
<Alphas aren't for regular users. I don't see a problem here except I would have expected a changelog entry."
Are ya using alpha version of the tor browser or tor?
Wow, all the idiots like protonmail, duckduckgo, derpibooru still using V2

Anon 05/02/2021 (Sun) 22:52:51 [Preview] No.7527 del
and I am finishing my activity on the most prolific thread of this past week >>7485 that is absolutely bloated of content and anyone would need HOURS for watching all this stuff. As the OP displays:

>This is to consolidate all the great animations, PMVs, animatics the fandom made that you keep going back to appreciate. It's also to encourage some folder dumps because we're bound to not have all the same ones.

this is more like a compilation for archiving everything that you have in your hard drives and blasting everything that you have on this place (and I cannot imagine in my mind whether the thread can even keep this level all the way through, it would leave me quite shocked if that turned out to be the case). Considering what was said here >>7481, I wonder how eager you were from the inside for creating this thread before requesting it, turning a nostalgic moment into a revival for something that you have been holding in silence, CB (despite your musical posts that have been delivered for a long time).

The amount of content in just 30 posts is astounding and I wonder how much weaponry you have saved for this specific thread. I don´t have much more to say because it was already said on this post already. >>7510

>CB, you have outdone yourself with this thread.
>OP definitely delivered!
and oh boy, he absolutely delivered!

For now, I wanted to comment about the thread idea a little bit first and then, focus eventually on something specific that may draw my attention. But yeah, this is your personal project for archiving all this material and so far, with just these posts.. there are overwhelming results,to say the least.

What else can I say? PoLS. We will have to wait and see the surprises that you hold on your folders.

Anon 05/03/2021 (Mon) 05:33:46 [Preview] No.7528 del
>whether the thread can even keep this level all the way through
>it would leave me quite shocked if that turned out to be the case

In posting the most of my collection, I've learned how disorganized my files across three or four computers is, and how many holes are here -- stuff I plan on keeping but never downloaded, in addition to the few I know I've seen but completely forgotten.

And during its ten-year-run there was SO MUCH content. Even just youtube SFM, there's more than I could ever hope to remember.
Oh, some of it is bad story telling; stuff that only makes sense to the creator themselves as they have alternate-world FS ramble about dead chickens or whatever.

Some of it, like here, is fan content of fan content. I preset: Alushy, the post.
If you haven't seen the Helsing Abridged series, but like the humor presented herein -- look up Team Four Stars. Helsing Abridged has been completed, and fun fact -- the Police Girl was voiced by none other than Nowacking. A talented voice actress, to be sure.

Anon 05/03/2021 (Mon) 05:40:22 [Preview] No.7529 del
(15.67 MB 400x226 Pone.webm)
Seriously? NONE of them play in-browser? What in the HAY do I need to do to make sure pale moon / FF can render the webm re-encodes of the MP4 files?!?

//sigh. Sorry you'll have to save them locally and run them through a more competent media player than Firefox. HPC-64 plays them all just fine, no errors.

Have the mooby not encoded by me. Presumably counts as transformative use, right? Also the smallest of the FF-doesnt-like-it files not so encoded.

Anon 05/05/2021 (Wed) 21:01:43 [Preview] No.7532 del
>and how many holes are here -- stuff I plan on keeping but never downloaded, in addition to the few I know I've seen but completely forgotten.

so this means that there are many more bullets left in the magazine...

>And during its ten-year-run there was SO MUCH content. Even just youtube SFM, there's more than I could ever hope to remember.
and this sounds like you aren´t going to run short of content to post because of the SFM content.

>Have the mooby not encoded by me. Presumably counts as transformative use, right? Also the smallest of the FF-doesnt-like-it files not so encoded.
For those who want to see the 2017 movie with the size of a thumbnail (with very few MB of course), you have it right here. As for the transformative use, many people have uploaded entire episodes of any series by reverting the image...so,you have made a greater effort than the average youtube uploader in this case.

>NONE of them play in-browser?
all of them work perfectly for me. I haven´t tested them on either Firefox or Pale Moon though but the videos by themselves can be played as any other archive that I have come across on this imageboard.

Anon 05/05/2021 (Wed) 21:56:27 [Preview] No.7533 del
>I haven´t tested them on either Firefox or Pale Moon
Yeah the deal, I finally figured out, is the in-browser webm rendering routines need the audio to be 48K sample rate opus stream, regardless of anything else such as mono or low bit rate.

InkPotts was a team of two college kids, it seems, that liked opera as well as ponies.
So here are the first five pieces of Edmund Dashie and Shycedes from The Count Of Monte Cristo, with audio from a particular musical that I don't have the details of.
You'll find the mares-singing version of part one, up a ways but I'm including the "official" first part that inspired that SFM piece.

Anon 05/05/2021 (Wed) 23:37:01 [Preview] No.7534 del
>Where are you on the whole FiW vs Mentally Advanced Series debate
Is there a debate? I like FiW and never really got into MAS. They seem different enough that you wouldn't normally compare them...
FiW is about misanthropy, and MAS is about obliviousness. Different mechanisms entirely.

>Are ya using alpha version tor

There's one particular problem that I think no one on the team wants to look at, and that is around .7 or early .8 they broke the browser's ability to honor browser.display.document.color_use (which I set to 2, so system colors override absolutely everything) but it doesn't matter. BRIGHT WHITE everywhere no matter what settings I choose.

Here's the end (both of them to choose from) of InkPotts' ponification of the musical, and also a re-encode of the focus-shifting because I'd squashed it so much that the focus was unclear.

Also the 3-year anniversary video from InkPotts. Yes, they make it official that "animatics" are all they're ever going to do.

That and inspire fan-fiction! Or I guess that would be Fan Video, of which I've included just one here.

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 07:31:05 [Preview] No.7535 del
>And during its ten-year-run there was SO MUCH content.
This. Sometimes I am surprised when I find even a relatively obscure fic universe and still find some fan animation for it. It is nuts!

Only two in pic related work. Rest don't for me.

>InkPotts was a team of two college kids, it seems, that liked opera as well as ponies.
Even if Opera ain't my thing I still can appreciate this. Think I have run into their channel before...

>Still at least somewhat active

>Is there a debate?
Yes. Because they were the two top abridged series and because FlimFlamFilosphy got into some minor drama with the FiW people they were often cast as rivals. MAS fans and a certain section of "brony critics" considered MAS to have superior humor and smarter writing and would argue that FiW got too much of a spotlight for high production values but overall poorer quality Talk about eye candy

I honestly wasn't the biggest fan of either of them due to a lot of the humor being not to my taste but I will say that I consider MAS to be pretty poor and not very fun for its first few episodes that I watched.

Watching Flimflamfilosphy struggle to produce it though was a interesting experience. He struggled to learn animation from scratch after being mass copyrighted striked (I think for the second time) and losing a lot of the support people around him moving on to other projects. He finally quit after years of labor and I both respect all the work he put in and why he left.


Here's the end (both of them to choose from) of InkPotts' ponification of the musical, and also a re-encode of the focus-shifting because I'd squashed it so much that the focus was unclear.
Thanks again!

>That and inspire fan-fiction! Or I guess that would be Fan Video, of which I've included just one here.
The fanworks video and the EdmundsDashieGrowsOld unfortunately have a "file is corrupt" Will see what I can do on my end but I have been pretty strict in following the Tor people's recommendations, something that I may think is a bit foolish but that'll be for a chat or NMAiE post later

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 07:39:24 [Preview] No.7536 del
(14.92 MB 640x360 PMV_Pinkmn-KillTi.mp4)
(15.31 MB 1920x1080 StrangePnyvll.mp4)
(26.03 MB 1920x1080 SeriousLuna.mp4)
(23.99 MB 1920x1080 SFM_ScootsNtmre.mp4)
I've got future-guitar-hero's 'broken' and 'immortal' somewhere but apparently not here.

Have some other random PMVs while I go to sleep, work, and eat dinner before I'm likely to be back here again.

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 07:41:17 [Preview] No.7537 del
>The fanworks video and the EdmundsDashieGrowsOld unfortunately have a "file is corrupt"

Strictly in-browser, or have you tried saving them locally and playing them with VLC or whatever music/movie player you have?

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 08:33:14 [Preview] No.7541 del
Neat! -Have some PMVs back- Nope, that ain't gonna work right now it seems.

That probably would work. Now though my net has been not letting my download well (which could also be part of the problem but the other videos still load). I'll have to try again later.

Anon 05/07/2021 (Fri) 20:28:14 [Preview] No.7543 del
(15.02 MB 900x506 BlackVelvet.webm)
(15.99 MB 900x506 Immortal.webm)
(15.71 MB 900x383 broken.webm)
(3.08 MB 640x332 GraveRbbrpony.webm)
I've found out that officially, neither Chrome nor FF "accept" non-48Khz samplerates in their .webms.

Well! I never. Or at least not very often.

Have some music. The grave-robber one won't play in-browser.

Anon 05/07/2021 (Fri) 20:47:59 [Preview] No.7544 del
and more animations and some animamatic fan-works again.

Anon 05/07/2021 (Fri) 21:18:47 [Preview] No.7545 del
doggonit. Bridgefag you're welcome to delete the duplicate 3.5 of 6. I JUST uploaded it.

Clearly need to make an index. Anyway here's the remaining fan-work I've saved. There are others, and of course the Russian musical has generated its own series of animatics in InkPotts' style.

plus a Dashie tribute and Pinkie singing a bit of 'Broken' too.

I'd include more but I'm having my own networking difficulties just now.

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 08:08:39 [Preview] No.7547 del
I enjoyed the SFM waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than I should've of. A

>Black Velvet
Was this song a meme and I just lived under a rock or does the fandom reference a LOT more songs, movies, novels, etc, from beyond the normal bubble that the internet has sat in the past 10 years. It just seems like I keep running into stuff that is kind of obscure or odd to see compared to other fandom circles. Not saying this is that obscure but it isn't a song I would expect to see given a pony TF2 SFM treatment.

>I'd include more but I'm having my own networking difficulties just now.
That always sucks. Maybe some carrots will help.

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 08:11:13 [Preview] No.7548 del
(2.62 MB 1280x720 carrots.webm)

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 08:46:09 [Preview] No.7549 del
(3.48 MB 1042x1042 2608849.webm)
Beautiful or horrifying?

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 22:41:32 [Preview] No.7550 del
(3.30 MB 1422x800 theHOLE.webm)
(4.73 MB 640x360 unlitBoots2Heads.webm)
(9.36 MB 750x422 Ponyrama.webm)
WHY so serious?

Here's some ponies being fairly silly even by pony standards.

More drama later. Like, how I wished Dinky's Destiny would have moved past the prologue. I've been impressed in general though, with animators that use their own voice -- and do it carefully and sparingly, relying on visual storytelling to cover up how similar all the characters sound. I don't have them sorted by number of voice actors though so it's sort of a hit-or-miss thing on that front.

While searching out what might have happened to Dinky's destiny I see there's a full-length fan-movie sequel to Zootopia. No idea if it's good or trash just ... YT lists it.

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 23:04:23 [Preview] No.7551 del
(4.85 MB 1280x720 Im27_comicdub.mp4)
(10.49 MB 1111x625 PoneDigger.webm)
I like the detail of the individual feathers, and the hairs of the forelock. From certain angles that open eye looks a little off but overall I like it.

You guys know about the furry music video made for Lone Digger? Here's the SFM with that song, just as many deaths, and ponies robbing a bank.

Also a creepy song about Shining Armor's past.

Anon 05/16/2021 (Sun) 21:12:47 [Preview] No.7573 del
(197.58 KB 730x411 VelvetMANE.webm)
I think I'm in love.

In other news I think I need to find/upload the rest of the Two-Best-Sisters vids.

But for now ... here's Velvet Remedy, with an actual mane.

Anon 05/17/2021 (Mon) 09:38:49 [Preview] No.7575 del
(165.36 KB 1111x625 brutal.jpg)
(136.26 KB 1042x1042 creepyeye.jpg)
> Dinky's Destiny
I forgot about that animation. I remember first running into it and while not enjoying it much at the time I was interested to see where it would go.

>You guys know about the furry music video made for Lone Digger?

>Here's the SFM with that song, just as many deaths, and ponies robbing a bank.
Not familar with it, but that was pretty brutal.

>Also a creepy song about Shining Armor's past.
Yay, comfirmed abuse and incest over creepy mostly one sided incest crush.

I am not the biggest fan of plushes but that pone's mane looks pretty nice!

Is it yours?

Eye curving around the head looks off. Plus the legs look slightly awkward posed, but otherwise I'd say it's beautiful.

Anon 05/19/2021 (Wed) 22:43:55 [Preview] No.7586 del
(18.42 MB 720x405 DarkMagicUsed.webm)
(2.83 MB 780x439 AugmentedVocals.webm)
>Is it yours?
I have no plushies. I might have to change that.

I still haven't gotten the rest of the two-best-sisters vids but here's another Silly Filly vid and a fan-retake of one scene from it.

Anon 05/22/2021 (Sat) 06:43:20 [Preview] No.7587 del
Ah, Fall of the Crystal Empire, had that obvious flash rig style that I have grown to love over the years even if it was born from amateurism. Don't get me wrong, some of the moments where impressive as well. Similar feel of animation in vid related.

> Silly Filly vid and a fan-retake of one scene from it.
Fan remake is weaker, that voice sounds more like a pitiful, weak old husk of a creature over something of strength worthy of the Nightmare.

Anon 05/27/2021 (Thu) 08:40:32 [Preview] No.7594 del
My fav episode of Know Your Mare (I'll post the rest later).

Anon 05/31/2021 (Mon) 04:48:12 [Preview] No.7607 del
That first one, was actually the second of the battles between those two main-characters.

The burns here are actually pretty sharp but only if you've read the source material. I'd like to maybe repost these once they've been trimmed a bit, shrunk by VP9 but we're a bit shy on post count and I'm tired so I'm just uploading as-is.

Anon 06/02/2021 (Wed) 04:20:20 [Preview] No.7609 del
Hmmmm, I am missing episode 12. I have to check and see if it was deleted or if it didn't download, but that will be for after my bussiness this week.

Anon 06/30/2021 (Wed) 06:51:53 [Preview] No.7643 del
Was this actual footage? Do you remember the headcanon about Twi remembering Gen-4 while everypony else was successfully reprogrammed to forget and think their current iteration was normal and complete?


Anon 07/01/2021 (Thu) 07:41:07 [Preview] No.7645 del
(288.54 KB 1250x960 21631.jpg)
Yes I remeber that headcanon and the video looks real enough. I've seen gags from PL on that level before. Though only one full episode.

Though I wouldn't think they are hinting at that, honestly it fits perfectly with that headcanon. Maybe if I ever get to watching more of it we might find some evidence.

Twilight Sparkle created the most happy and mundane world possible after her friends were gone and trapped herself within. That'd be a dark twist for Pony Life and Hasbro did specificatly mention Pony Life and FiM in their first press release taking about G5 as a continuation of that world

Anon 07/02/2021 (Fri) 16:05:58 [Preview] No.7650 del
(154.46 MB 1280x720 FiM-Fully.webm)
Do we still allow 250M uploads? Because this is more than halfway there...

Some ponies who care way too much about minutia have put together this hour-long consideration of how MLP went down, in-universe.

Anon 07/02/2021 (Fri) 17:05:34 [Preview] No.7651 del
(31.38 MB 1280x720 ConvBureau.webm)
(2.94 MB 1034x1024 EmbrPon.webm)
(2.79 MB 640x360 ClaymtnPoniXmas.webm)
(282.34 KB 640x360 Flttrb_TryAgn.webm)
And another big one! A few years old new, Freewave, Injustrial, and some other folks tried to create some sort of "reboot" to the Conversion Bureau universe. Have a PMV-ish thing that for some reason is age-restricted on YT.
Also it took me WAY too long to find/remember Injustrial's stage name. Also, his music reminds me of Kompressor but I also couldn't remember that and had to query coworkers about musicians that filmed themselves in rubber masks at gas stations and used bad grammar deliberately.
And then it turns out that didn't help me because no one said ever, that I can find, "Here's the ponified form of Kompressor, let me upload Injustrial" So I still had to forcefully remember his stage name.

Also I have no idea where these others came from but they're not in this thread. All apologies if they're dupes you guys already uploaded for my enjoyment. BUT NOW YOU CAN ENJOY THEM TWICE

Anon 07/03/2021 (Sat) 23:35:42 [Preview] No.7652 del
Eh. Here's some weird ones for you all.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 02:17:41 [Preview] No.7657 del
Have some cute nostalgia. It turns out the same YT'r that made "Epic Pie Time" also made the iconic "wubtime musicians of Ponyville" -- will save & convert that soon too.

In the mean time have the somewhat hard to find WHAT TIME IS IT pony reimplementation of the asdf movie's song by the Muffin character.
Also the SFM re-re-implementation of same.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 10:06:51 [Preview] No.7661 del
>And another big one! A few years old new, Freewave, Injustrial, and some other folks tried to create some sort of "reboot" to the Conversion Bureau universe. Have a PMV-ish thing that for some reason is age-restricted on YT.
Only been through 5 minutes of it but it was a... interesting experience. I find some parts of it clever and other parts make me want to bash my head against the wall.

I preseme she wasn't invovled in this and they were just using her fic covers for filler, right?

Anycase, I will have to watch this fully and look more into.

That one is wholesome and is doublebased if it is using any real claymation in that.

>All apologies if they're dupes you guys already uploaded for my enjoyment.
No apologies necessary for...
double uploads are merely DOUBLE THE FUN!

This voice strangely fits Octavia and is it just me or the lip sync seems slightly ahead of a normal SFM?

Seems like a inferior, or should I say, more spliced togather and jumping between styles kind of thing Racecarghost would do for ponifying some similar Japanese stuff. I'll see if I have one on hoof and I'll upload it.

No comment

>Have some cute nostalgia.
Oh, man this is. Only thing that ain't familiar with in this is SFM one.

My absolute favorite in this is Derpi Epic Rage Time. Particularly for Celestia two lines:
>Mother of me
>Maybe I should visit them more often
Derpy's voice is just perfect.
Most of the voices in here are good...

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 10:15:30 [Preview] No.7662 del
>Some ponies who care way too much about minutia have put together this hour-long consideration of how MLP went down, in-universe.
I saw this video go viral. Neat effort though I have never bothered to watch it so I can't say if it's good yet.
Shame she left the fandom on negative terms.
Seems like I encountered that guy before on something

I'll have to give it a watch sometime. Neat that you were able to uplaod it.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 08:17:24 [Preview] No.7675 del
This board needs therapy.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 16:32:33 [Preview] No.7679 del
>>7678 (cross thread)
Yes it was me you can guess by the heavy use of puns and/or double entendres.
Sometimes in filenames sometimes in comments.

And I've been around long enough to have seen G1 when it first aired. Mind you, I didn't, because there were ever so slightly manlier cartoons on another channel, but sometimes the other cartoon would be dumb, in-commercial, or a rerun, so I've seen a few episodes of G1.

Not this one, though. I really only remember the paint that brought furniture to life. I even though then, that was a bit creepy. I mean, the crib was okay with the foal but the chairs HATED the way ponies sat on them.

Anyway have some sound effects, and I guess the nutshell series has created its own memes, so have in-person fans harping on them.

Anon 07/15/2021 (Thu) 22:12:30 [Preview] No.7690 del
>Was this actual footage?
well, for sure Twilight would be welcome to join into the Carrington Institute crew.

>That'd be a dark twist for Pony Life and Hasbro did specificatly mention Pony Life and FiM in their first press release taking about G5 as a continuation of that world
If that happened to be canon, we would get a little bit closer to the cyberpunk territory...and Bridgefag would try to write stories of his wet dreams with Mrs. Sparkle carrying out her operations as a secret agent

Anon 07/17/2021 (Sat) 07:26:29 [Preview] No.7701 del
It makes me sad when I see you brush your tooth with Jack.
>also you stole my mic, and you never gave it back.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 04:19:57 [Preview] No.7702 del
that's right, >>7460 the End hates this particular file, and it's been successfully uploaded over there and unsuccessfully three other times.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:29:40 [Preview] No.7706 del
Why does the end hate this file so much?

>Mrs. Sparkle carrying out her operations as a secret agent
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cxEausPgUdc [Embed]

Anon Admin 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:33:42 [Preview] No.7708 del
Scrubbed the file from db. Try again to upload a fresh, that'll fix it.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:38:02 [Preview] No.7711 del
(34.08 KB 360x360 492.gif)
Thanks admin!

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 01:39:40 [Preview] No.7713 del
I'm a little wary by now, but we'll try a re-upload and if that doesn't work I'll re-encode the 21MB file I have.

Here too is the glitchhop remix, presented by Cider Party, of BlueBrony's Namby Pamby -- I put up the Warpigs PMV when I was under the weather but I can re-upload it here to keep things centralized, I suppose. PMVs to normal-person rock were the first of the pony videos to come out, and while they feel a bit amateurish now, it's only because ponies have inspired incredibly talented folks like LittleShy who -- guess what? Is STILL collecting and presenting "best pony videos" a full decade later.

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 03:10:30 [Preview] No.7714 del
> War Pigs PMV
> 71MB

Guess I didn't upload the re-encoded copy, did I?
There are a *lot* of in-a-nutshell videos, as it turns out. Here's one of the more recent ones.
And Dinky's Destiny, which is available in 1440P though I don't know if it's 60fps ;-)

In my first post in this thread, there is a video titled "different view of reality" -- it turns out the youtuber, Killme2Paza, also has a fair number of 'different view' videos, all with fairly good story telling that doesn't rely on words, but facial expressions and magical weapon strikes.
This one includes a screenshot at the end trying to tie them all into a cohesive whole -- a different MLP universe, if you will.

Hey! Somepony mentioned Cyberpunk!
There's the music to go with your fantasies!

I forget how I found that -- Cider Party's latest video's comments or description? Something like that.
Anyway I have to go so I guess this is all the videos you get from me for a few days.

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 11:38:26 [Preview] No.7716 del
>I'm a little wary by now
It worked. Yep, I can remember watching this vid waaaaaaaaay back in 2018. Not a fav but their is a odd sense of nostiga.

>Cider Party, of BlueBrony's Namby Pamby
I remember this. Not sure if the glitch chop adds much here but I wouldn't really call it a negative either.

> War Pigs PMV
Hey, it is pretty well edited. Worth the space.

>, there is a video titled "different view of reality"
Saw it. The quality shifts from low quality to kind of impressive are interesting with this animator.

>also has a fair number of 'different view' videos, all with fairly good story telling that doesn't rely on words, but facial expressions and magical weapon strikes.
I agree, he is coveying well, and that can be hard to due when it's not just simple stuff.

> This one includes a screenshot at the end trying to tie them all into a cohesive whole -- a different MLP universe, if you will
That is pretty neat. Honestly, even if it doesn't turn out to be my cup of tea I like seeing universes like this can be cool.

>Anyway I have to go so I guess this is all the videos you get from me for a few days
I hope ya have a great time. Honestly, thank you for making this thread. It is a treat to watch stuff, whether nostalgia or new to me. I will hopefully have a dump here one day as big as yours but for now have a PMV in somewhat odd style that an anon was trying to find who made it more of that story later

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 11:41:15 [Preview] No.7717 del
(30.08 MB 1280x720 mamisaxvdyq.mp4)
> now have a PMV in somewhat odd style that an anon was trying to find who made it

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 11:42:34 [Preview] No.7718 del
>This one includes a screenshot at the end trying to tie them all into a cohesive whole -- a different MLP universe, if you will.
Posting screenshot for further examination later.

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 17:32:16 [Preview] No.7723 del
(117.05 KB 1920x1080 Overview.jpg)
screencap with notes, from the full-sized vid

Anon 07/28/2021 (Wed) 22:29:27 [Preview] No.7731 del
(5.78 MB 576x360 TrixieIs.webm)
Awfully slow. Is everyone gone now?

I thought I had more content but this seems to be it today. Trixie is left all alone with no friends.

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 03:23:57 [Preview] No.7732 del
>Awfully slow. Is everyone gone now?

I thought that we would be waiting for the archive project to /end/ and it's actually coming to an end,they only have one day or two more for scraping/saving/downloading everything that is available before Alphabet decides to get rid of pre 2017 content that has been unlisted. There isn't much room left for action at this point though.

>I thought I had more content but this seems to be it today.
Don't worry about that. However,she is looking devastated. Are you trying to channel your thoughts indirectly with this webm? Because if you miss any of these,well...you aren't alone on that but there aren't many people around here to miss either. Have you been facing actual hard times lately?

>Trixie is left all alone with no friends.
No one listens to a legendary trip hop band like Massive Attack alone. Far from it.


And those friends never left...just that they were hibernating,in case that you were missing them.

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 03:33:11 [Preview] No.7733 del
So,CB...considering that you say that this is getting painfully slow (and you say that with a good reason)...

..if you want this board to become an active place, perhaps it is my time to unfold the keyboard and the image folders and blow this up...

So,my question to your request is: How many posts do you want to see for getting a warm sense from this place?

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 06:10:35 [Preview] No.7737 del
(93.80 KB 896x896 Celest-DivorRsns.gif)
Up to you, mr. dub-dubs.


Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 06:21:05 [Preview] No.7738 del
Yeah, but you know...I would appreciate some kind of communication, feedback or something.

I mean,I have to imply what you are trying to convey with that post so...I am not sure what purposes you
want to raise with that. You drop it as if you are trying to leave your words into some kind of gray area for commenting about the board but at the same time,you word them like that for introducing the content that you want to share. I get the practice but I am unsure about the double meanings from them.

I am still lurking (so do Bridgefag and the others,I guess) and yeah,I will post on that thread as well. Just that you know,I would like some kind of direct expression with what you want to express here.

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 06:34:40 [Preview] No.7740 del
(2.83 MB 600x400 Snekpon.png)
I really should have ended with "Do you want to join in? <link>"

>direct expression
Except I have no idea what to suggest. I wasn't hoping for a bursting thread I was hoping there were still lurkers wanting to post but ... hovering over their keyboards, unsure.

In short, what were YOU thinking of, for a thread-dump of uncoiled keyboard? Go ahead and do that!

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 06:46:00 [Preview] No.7741 del
>Except I have no idea what to suggest.
*leaves a grin on my face after reading this

oh CB, I wish I could suggest something too. But you know, I have been running out of ideas since 2020 and everything that I expected to do over here was pretty much accomplished (?) so I am more like at your service for continuing this.

If you genuinely believe that I know what to do here...I am telling you that I am not...but I keep improvising so we can see where this goes,anyway.

>I wasn't hoping for a bursting thread I was hoping there were still lurkers wanting to post but ... hovering over their keyboards, unsure.

well, there are...just that how many of them turn out to be active? Well, I could count as one of them for this year (considering my track record) but I guess that the tactic of delivering more posts in order to create a simple mirage has confused you as well.

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 06:49:25 [Preview] No.7743 del
>In short, what were YOU thinking of, for a thread-dump of uncoiled keyboard? Go ahead and do that!

I will do that...if YOU WANT me to do so and prove that I am perfectly capable to accomplish that.

So, that task is that I reserve if someone is desperate for getting to the top of the list.Therefore, I find myself waiting for it.

Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 13:46:19 [Preview] No.7744 del
well, I have been thinking about it and for now, I am not going to dive into it yet. There is no need to do so for now and I have to wait for those who are archiving stuff on /mlp/ (the most important project that the fanbase has accidentally encountered in 2021)

Besides, unleashing a whole outburst of posts so abruptly might not pay off if it doesn´t get to have any momentum in practice. I will have to wait for the right moment to occur because one cannot display such relentless force so often.

As for the new thread, I have been planning about a couple of ideas that could turn out to be pretty cool but I need to prepare a very specific gallery for it.

PD: there was a short moment in which /endpone/ entered into the top 15 all over again earlier today so, even with this bunch of posts, the board can actually get at the top of the boardlist.

>Up to you, mr. dub-dubs.
Not today. The boost can come at anytime if I feel like doing so...but I have decided to postpone it for now...

Anon 07/31/2021 (Sat) 00:34:26 [Preview] No.7745 del
(13.39 MB 900x506 ConfrontatNit.webm)
(5.03 MB 840x473 FullMetal.webm)
(1.39 MB 1280x720 oniichan.webm)
(5.37 MB 900x506 ponydrugs.webm)
>Have you been facing actual hard times lately?

Well, I did just recover from what a relative insists is the "delta variant"

Also you guys are my only friends because my coworkers have taken the death-shot and don't understand why I haven't followed just because there's no isolate of the suggested pathogen but there is 9,000+ deaths known to be caused by the "cure" and 111K "break-thru" cases where the "vaccine" did exactly nothing, as predicted by many.

Also I like depressing music sometimes. Not so much in this mix, though. Pretty eclectic selection of musicals with an operatic reference.

Anon 07/31/2021 (Sat) 00:35:51 [Preview] No.7746 del
plus two more that ... considering the general crowd here, would probably be better spoilered.

Anon 07/31/2021 (Sat) 00:36:42 [Preview] No.7747 del
(6.80 MB 1280x720 14880.webm)
you know, if I remembered to click the "spoiler" button when I post.

Anon 08/09/2021 (Mon) 03:18:39 [Preview] No.7772 del
(3.28 MB 900x506 crazier+crazier.webm)
(4.34 MB 1936x4680 FoE-WAS-the-future.png)

For no reason at all I went to furbooru, did a search for FoE art, found the comic, whose comment had a link to the YT vid!

Transferring and embedding subtitles using YT-dl & ffmpeg is ... complicated, but it seems to have worked. Or just review the comic that's translated a bit better while you watch the animation.

Anon 08/10/2021 (Tue) 09:57:38 [Preview] No.7773 del

I must say, did get a little laugh when Dolores died Everything was fixed

PoLS, had a unexpected busy weekend. Im still gonna post the archived stuff, happening tomorrow no matter what

Have some footage to a game that never saw the light of day and whose videos were killed in the great unlisting purge of YT.

Anon 08/20/2021 (Fri) 23:40:11 [Preview] No.7800 del
(12.83 MB 780x439 Foals-of-the-Nite.webm)
(4.00 MB 800x450 NetflixOffcl.webm)
Obviously I've been meaning to stop forgetting to upload this. Lots of hype, some fair discussion about the source material and had our Luna turned, even then?
Because of the scene the song was pulled from, where the witches used it to seduce children to their doom. So the intro was added, maybe for that? Dunno.

Also, here's the compressed / saveable form of that TNG trailer.

Anon 08/20/2021 (Fri) 23:46:45 [Preview] No.7801 del
(3.57 MB 1280x720 DerpyComparison.webm)
Also a compressed archival thing.

Anon 08/21/2021 (Sat) 17:25:38 [Preview] No.7802 del
(8.20 MB 1280x720 WantIt_NeedIt.webm)
(9.60 MB 640x360 BreakStuffPMV.webm)
(25.47 MB 1280x720 WantitHoldMe-Simult.mp4)
Sometimes Bookhors is ... delicate and doesn't respond to stress well.

Anon 08/21/2021 (Sat) 21:40:06 [Preview] No.7804 del
I always respect anons who are more skilled with this work doing stuff for us retards. Especially ever sense webmforretards was kill.

These are all classic.

Anon 08/21/2021 (Sat) 21:45:39 [Preview] No.7805 del
These animators man. I don't know how they did it, but something felt right with the way they handled other angles of pony heads in a way the show never seemed to quite get right as this.

Anon 08/25/2021 (Wed) 10:35:18 [Preview] No.7806 del
>some fair discussion about the source material and had our Luna turned, even then?
I had actually never taken a look at the source material (that I can recall, been years since I've seen this). That is a really interesting point and puts a dark spin to this. I remember thinking it was a "simple" Celestia bad/Luna good thing that was so typical at the time.

>saveable form

>of that TNG trailer.
The acronym 'TNG' makes me think of Star Trek The Next Generation but next generation is applicable here too!

I remember when everyone thought this would destory the fandom. Oh, what they didn't know...

>Sometimes Bookhors is ... delicate and doesn't respond to stress well.
Only a... tiny bit.

>Especially ever sense webmforretards was kill.
I thought webmforretards got politically corrected and had to change its name, not killed or canceled.

This discussion and analysis from the long dead YT channel Muffin Lovin' Productions touches on that detail some.

Muffin Lovin' Productions was yet another one of my choices of something that I followed but didn't take off, a pony variety channel of sorts

Anon 08/26/2021 (Thu) 16:29:30 [Preview] No.7808 del
Biz Markie is a person? Apparently not anymore. But good grief is 60fps hard to compress well. Of course the original is over eighty meg so this is a sizeable reduction but still.

>I Didn't put that webm in this post.

Anon 08/31/2021 (Tue) 06:01:47 [Preview] No.7828 del
>Biz Markie
I have no idea who this is and this animation feels odd. She is moving more lifelike then some static models but she still in a very limited way.

>I Didn't put that webm in this post.
What webm?

>This discussion and analysis from the long dead YT channel Muffin Lovin' Productions touches on that detail some.
Never heard of them but I may watch this later. Thanks.

Anon 08/31/2021 (Tue) 06:47:13 [Preview] No.7830 del
>What webm?

the other one?

Anon 09/02/2021 (Thu) 23:41:15 [Preview] No.7834 del
So, in >>7621 I compared a dream to a Veggie Tales sequence I hadn't seen, and got the reply
>Oh the nostalgia.

So, on that note, here's a piece of nostalgia for ... certain of you.
Also, Glim-Glam being a bit careless, thoughtless, and oddly musicless.

>These are all classic.
Also that first one is a dupe, although I think that's cross-thread.
I know some had complained about 8k's policy of disallowing duplicate files ANYWHERE on the board which I could kinda stand behind but it meant you couldn't fill the new thread of the best .webms or .mp3s of the old thread.

Anon 09/03/2021 (Fri) 06:19:25 [Preview] No.7835 del
Endchan isn't running well, so I can't see what veggie tale inspired thing is.

>Also, Glim-Glam being a bit careless, thoughtless, and oddly musicless.
Dolores Umbridge is such a airhead.

> policy of disallowing duplicate files ANYWHERE on the board which I could kinda stand behind but it meant you couldn't fill the new thread of the best .webms or .mp3s of the old thread.
How many dups are there? If it happens sometimes, no biggie, if it happens a lot then yeah that is a problem.

I still don't get it. Then again I am the lurker retard, so maybe I'm just tarded.

Anon 09/06/2021 (Mon) 10:37:56 [Preview] No.7837 del
(1.96 MB 720x720 2930006.webm)
>So, on that note, here's a piece of nostalgia for ... certain of you.
That would be me bridgefag Honestly, I found it a little uncanny at first but I like what they did with this song. If they could have the sheild in someway that would've been better.

Video related I... well I am enjoying it but for reasons more closer to this:
>A big part of what I like, I think, in writing fan-fiction is having a complete world. I don't want to write about meeting a friend for coffee and focusing on how the coffee feels as it rolls down the MC's throat. I want to hint at how the riots in the main coffee growing countries have caused two factions to emerge, one using dark magic to force-grow coffee plants in a completely unreasonable soil, resulting in cursed (but tasty!) beans, and another who is importing dirt to try and grow the plants naturally but has made a lot of enemies, and all the wrong friends resulting in a strained supply line and high prices but at least it tastes natural, as coffee should.
I, upon seeing this picture, am entertained at thinking what situation is going on for Twilight to be part of a convoy armed with a gun. Amused at thinking what Twilight's almost happy sounding dry sarcasm (or maybe she is being sincere?)
>Hey friend I know the world is scary right now but,
She could be totally serious, saying, enjoy this moment you have your idiot, it's going to be a lot worse when we start to really lose the war and don't have proper food anymore.

Though one thing to be fair, unlike sometimes, Fortunate Son doesn't apply if a princess is fighting with you on that level.
> ANYWHERE on the board which I could kinda stand behind but it meant you couldn't fill the new thread of the best .webms or .mp3s of the old thread.
>How many dups are there? If it happens sometimes, no biggie, if it happens a lot then yeah that is a problem.
We mainly did this do to edits at the time. A few dups don't bug me but I can see where CB is coming from. Perhaps I'll turn it on and see if any updates have occurred and I can turn it on or off when needed too.

Anon 10/03/2021 (Sun) 10:49:27 [Preview] No.7929 del
(5.35 MB 640x360 TheMane6inANG.mp4)
Was messing around. Have a small clip of the new movie. Not the full mane6 cameo but (missing a bit of Twilight's intro and tiny bit of the end) but the way it gets cut off is funny and thus I am posting it.

Will post a true, more higher resolution one later.

Anon 10/04/2021 (Mon) 05:30:59 [Preview] No.7933 del
(15.23 MB 640x360 QirinClim.webm)
(9.97 MB 854x480 Kirin-CanCanCant.webm)
(2.31 MB 1280x720 mlp-tng-pmv.webm)
(2.29 MB 320x180 FoE_ERBoE-writers.mp4)
>Though one thing to be fair, unlike sometimes, Fortunate Son doesn't apply if a princess is fighting with you

Turns out there's no PMV of Fortunate Son. Can't imagine why a band from the '70s wouldn't be more influential on folks born with half a decade of the Y2K nonevent but okay.

Have the one CCR PMV I could find.
Also I'm reposting for the .webm thread a couple kirin songs that were mentioned in the middle of the chat thread, I think, just before this thread was launched.

Also, our first g5-pmv. First I've seen, anyway. The song is Levitating, which is interesting but there isn't much levitation in the movie to use so it's just a montage of the girls so whatever.

And the last of the FoE-ERBoE -- KKat vs Somber. Didn't know I had skipped it somehow.

my browser still refuses to play the audio portion.

Anon 10/04/2021 (Mon) 09:26:05 [Preview] No.7934 del
>Can't imagine why a band from the '70s wouldn't be more influential on folks born with half a decade of the Y2K nonevent but okay.
It probably did exist at one point but was wiped out by either copyright ID or unlisted purge. I mean, I have found PMVs for a lot of classic bands, sometimes somewhat obscure (Can I Tell You By Kansas, yes really, too bad I never saved it, the song would be vary appropriate right now in these times):
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uX0H_anNJE4 [Embed]

>Have the one CCR PMV I could find.
Classic clipshow PMV. Maybe not high effort, but special and nostigatic all the same. Also making me think of Stargate...

> First I've seen, anyway. The song is Levitating, which is interesting but there isn't much levitation in the movie to use so it's just a montage of the girls so whatever.
Not my taste of song but first is a first (or possible first is a first anyway).

Speaking of PMVs, you looking for fortune son caused me to find this pretty neat little Rush PMV, even if a little goofy. I am surprised I never found this before, especially considering the style of this Drummershy reminds me of here the long vanished QuartzDash (rush PMVs, with similar vector placement and effects). Thanks for triggering me to find this.

> I think, just before this thread was launched.
Neat. A bit dupsteppy but I love songs made like this.

>my browser still refuses to play the audio portion.
Drat! I haven't had much time to tinker but I'll see if I can fix it.

Anon 10/14/2021 (Thu) 05:05:57 [Preview] No.7957 del
I very much forget the sequence the sent me on the hunt for what's presented here as "super major multi" version.

But there are, in fact, MANY remixes, remakes and re-imaginings of the initial presentation of "Sunshine, sunshine, Ladybugs awake."

Here are five. First the original, then Setup-1337's SFM scantily clad ladies, the disintigration of order, and an SFM of a pair of those.

FluttershyNimation actually was quick to make an SFM of this, but I'm presenting here the newer "remake"; the original has a charm this one lacks, but in it's place are better models, better motions, and overall a better product.
Minus the charm.

Anon 10/14/2021 (Thu) 05:17:07 [Preview] No.7958 del
While the "original" fell through, I guess the browser won't accept it anyway.

While I re-encode it, experience true diabetes as Swedish Spitfire shouts AHA to Rainbow Dash
Also, first up are the lady bugs of too much sugar.
Watch at your own peril.

Anon 10/16/2021 (Sat) 01:36:20 [Preview] No.7960 del
(2.11 MB 1280x720 original.webm)
(24.97 MB 800x450 GameOn.webm)
(2.63 MB 640x360 HowS5_SHOULDhave.webm)
(797.13 KB 800x450 ThatOutfitIsFried.webm)
With what is probably the final piece is ForgaLorga's "Star Light's Kingdom" series, ending in NO SPOILERS! I would be curious to put the whole sequence together, starting with the first appearance of the counter, at 700:00:00:00. But that is quite a bit more than five, or even ten, to put the whole story in sequence and even then it doesn't quite make sense since there are no speaking parts anywhere.

Instead, and while I want to save the SFM interpretation of the super-major-multi disintegration, I need to get the original out so everypony can examine the inspiration TechPony sent us all on.

A random DnD piece from ForgaLorga that puts me in mind of Jumanji or Spike's comic book is next, followed by the repaired subs to the FoE piece above a ways. Turns out, you have to download the Russian subs to get the good English. the English subs are a transliteration of what they're literally speaking. Presumably if you read/write Russian, you wouldn't need some silly pony to add writing to what you can already hear is being said.
'nuff said.
(Except to point out that FFmpeg needs you to convert the subs file, .vtt, to the advanced substation alpha format, file.ass, then give your .ass TO FFmpeg)

This isn't the first time I've reminded myself I can do this, but I'm attaching a .gif ... that was converted seamlessly to VP9.

Lastly, going straight from the ridiculous to the sublime, a piece some of his followers have said is Argodeaemon's opus magnum, which also is a little unclear because there's no speaking, just some singing and vaporizing of wings, "Remembrance".

Anon 10/18/2021 (Mon) 04:21:58 [Preview] No.7961 del
>Argodeaemon's opus magnum, which also is a little unclear because there's no speaking, just some singing and vaporizing of wings, "Remembrance".
Frankly, I am siting here debating whether I should watch it as I think it could make me cry.

>Watch at your own peril.
So uncanny. SFM can be done good, hell, I'll even say it for SFM anthro, but these just look like pony heads grafted to a human body.

Anon 10/18/2021 (Mon) 04:34:07 [Preview] No.7962 del
> just some singing and vaporizing of wings, "Remembrance".
That statement is accurate, but also,
> sublime
I find this, if there is a intended "strict" plot to be rather hard to justify within lore. It's rather weird to have the Mane 5 turned to stone permanently. It seems like there would be some way to reverse this unless it was done by harmony itself and harmony wouldn't do that to it's own bearers now would it? This is perfect as a slightly tacky on the nose symbolism though. Think, of

Anon 10/18/2021 (Mon) 04:42:04 [Preview] No.7963 del
I accidentally hit the reply buttom
Think of the fact that it is the reverse of what happened in magical mystery cure. Twilight Sparkle's alicornhood being sacrificed for her friends over her friends being used to empower her. She is choosing her friends over immortality and that is beautiful. Even if I have never been on board the Twicorn hate train I think this is a underappreciated facet of Twicorn's circumstance, one made more poignant by Twilight's immortality being canon

Anon 10/20/2021 (Wed) 07:55:52 [Preview] No.7966 del
(45.58 KB 608x439 247218.jpg)
> ForgaLorga's "Star Light's Kingdom" series,
Haven't seen this or much of ForgaLorga to be honest.

>A random DnD piece from ForgaLorga that puts me in mind
I think it was cute even if I didn't have much of a idea what was going on. ForgaLorga's show style reminds me of the simpler and amateurish animation of the olden days and that is not a bad thing.

>This isn't the first time I've reminded myself I can do this, but I'm attaching a .gif ... that was converted seamlessly to VP9.
Mild lol. Any particular plans for this or just messing around?

> ridiculous to the sublime, a piece some of his followers have said is Argodeaemon's opus magnum,
That is a name I have run into a few times before, not the most into SFM, but I check it out from time to time just because of the large roll it has played in our fan works.

>if there is a intended "strict" plot to be rather hard to justify within lore.
In hard lore, yes, but I am not sure you couldn't run with a fanfic plot where it occurs.. Maybe the Elements of Harmony being not quite so good themselves?

> Twilight Sparkle's alicornhood being sacrificed for her friends over her friends being used to empower her. She is choosing her friends over immortality and that is beautiful.
That is beautiful. Not sure it is complete reverse as her friends didn't lose anything from it. Depending on how you take certain facts, they possibly killed Twilight Sparkle for her alicornifaction, but I still overall agree.

>Even if I have never been on board the Twicorn hate train I think this is a underappreciated facet of Twicorn's circumstance
I have seen some fics have Twilight sort of choose this path but most seem to make Twilight go insane, merely be sad, or pure acceptance. This I haven't see near as much, at least in a full positive light, as this is usually the "greedy" path.

Anon 10/26/2021 (Tue) 17:21:30 [Preview] No.7977 del
Hmm, grabbed the wrong video this morning. Have a snippet, as I consider what went wrong.

From a YT comment:
ForgaLorga's Entertainment© Presents :

Dolores Umbridge : The Umbridge-Verse©

The Chronological Timeline
- The First Dolores
- Dolores and The Strange Castle [AgrolChannel]
- Twilight and The Strange Castle [Part 2]

Chapter 2 : Get Some Wings
- Best Princesses Ever
- Celestia is Best Princess
- Everyone Loves Princess Luna
- Everypony is Strange
- Give Me Your Wings
- Something About The Princesses
- Dolores Vs Mane 6
- Dolores Wants Your Cutie Mark
- Weird Ponyville

Chapter 3 : Recruitment
- Secrets of The Mane 6
- Princess Dolores Umbridge

Chapter 4 : Time & Search
- Pony and Magical Artifact
- Artifacts of Equestria
(Countdown Timer had appeared starts from 700:00:00:00)
- It's Picnic Time
The Countdown Timer is now at 476:04:55:35
- Know Your Castle

Chapter 5 :
- Dolores's World (Part 1)
- The Princess of Evil [AgrolChannel]
- Dolores's World (Part 2)

Anon 10/26/2021 (Tue) 20:27:57 [Preview] No.7978 del
(37.97 MB 825x464 Anthology_V7r5.webm)
As I check my dubs, I check my filesize.

It will not fit.

So while I squash it even further even yet to be more like have the first pass copy.

Anon 11/11/2021 (Thu) 09:57:33 [Preview] No.7995 del
This is one of the cases where the SFM version is objectively superior. Neither are quite my style but I think the SFM one actually did some interesting stuff with it's animation. It feels like the ragdoll and jerky effects of using SFM are being put to use to add to creepness at some moments. A lot of the animation is pretty smooth in spite of this, which suggests someone who truly knows the tool.

As for the song? Rap is not my taste but I'll admit this has a nostalgic familiarity to it. I am haunted by thoughts of old days,chans, tumblr blogs, fanfics, and a less political and overall more innocent age.

Anon 11/11/2021 (Thu) 10:20:34 [Preview] No.7997 del
Thanks for a timeline, I will use this to try to check that out.

>38 MB
Very good for something as varied as that.

Anon 01/28/2022 (Fri) 09:16:38 [Preview] No.8129 del
I had something cute typed up, about "you the man now, dog" and YTP and ffmpeg.

Now it's after one in the morning and I need to get some sleep.
Have some gen-5 nonsense.

Anon 01/28/2022 (Fri) 10:32:37 [Preview] No.8130 del
>Have some gen-5 nonsense.
Somewhat impressed that G5 YTP exist. First one actually got me to laugh a couple of times. Coupled with my recent browsing of Gamejolt and finding obscure games made even this year that look straight out of 2012 it makes for a interesting feeling. I guess if some people in this fandom are still using old TV memes and such then some things will never change.

>one in the morning
It's 4 AM for me.

Anon 01/29/2022 (Sat) 06:33:01 [Preview] No.8135 del
(499.09 KB 704x400 460222.webm)

This moment, in it's smallness, should not amuse me so.

Anon 03/21/2022 (Mon) 01:00:13 [Preview] No.8173 del
So, I follow a board elsewhere where music videos (well, at least those two particular ones that keep getting reposted) by "groups" such as IDLEGLANCE & TRASH are well appreciated
...but they're just AMVs set to angry music, right? So I went looking for PMVs set to angry music, and found these.

Anon 03/22/2022 (Tue) 11:03:26 [Preview] No.8174 del
You remind me of one angry PMV and... I hadn't achived it! Thanks, here it is to add to the pile.

>...but they're just AMVs set to angry music, right? So I went looking for PMVs set to angry music, and found these.
I haven't checked out much from outside a handful of fandoms in animated music videos, but it is interesting how pony was a cultural sponge with all of that stuff as well.

Anon 04/06/2022 (Wed) 23:43:41 [Preview] No.8185 del
So, while looking at (I assume that was Carrots' post?) the mention of how little "space" the primary and most alt-boorus take up compared to the new (pun very much intended) mane-booru, I followed an ad to a YT video that described a web page that I assumed would go to a single artist.

But no, I guess Voltex Pixel is some sort of music clearing-house. Since I had colors turned off the website looks decided un-pony; maybe with colors (thus floating background images) it would look more inviting.
But all but one of the YT videos is pony-related, with a shifting focus onto MLP:tng. Though I'm sorry but 'Gonna be my day' is just not good remixing material. Maybe if somepony were to make a completely new cover with intent to remix it...Certainly 'Glowin-Up' is remixable, nonsense song though it is.

Oh, right. It looks like Enermatrix is still with us, mixing pony. What is this dark magic? Why, pony-techno, of course!

Anon 04/07/2022 (Thu) 23:41:51 [Preview] No.8186 del
(638.73 KB 1280x720 notmessedwith.webm)
(8.14 MB 380x214 Eastern_(VlPx).webm)
>2nd vid

So, fun fact -- it looks normal, color wise, on my machine played locally. Through the browser, even locally, it looks exactly the way my PDF files do because the files idea of "white" is borrowed from the system defaults. Which have been discussed here, they're deep into the green end of the scale.

So for an idea of how the color is supposed to look, have this "not messed with" clip. And to make up for it, have the other kirin video on Voltex Pixel's channel, "Eastern" albeit heavily compressed.

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 08:30:14 [Preview] No.8193 del
> I followed an ad to a YT video that described a web page that I assumed would go to a single artist.
Was this like one of those rare times where you see a average joe advertising their content on YT
Which has often be weird in the examples I have seen. Case in point : https://youtube.com/watch?v=M3jKGEOrQ [Embed] Anyway, back on topic.

>But all but one of the YT videos is pony-related,
That is kind of interesting. I would assume that it is still a small organization or outfit that is still connected to some pony artist but I have seen weirder cases before if a "outside" organization marketing whatever for a quick buck.

>Though I'm sorry but 'Gonna be my day' is just not good remixing material. Maybe if somepony were to make a completely new cover with intent to remix it...
Surprisingly agree. I have seen remixing pull wonders for songs that I did not consider the best fit for it, but, at least with this remix it feels kind of lackluster and filters added awkwardly on top or around. Nothing compared to the glories of even the mashup of Pony I Want To Be and Numb.

>Through the browser, even locally, it looks exactly the way my PDF files do because the files idea of "white" is borrowed from the system defaults.
That could be amussing, sickly, or even a benefit depending on one's taste.

> Which have been discussed here, they're deep into the green end of the scale.
As I Bridgefag have stated before. It's a odd taste but I actually like it.

Anon 04/12/2022 (Tue) 23:27:21 [Preview] No.8199 del
I guess this is the Captain Hoers post. I had a video to bring here, but forgot where I put it.
Then I grabbed five more, and now what?

Story-and-Song heavy posts up next, I guess is what. Have some lightweight vids I ran across.

Anon 04/12/2022 (Tue) 23:45:25 [Preview] No.8200 del
They won't be able to air this on the news because it will be SO BRUTAL
(Really, was that line chosen mostly to match the lip movement? Sounds overly awkward but ... here we are.)

<Later, Frieza would opine Yeah, it's ... different being an alicorn.

Anon 04/19/2022 (Tue) 09:01:56 [Preview] No.8206 del
Weird. Encountered this PMV before. More than once in fact, but it's been years. These, what do I call this style of music? Stuff like this feels peak 2010s.

>Alicorn Day.
Oh, Fimflamfilosphy. I didn't like the majority of his stuff and wasn't on team MAS being the best intellectual thing ever and FiW sucks though my fav mlp abridged series is neither of them. but I did have a interest in seeing what he did and thought sometimes he had interesting points of view. Alicorn Day being a perfect example of his dryer humor and various obervations made on the universe.

Shame, but completely understandable that Petirep had to move on with his life. It was a nice distinct style that worked well. Goodness. It's nearly 5 years since he made the last Rainbow Dash Presents, A Star in Yellow. Okay, better stop rambling.

Not my favorites but I will admit that some of the animation here is better than I would have expected.

I am going to have to mess with and see if I can post this link without it breaking everything but ain't worth the time or discussion here too much. The video I linked to is a odd video on explaining communism to children that you first think must be satire but upon checking the channel appears to be possibly sincere. It's very amateurish and bizarre.

Anon 04/19/2022 (Tue) 09:13:05 [Preview] No.8207 del
Now, let's see if I can upload a 20 minuet PMV of a certain famous Rush song...

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 00:25:14 [Preview] No.8209 del
(72.73 MB 900x506 ponyvarium.webm)
(32.98 MB 840x473 Xanadu-pmv.webm)
(8.38 MB 700x393 AllStarRush.webm)
(1.43 MB 820x461 AllDayCopyjob.webm)

I lost my whole afternoon trying to remember the song with the ponies.

A'ight, den. to quote RD, "Here we go!" -- Ancient, vaguely balladic simple-PMVs in roughly descending order of sheer magnitude of song.

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 09:40:45 [Preview] No.8214 del
>I lost my whole afternoon trying to remember the song with the ponies.
That is very hard. A lot of the songs here have ponies!!!

>Ancient, vaguely balladic simple-PMVs in roughly descending order of sheer magnitude of song.
My internet is not being the most cooperative in letting me view these at the moment (or endchan itself) but I am certainly interested in the longer ones for sure. Actually, I know I have seen one of these. 99% sure any Xanadu video you would encounter would be, QuetzalDash,the main maker of ultra long Rush PMVs in the fandom at least that once was... I always liked his experimentation and incorperation things like Pixel Ponies into his videos and his sometimes slapping togather stuff and making something a little bit different, even if it wasn't as complex as some of the super effects heavy PMVs.

>A'ight, den. to quote RD, "Here we go!"
Here We GOOOOOOOOO! <Portuguese singing

Anon 04/21/2022 (Thu) 09:22:08 [Preview] No.8220 del
Neat to see a long prog rock PMV

As expected, it is Quetzal's version.

No comment other than very 2010s as stated.


>and is just one tiny step away (not sure if it's up or down, tbh) from "When I'm a toaster repair pony"-level meme.

Anon 04/30/2022 (Sat) 06:51:23 [Preview] No.8232 del
(8.12 MB 1920x1080 WomboNtmFl.webm)
(1.12 MB 1920x1080 EldritchGoo.webm)
(1.36 MB 1261x524 CartoonFloor.webm)
(39.47 MB 432x320 SingingLive_G1.webm)
(3.88 MB 3508x2480 ThingPoneTreats.png)
Sometimes I find myself browsing the 'boorus for the "nightmare fuel" tag.

When I saw this first one, I just HAD to find enough animations to post about it/them.

Had to, you understand?

Anon 05/01/2022 (Sun) 09:10:34 [Preview] No.8235 del
>Numa Numa
Goodness, that one was horrifying but also brought a nostalgia rush. Have 4 ten year old PMVs on this annoying song and one made in 2019!

Anon 05/09/2022 (Mon) 05:49:39 [Preview] No.8240 del
(64.53 MB 1920x1080 Gen4-5_switcheroo.webm)
Dark Side of Oz's Moon it's not, but ... it's interesting how close this comes to working out.

Anon 05/10/2022 (Tue) 09:58:40 [Preview] No.8242 del
(4.54 MB 2160x2160 48159.webm)
I find this interesting as sometimes the juxtaposition feels a bit unfitting but most of the time times Our Town feels perfect for this. Secondarily Sort of like how >>8193 Numb mixs surprisely well with DT's vocals, albeit, that is something that still took the effort of mashing up some as opposed to this or Dark Side of the Moon and Wizzard of Oz where the mere swap of the audio.

Anon 05/29/2022 (Sun) 07:01:50 [Preview] No.8303 del
(5.76 MB 1080x1080 2661364.webm)
(26.01 MB 680x382 WonderballYTP.webm)
Why did I not upload these last time?
Language warning on the longer one.

Anon 06/01/2022 (Wed) 06:30:19 [Preview] No.8305 del
Scene from the new G5 official MLP game. Is it just me or do the ponies here look a little drugged or something?

Life is often a hurricane considering I have stuff that I wanted to post years ago at this point.

Anon 06/01/2022 (Wed) 23:29:52 [Preview] No.8308 del
(14.42 MB 1280x720 maREC6xkg.webm)
(8.60 MB 640x360 PMV_littlegirls.webm)
(4.48 MB 640x360 Swëtlov.webm)
(3.97 MB 1920x1080 BigTeaHell'sImages.mp4)
>a little drugged or something
Just Hitch; it's the eyelids. They're drooping but the rest of the facial expression doesn't express fatigue or disbelief or anything.

Pony as it turns out, there is some weird stuff out there. Gonna need to borrow that other thread for some of what I've come across ... elsewhere.

Anon 06/03/2022 (Fri) 09:29:23 [Preview] No.8310 del
>Pony as it turns out, there is some weird stuff out there
You can say that again.

Though, YTPMVs are at least trying to be coherent songs ,even if a lot of them do come off as very strange sometimes (which obviously ain't always bad in itself.) I actually kind of like Swetlov and maREC6xkg.

Have a couple of more YTPMVs (very old ones at that) and some other stuff that is more complimentary to the strangeness.

Anon 06/04/2022 (Sat) 07:05:28 [Preview] No.8311 del
(9.91 MB 960x540 FoE-Trailer.webm)
>some other stuff

So, that first one I'd heard before, but it occurred to me tonight that it sounds an awful lot like an actual normie song.
It turns out that yes, it's a cover, if you will, of "She Lost Control" by Joy Division.
It turns out, that Joy Division also did "Love Will Tear Us Apart "
It turns out in turn, I'm a huge fan of that song ... as performed by The Swans. Maybe not the Red version so much but the Black version and the uncolored original that I guess Gira hates for some unknown reason.
It turns out that the Swans are a bit too narrow a band to be ponified.
It turns out, these are the top two vids for ponified "swans" music.

Also, as it turns out, I've spent WAY TOO MANY HOURS tonight watching Cinemare Sins along with other fan collections.

I need to get to bed. Goodnight y'all.

Anon 06/04/2022 (Sat) 07:08:41 [Preview] No.8312 del
Weird Pony stuff is a given. Though it seems to me that weird pony stuff is often weird as opposed to weird in the traditional way of being some combination of creepy and cringy that you see from some fandoms that are adjacent to us. /co/ and furry. No offense intened, or to claim that pony is superior, just a observation.

Anon 06/04/2022 (Sat) 07:10:31 [Preview] No.8313 del
Not a bad way to spend a evening. Have a good rest!

Anon 06/11/2022 (Sat) 08:12:33 [Preview] No.8316 del
Favorite FiM opening. Honestly, I gotta say it's probably the Italian one for me. Interesting how some localizations just translate the song versus some who go all out.

>It turns out that yes, it's a cover, if you will, of "She Lost Control" by Joy Division.
And while the ytpmv has a interesting vibe that makes it stand out a bit for a "cover" I think the original in its meaning is far darker.

>It turns out, these are the top two vids for ponified "swans" music.
I love when little hunts turn up stuff. I have done it here some in the past and I can relate a lot to going back and forth searching.
Alright, this is X?
Interesting, leads to this.
And this leads to this.
Now, can I find anything ponified of it.

Shame, in my younger years I knew of a fair bit of PMVs that existed of songs that I was shocked to be made into a PMV (like, somewhat obscurer 1960s and 1970s stuff) I never archived it and were long gone at this point.

> WAY TOO MANY HOURS tonight watching Cinemare Sins along with other fan collections.
Can also relate.

I think, if were to try to point to a reason as to why this could be, is that pony stuff can be more esoteric is because of a lot of the fans who are deeper care about the ponies in a way that is beyond wish fulfillment and teenage angst. Not to insult or denigrate anybody, as teenage angst and wish fullfillment play a large part of pony as well, but a lot those us? care about ponies in a more fundamental level, sometimes even as a "mentor" or moral influence as unhealthy as that could be. So weird isn't just cringe but say, never ending comic series that is trying to right the perceived wrongs of the final or odd philosophical ramblings + pony. At least that is my two bits.

Anon 06/12/2022 (Sun) 08:52:59 [Preview] No.8317 del
I watched them change before my eyes
Destinies rearranged to my surprise
I tried so hard to make amends
But my mistake has separated my friends
White turned to blue, and blue to white
Harmony rewritten out of sight
What can I do to bring you back
My technicolor world has faded to black

Wake up now and see the truth
I'm here to show the world to you
'''The way it was meant to be
So follow your destiny
This twisted future isn't right'''
Let's bring the real you to the light
I'm going to make you realize
So open your eyes

I've made mistakes and failed before
But somehow this time it's something more
Broken your life and who you are
I'm afraid I've left a terrible scar
But apologies won't save me now
It's up to me to restore you somehow
I'll bring you back your memories
piece by piece restoring harmony

'''I've got to find a way
To make this all okay'''
I've got to find a way
To fix my own mistake
Oh, but I promise to succeed
But I know you're still in need
I know you have been misused
And you're probably confused
But there's not much I can do
The cure is within you
So hold on tight
And open your eyes!

Not 100% sure why I had the urge to copy paste the lyrics from the description over. Let's just say the bold lyrics are ones that I have felt personally (if this song was not relating to a mistake and bemoaning something more generally, it would be a perfect fit). I might elaborate on this later, till then, have a haunting song from what maybe not the golden age but at this point is still early days given the time that has past.

Anon 06/13/2022 (Mon) 09:01:28 [Preview] No.8318 del
(2.18 MB 640x422 3123493.gif)
I think I messed up and there is audio missing. Will fix later.

Anon 06/13/2022 (Mon) 21:29:23 [Preview] No.8320 del
(12.07 MB 1280x720 fnafcord.webm)
(12.80 MB 900x506 BrunoGenFive.webm)
>I think I messed up and there is audio

You messed up somewhere. No audio.
YT-download can easily demux videos if it can't find ffmpeg; ffmpeg can be used for either muxing or demuxing though the command-line for either is usually unduly complicated.

Have some video with audio.

Anon 09/03/2022 (Sat) 18:55 [Preview] No.8396 del
Another oldie I guess I didn't have around, an interstitial moment of silliness followed by non-brony input, as Mojo comments on how oddly dark MLP could get sometimes.

The comments on that last one, ID qrQ0zgEyeJs, are somewhat informative as they discuss other times, like Trixie's suicide attempt, that flew under Mojo's radar.

I guess I'm using Musetrigger as another interstitial because Forget is longer. But if you want to view it as a bump before the post is over instead I wouldn't consider that wrong. Even if you are wrong I won't let go of my idea.

Anon 09/08/2022 (Thu) 09:12 [Preview] No.8397 del
> Mojo comments on how oddly dark MLP could get sometimes.
It's weird that even Watch Majo gives me the feels now. Watch Majo It may have been cancer but it was cancer for a different, happier time. Speaking of dark, have some old sometimes edgy Skillet PMVs. Remember all those cheesy rock bands that were popular at the time? I wonder if edgy content like this and all the creepy and dark fics helped put some of the darker stuff in the show.

>I guess I'm using Musetrigger as another interstitial because Forget is longer. But if you want to view it as a bump before the post is over instead I wouldn't consider that wrong. Even if you are wrong I won't let go of my idea.
Probably not the anon you are talking too but what do you mean with this context?

Anon 09/08/2022 (Thu) 13:58 [Preview] No.8400 del
>what do you mean with this context
I was (mis)quoting the lyrics from the last song to dismiss hypothetical complaints about which video had more "content" and which was more like "When did you stop remembering" or "Dawn is your enemy" -- IE, just a 'bump' not a video.

Like these videos.

Anon 09/09/2022 (Fri) 09:02 [Preview] No.8402 del
It is a full post of mostly shorter random videos. At least that is how I would view it.

>The comments on that last one, ID qrQ0zgEyeJs, are somewhat informative as they discuss other times, like Trixie's suicide attempt, that flew under Mojo's radar.
Thanks for noting the ID for scraping purposes. Though probably not out when this was released, I am in complete agreement with L23 here on a Health of Information >>6757 being another one to add to the dark list, COVID context or not.

>It's weird that even Watch Majo gives me the feels now.
Yes, can understand that. There is old stuff I used to despise that now I can't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for.

>Speaking of dark, have some old sometimes edgy Skillet PMVs. Remember all those cheesy rock bands that were popular at the time? I wonder if edgy content like this and all the creepy and dark fics helped put some of the darker stuff in the show.
If Fluttershy being a tree could, yeah would be entirely possible (and proven) they drew inspiration from memes and meta at times for better and worse as the show progressed. Though I imagine edgy PMVs were more of a expression of ideas already out there over the inspiration themselves.

Anon 09/18/2022 (Sun) 00:56 [Preview] No.8412 del
Apparently I need to check with Twibooru for gen-5 updates because this is unfamiliar to me.

Have some ponyhobbit. And other stuff.

Anon 09/23/2022 (Fri) 08:38 [Preview] No.8418 del
I think it is the new trailer for the new series. premieres September 25 (in the US at least on Netflix anyway) if I recall correctly.

I know. Been running into that with a lot of things. 2012 feels so close yet is now been a decade and it is haunting--almost a little painful.

Speaking of old, here is one of the first PMVs ever made, a month before MLP premiered on the Hub. Technically, that makes this pre-fandom in the context of the modern one that spawned from 4chan.

Now, I had some G5 vids to post, but my netbook is spurging out a bit and I have been unable to download said videos intact, sound is out of sync or non existent. Video can be slow as well.

Anon 12/06/2022 (Tue) 10:33 [Preview] No.8492 del
Here is a bit of a odd one. This channel SpaceOddPony, is a animation channel that has been going on for some time now, did a sweep for archiving sometime ago though now it looks like he has gained some traction. The channel's animation style is amateurish and sometimes a bit strange due to the person making it doing everything from scratch and lots of trial and error. The format being PMVs set to music and sometimes fight scenes (though recently has branched out into a storyline of some sort that I have not bothered to watch through).

I'll be honest, most of his stuff is not to my taste and some of it I can barely stand, yet I do have to some respect it for the effort and going in his own direction. Have never seen someone make fan animations for the more obscure grimdark Equestria Divided universe that is for sure.

Anyway, this is the result of me trying to find something else for something else and running into this in my archives; tangent if you will.

Anon 02/24/2023 (Fri) 21:49 [Preview] No.8578 del
(4.00 MB 1280x720 Steve Jobs meets.mp4)
Risque though technically safe; I just encountered this and had to share it.

Anon 02/25/2023 (Sat) 07:29 [Preview] No.8579 del
This is one of those things that messes with my mind in ways I can't describe. It feels like it should be early fandom too, but that patreon watermark means it must be 2014 to 15 at least.

Never seen this either. It is kind of crappy, but charming in some respects.

Anon 03/12/2023 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.8585 del
And now, a brief dip into an old favorite, SWEETIEBOT. Both the original as SFM'd and the re-do a few years later.

Also, Marequest requires Steam, which I avoid like the plague. Ponified covers are cool, though.

Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 08:57 [Preview] No.8595 del
(1.63 MB 1280x720 2577827.webm)
Not my style of song but always good to see more Sweetie Bot.

Anon 03/23/2023 (Thu) 05:05 [Preview] No.8599 del
I think Sweetie Bot is the most enduring concept from FiW for a reason. Not sure I would call it clever but the juxtaposition between the cute, somewhat dimwitted Sweetie and a unstable robot worked well.

Anon 04/09/2023 (Sun) 00:03 [Preview] No.8618 del
Mostly musical, there's an interspersed pair from LF0 and SFM_corner who also posts as Fallen Ponies.
and Trixie, as explained by Argodaemon

Anon 04/12/2023 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.8623 del
Is it just me or is there something kind of off with Everything Wanted?

Anon 04/19/2023 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.8628 del
(2.99 MB 800x450 Speeddouble.webm)
How so? The animator is slightly crappy and uncanny but that is half of the charm with SFM!

Anon 04/19/2023 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.8630 del
(55.42 KB 1122x832 HeartEyesBlkSclera.jpg)
(516.87 KB 600x437 DontLookBut.gif)
(832.97 KB 1526x2414 YoungAnthrFlutt.jpg)
(701.18 KB 827x1024 AnthroPegasus.png)
I just figured it was the snowflake-shape glowing eyes. Plus all the dolled up well beyond not-even-bismuth levels of edgy & emo.

Anon 05/06/2023 (Sat) 19:42 [Preview] No.8643 del
Today's installation is five examples of why gmod videos make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER but are still fun to watch.

Anon 05/19/2023 (Fri) 08:40 [Preview] No.8648 del
(2.69 MB 640x360 austr000.mp4)
(7.53 MB 640x360 austraeo.mp4)
(1.80 MB 640x360 _sfm_pon.mp4)
(352.90 KB whoisthe.web)
Dumping some SFMs myself. Most notably a couple on Easthorse's first fic. A fan "anime" intro and a failed fan animation project. Weirdly had these compressed and in a iso and for some reason the names where altered and truncated.

Never got through the first installment of Easthorse, and now there is so much more. Maybe if the tone isn't too sad and if I happen to find more free time I will try it again.

Anon 05/23/2023 (Tue) 07:39 [Preview] No.8653 del
Been going through more old stuff that I have saved at various points.

Derpy loves her lava lamp, what more can I say?

Oh, how I love crazy theories with a slight plausibility. The suggestion for Pinkie Pie here of course is more fit for a good fanfiction than a actual intent of the show. On fan theories more generally, I tend to fine people either dismiss and take everything at face value due to it being a kids show or go wild with it as a canon, unified work. I think a season to season and episode to episode should be used when considering any true deeper intent. For example: a throwaway line in, say, Season 1 probably shouldn't be taken too serious but can be a fun thought exercise, but go around to Season 4 and some slight implication might have had a deeper meaning even if never followed up on due to doubling down on lore and setting during that time.

And finally, and perhaps a bit strange, is Spike's a Ghost Writer. Yes, Ghost Writer, not Ghost Rider, in unexpectedly turns to a meme staring Trixie with the obscurer 1990s Rush song superconductor. Song lyrics fit Trixie well but I hadn't thought about it how 'ghost writer' is a meta joke of Spike being usurped from this little video. At least that is what I assume with his very minor role in the first 5 seconds of it is edited.

Anon 05/28/2023 (Sun) 01:00 [Preview] No.8664 del
(73.43 KB 736x490 PonyWrap.jpg)
(5.08 MB 862x485 BestUnicorn.webm)
(6.83 MB 640x360 TN9MLa9q2Gc.mp4)
So, it's a wrap.
That's a rap.

Anon 05/28/2023 (Sun) 10:30 [Preview] No.8667 del
That hot rod brings so much memories. Lot of them cringe. I remember vesicles like this used to be somewhat common but I never encountered any of the fabled hot rods and the brave soles who choose to bare there autism like that. Nice selection of songs though.

> For example: a throwaway line in, say, Season 1 probably shouldn't be taken too serious but can be a fun thought exercise, but go around to Season 4 and some slight implication might have had a deeper meaning even if never followed up on due to doubling down on lore and setting during that time.
That is a good point. A lot of people take too much into the post production explanations that really had no baring on way things are during production. Granted, a lot of the appeal of theorizing is making something work and fit together just as much as figuring out secrets and crack theories for fun.

>And finally, and perhaps a bit strange, is Spike's a Ghost Writer. Yes, Ghost Writer, not Ghost Rider,
Never seen that one. Feels a bit strange. Not bad. Maybe it is just Rush in this context feels alien.

Anon 06/01/2023 (Thu) 07:03 [Preview] No.8668 del
Been still going through old stuff. Maybe I'll do something interesting or put something together. Found my first attempt to mass archive the Hub. It was during a very tumultuous time in my life in which I was one of the primary care givers for my ailing grandfather and thus fills me with a odd sort of semi-nostalgic and haunting feel unrelated to the channel in its prime.

Speaking on the Hub though. For as little I watched it, I do have nostalgia for the Hub and all its quirkiness of something that tried to be big but couldn't. Especially in the light of everything being consolidated into streaming there is a unique experience with TV that you get with channel bumpers and the low budget but well produced FiM feels like a little treasure and star on its own there, as opposed to what TNG feels on Netflix. Unique or not, it is not the star but yet another piece of content among millions.

Always been a bit negative on rap. Not complete hatred though, just more of not my taste. Sometimes I can appreciate it. Dolores beat Sunset hoofdown. Both in a superior voice actor performance but also raw 'ownage'.

I do have a couple of items of interests in the category myself, if I can dig them up. Stuff I recall saving in the early years with the thought toward archival. Not too important, or particularly good for that matter...

>Granted, a lot of the appeal of theorizing is making something work and fit together just as much as figuring out secrets and crack theories for fun.
Which can be fun but sometimes I think doing so butters over some real interesting stuff that should be looked at on it's own. Say, a lot of people just treated what was established in Sparkle's Seven as "alright, what was established a previous season ago has been overruled!" Should it? How does one post hoc justify that episode if you're in the mood to be super autistic to canon otherwise? Is there any other hints that might affect things? Or for another example: >>7057 I don't latter hints of the couple in question still being togather detract from the subtext of Surf and/or Turf being about divorce.
Or I could just take L23's other words on dealing with FiM theories and FiM's nature as a whole: It is FLAWED and UNDEFINED!

>Maybe it is just Rush in this context feels alien.
I suppose I haven't heard Rush too often in a meme format like that. The YTer in question, QuartzDash (if I recall his name right) loved Rush and made a whole lot of Rush PMVs back in the day; both sort and obscure and long ones from around their prime. Yes, he did fully do a 2112 PMV as well.

This has turned into something of a longpost hasn't it?

Anon 06/08/2023 (Thu) 08:55 [Preview] No.8672 del
>Which can be fun but sometimes I think doing so butters over some real interesting stuff that should be looked at on it's own. Say, a lot of people just treated what was established in Sparkle's Seven as "alright, what was established a previous season ago has been overruled!" Should it? How does one post hoc justify that episode if you're in the mood to be super autistic to canon otherwise?
Your position is being super autistic to the seasons over the canon as a whole. I'd argue that one episode in isolation is just that and ignore it.

>Is there any other hints that might affect things? Or for another example: >>7057 I don't latter hints of the couple in question still being togather detract from the subtext of Surf and/or Turf being about divorce.
That is different as that is a subtext within the episode. The lesson that it is trying to be an analogy for in the real world doesn't rely on the divorce happening within canon. Even if it would be pretty implicit with having them separated.

By /endpone/ standards, no. L23's essays are king in that regard.

Anon 06/14/2023 (Wed) 10:06 [Preview] No.8679 del
>Your position is being super autistic to the seasons over the canon as a whole.
LOL, yes.

>I'd argue that one episode in isolation is just that and ignore it.
Yes and no. I don't consider FiM to have a clean and perfect canon, that is kind of my point, but I would both say that continuity errors like this do matter sometimes, especially if someone is being autistic to show canon as a whole already.

>That is different as that is a subtext within the episode. The lesson that it is trying to be an analogy for in the real world doesn't rely on the divorce happening within canon. Even if it would be pretty implicit with having them separated.
I get what you mean but where I would come at it is debating if, say, the writers intent for the episode points to divorce/separation and if it is implicit in the episode should it be seen as "canon" to the episode itself? Perhaps I am obsessing with it but I think of things just with a little more interest than just a fluke when something off happens. FiM had a lot of flukes and stuff that got ignored or dropped I think with canon, fanfiction, and individual episode considerations it should be more widely considered over glossed over.

> L23's essays are king in that regard.

Anon 06/20/2023 (Tue) 08:09 [Preview] No.8684 del
<nostalgia hits me strongly

>I get what you mean but where I would come at it is debating if, say, the writers intent for the episode points to divorce/separation and if it is implicit in the episode should it be seen as "canon" to the episode itself?
It matters to the lesson, not to canon.

>someone is being autistic to show canon as a whole already.
For that case, yeah, I guess that does matter. At least it might.

Anon 07/15/2023 (Sat) 00:30 [Preview] No.8720 del
I recently had two random songs running in my head; one was Swans, "Failure"; and the other was In Flames' Cloud Connected.

This lead me to wonder, if any brony made one of those early PMVs using an In Flames piece. They're still around, I guess, and go back way before Gen4. But youtube seems not to know about any crossover.

Have, instead, a sample of what YT has on the crossover of MLP, and the idea (and words!) of being in flames.

>The Solar-Flare one gives full credit for each image so if you're curious, the YT ID is in the name...
>The april fools joke also warns you by name, so I hereby declare I owe you no keyboard.

Anon 07/18/2023 (Tue) 08:52 [Preview] No.8723 del
These two songs I am not familiar with, but considering how I saw obscure full 20 min prog songs and how some PMV channels did exist that had every taste of music imaginable I would be willing to bet on it. Rule 34 pony edition was there for a reason.

>The Solar-Flare one gives full credit for each image so if you're curious, the YT ID is in the name...

Anon 07/19/2023 (Wed) 06:31 [Preview] No.8725 del
(947.34 KB 560x560 3015328.gif)
>This lead me to wonder, if any brony made one of those early PMVs using an In Flames piece. They're still around, I guess, and go back way before Gen4. But youtube seems not to know about any crossover.
Though a bit on the more intense side. All those edgy PMVs with Japanese whatever that genre was and emo/Christian/nu-metal and whatever would've fit well enough for the era. It wouldn't surprise me.

>The april fools joke also warns you by name, so I hereby declare I owe you no keyboard.
Honestly wish that could've been a power battle between The Fire and the Flames and Rickrolling.

>Rule 34 pony edition was there for a reason
Pony was produced so much and so many different ways that the rule 34 rule was inverted for awhile. I think that is a feat we should be proud -and maybe afraid-of.

Anon 07/28/2023 (Fri) 22:43 [Preview] No.8728 del
While looking for that animated form of 'particle mare, particle mare" to see if the audio was re-sung (it was not) I found hits for "A Tropical Octav3" -- do you all have the animated .gif? I have it; huge file. Very cute but some programs don't like loading it.

Anyway, here's the animation the .gif is based on (I think that was the order of things) and Animated James' full music video, same song. Animated James & Kanishiipanda were some of the big names early on, so I'm rounding out the post with some of their stuff.

Anon 08/01/2023 (Tue) 22:54 [Preview] No.8729 del
(183.43 KB 2000x1500 2678870.png)
>While looking for that animated form of 'particle mare, particle mare" to see if the audio was re-sung (it was not)
What brought that on, unusual pony surfing? I haven't thought about that in ages and it hit me some in the feels.

>Animated James
<I haven't thought about that in ages and it hit me some in the feels.

>I found hits for "A Tropical Octav3" -- do you all have the animated .gif? I have it; huge file. Very cute but some programs don't like loading it.
Looked, don't unfortunately. If it doesn't load with your powerhouse PC I hate to imagine what that would do to mine, or, dare I even think bridgefag with his... alternative systems, or L23 with his mobile phone. I wonder what 5050 uses?

Hey, while I am passing through the neighborhood, does anypony remember the stupid Sweeping meme or whatever it was from Season 6? I'll admit that it has grown on me but some of the YT videos seem deleted now.

Anon 08/02/2023 (Wed) 03:16 [Preview] No.8735 del
(15.97 MB 926x520 1276788389008.webm)
Seems like I downloaded a couple of those at some point. This being me though it might be in some spare USB that was otherwise devoted isos or something.

> even think bridgefag with his... alternative systems,
Gifs are bad to make too make into large files like that. I am not sure how much it would be a indictment to any computer. With some difficulty I was able to edit 10 MB + gifs even on my old 2 GB ram 32 bit computer with a PATA drive I'll say as a semi-counter point.

>L23 with his mobile phone.
Which is more powerful than most of the computers I own or have access too.

>I wonder what 5050 uses?
IDK, something comfy?

>Animated James & Kanishiipanda were some of the big names early on
Octavia beating the changelings in Canterlot has that early mix of some raw skill but also some amateurism that I really like. Animated James, disliked his humor, I did like how he did some of his expressions in his latter animations, shown best with the mane 6 arguing about watching the other /co/ fandoms.

As for me, with what I have on hoof at the moment, have a webm I saved from the first webm thread here and one that has been reposted a time or two. For some reason it has always been scattered in my stuff and I have a odd nostalgia for it. (My apologies as if already has been posted here).

Anon 09/04/2023 (Mon) 23:04 [Preview] No.8771 del
(6.43 MB 512x288 FixedClip1.mp4)
(5.87 MB 512x288 FixedClip2.mp4)
(2.29 MB 512x288 GHOST.mp4)
I have had a interesting time. Discovered a CD with a old YT rip of the old Season 1 episode A Dog and Pony Show that I had made years ago. Being both filled with nostalgia for not only Season 1, but also that era of my life. I decided I'd give that episode a look over and see if I can fix and improve on some of the early mistakes of Season 1 and its animation. This was the result.

Anon 09/04/2023 (Mon) 23:36 [Preview] No.8772 del
(1.04 MB 512x288 higher_quality.gif)
(131.66 KB 512x288 side_mouth.png)
Here is the unedited clip (or a unedited clip with the full intro scene of the episode). I do have a couple of things to point out.

1): I have seen it mentioned a couple of times that "side mouth" wasn't used much or at all after Season 1. I have not investigated it but based on my casual experience this does appear to be true. I wonder why it was removed/used less?

2): Something that I have noticed before personally. Earlier on in the show twinkling eye effects seemed to be more jittery. Of course, this could be just me and my (scattershot) archive of lower quality YT rips.

Anon 09/08/2023 (Fri) 02:40 [Preview] No.8773 del
It certainly is "improved."

And going back to make memes out of season 1 is something I am surprised I don't see more often. Season 1 stuff seems rarer compared to later seasons in fandom output in general. This is weird when you consider how many meme the first two as the high from which the show fell so far.

>2): Something that I have noticed before personally. Earlier on in the show twinkling eye effects seemed to be more jittery.
The first couple of seasons were kind of janky at points with animation. Season 3 and 4 is when they started to streamline and get good at it. Not to insult the first.two by any means. It was already impressive what they where trying to do at the time with flash in the wake of the stigma of the cheap cartoons at the time with flash being just something that was seen as a money saver for low budget cartoons.

Anon 09/12/2023 (Tue) 01:51 [Preview] No.8775 del
>Season 1 stuff seems rarer compared to later seasons in fandom output in general. This is weird when you consider how many meme the first two as the high from which the show fell so far.
I think it might simply boil down to a lot of older fans having level (or should I say, fans that didn't like newer seasons super strongly being in the minority, I recall seeing numbers showing that a majority of userbase of...Fimfic, somewhere, being from 2010 to 2012) and Season 2 and Season 4 being more common as peaks for people.

>The first couple of seasons were kind of janky at points with animation. Season 3 and 4 is when they started to streamline and get good at it.
I agree they were janky at points but...

>It was already impressive what they where trying to do at the time with flash in the wake of the stigma of the cheap cartoons at the time with flash being just something that was seen as a money saver for low budget cartoons.
I am a big defender of Season 1 and Season 2's animation for a reason. I think it is underrated how the series, even then, put so much life to the backgrounds, tiny animation details and had stuff like perspective shots and "camera" zoning and panning around. With it's typical category of cartoon, we should've been stuck a mostly side view and not even bothering with all those extras.

PMV unrelated, just posting a webm that I had on hand. You know the song.

Anon 09/26/2023 (Tue) 00:17 [Preview] No.8797 del
(6.85 MB 640x360 BeepBeepDeep.mp4)
(65.78 MB 1920x1080 SFM_FryingPan.mp4)
(73.90 MB 854x480 TENMINUTES.mp4)
A couple of these have died.
Re-Uppable? Let's see...
Can't find "original ending"... Does anybody actually miss 'wiggle wiggle' ?
need to re-encode TENMINUTES, but SeriousLuna is at least still here

...wait. This site allows huge uploads, technically, doesn't it?
Have TENMINUTES along with "out of the frying pan" starring SFM-versions of both BlackJack & Little Pip.

Anon 09/29/2023 (Fri) 07:01 [Preview] No.8811 del
Could never decide if this was more cute or annoying but I feel a certain sense of nostalgia all the same.

>...wait. This site allows huge uploads, technically, doesn't it?
Yep, it actually has gotten more consistent as well. Used to be a glitch that prevented, I wanna say, anything above 133 MB but I have gone past that some in the last couple of years no problem (okay, the site at times has eaten my uploads, but I also suspect my Internet can be at play as well).

Anon 10/13/2023 (Fri) 02:15 [Preview] No.8840 del
A friend recently pointed out to me the original version of Twilight Sparkle's Battle Theme from Fighting is Magic and I thought I'd post it here along with the original to compare and contrast. I will say I like both in their own ways; the original version is more rougher and "unpolished" but that has a certain charm to me. The newer version is still my favorite but I can understand those who prefer the original.

This is my second attempt. If anypony noticed, I posted this once, and then deleted, due to me having somehow switched the file names. Not a big deal but it bugged me enough.

Anon 10/16/2023 (Mon) 01:50 [Preview] No.8842 del
(7.01 MB 1280x720 Where Are We?.mp4)
I can't believe Greg did another MAS related thing after all these years. Is this something of a closure or final I guess? Weird feeling. Knowing how that series worked I wonder how Twilight Sparkle actually got power and seems to be usually okay and something close to happy over being a tortured soul in this universe.

Thanks for the memories. Haven't seen this in YEARS.

>Can't find "original ending"... Does anybody actually miss 'wiggle wiggle' ?

Both are equal. I think both embody Twilight Sparkle perfectly. One is just more polished.

Anon 11/15/2023 (Wed) 04:32 [Preview] No.8874 del
(5.81 MB 1280x720 3096915.webm)
Have a little nostalgia.

I think tiny webm threads like this can play a more important roll. Sharing stuff outside of a central archive long term is underrated and needed if we ever go to a more dystopian copyright system than we have now.

Anon 11/15/2023 (Wed) 04:36 [Preview] No.8875 del
(1.42 MB 480x270 sleep-song.webm)
(892.25 KB 480x270 FUN.webm)
(701.87 KB 640x360 ablablablalbla.webm)

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 09:25 [Preview] No.9114 del
(282.33 KB DERPY.swf)
Well beyond my skillset, but maybe somepony here has the wherewithal to extract this to a .webm?

Anon 12/25/2023 (Mon) 02:40 [Preview] No.9131 del
OKAY! Hopefully it will go through this time.
I found an old archive, with that swif, above, and some other .swifs, and ... these.

Two in particular, the first two, I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.

Also attaching the trailer to upcoming movie The Maretrix, Rave-is-Princess, extended version, and a video game, Pony Craft II.

Unless the End continues to dislike attachments, in which case I attach fewer of these files, all the way down to none of them.

Anon Board owner 12/25/2023 (Mon) 10:54 [Preview] No.9135 del
(60.56 KB derpy.webm)
I'll give it a shot. Seems like I did this successfully, once or twice, a loooooong time ago though. May have to search a old linux install for some probably now depreciated tool or library.

I tried ffmpeg to just see what would happen, at least I got the audio.

>I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.
I found a HDD, similar boat, albeit, through in a fangame that I thought was lost for ever (or the pieces of one, the game dev never published the full thing, but stuff like a episode - demo, a bug test, and another...) I am getting ahead of myself, I'll show this in a little while.

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:00 [Preview] No.9578 del
>More on this later.
Here it is, the original video from the youtuber-of-many-names-and-phases-once-known-as-digibrony.

>Guilty as charged.
As long as you don't blindly parrot and worship them, I don't care. My thoughts on the "brony analysis" are as neutral indifference to slightly annoyed most of the time.

>Not the best thing to draw on but that description always stuck with me and I think the name fits.
I think the name is fair enough but I could've sworn they was some whole discourse around this but I cannot find it. Some of the others have left or disappeared due to drama and scandal as per normal.

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:40 [Preview] No.9610 del

Haven't seen this in years. Thanks.

Anon 06/10/2024 (Mon) 02:06 [Preview] No.10439 del
Alrighty, I guess this technically, though vaguely, counts as OC for /webm/ but I nearly posted this in the fic thread. One is a shitpost and one is trying to covey a feeling...

The Sun Whispers Your Name
This is the cover of that fic. One that I am fairly certain I've posted before. The cover and the feeling it invokes in me is hard to describe. I have always been drawn to things that give me a "wondrous" feeling. It has taken me a longtime to figure out what invokes that (and if even the word "wondrous" is best fit) but one of the patterns is vast empty spaces and a feeling of endlessness. Starscapes and the vast tapestry of the sky are an obvious one, but I think endless grassy fields and seas might be a bit more niche. Anyway, a lot of fic covers invoke this feeling within me and this one is my go to example. The city is haunting and slightly foreboding, but the grassy plain around actually plays a large part of why I am drawn to this image. The music here is obscure unless you were part of Bionicle fandom I wouldn't expect anyone to know of it:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0PqJpA5nM4A [Embed]
It is almost a perfect choice for conveying the feeling that I have with this picture, albeit slightly too creepy.

This picture I could ramble on for awhile, because it is not just this picture, but a mental state. Don't know how stupid or random this was but I felt like posting it.

As for easthorse, this is just some stupid joke that may or may not be slightly clever...

Belated welcome.

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