/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Banned for referring people? bannedon8chan 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:10 [Preview] No. 12408
So We just banning everything we don't like, but somehow it's still free, somehow it's still uncensored? What a fucking bubble. I'm here to pop it and show you that jannies DO ban people simply because they do not like them.

Join me at stake. us/?c=rrUvqSX1 for some fun gaming, We got slots, we got dice, I'm just a player there, referring people because you get 25$ free for sign up if you follow my referall link, YES DOES IT READ LIKE AN AD? SURE? IT'S NOT AN AD THOUGH BRO, IT'S JUST WORD OF MOUTH. LEGIT TRYING TO HOOK PEOPLE UP, AND STILL I GET BANNED EVERYWHERE, THIS IS SO UNFAIR WHERE'S MY FUCKING FREE SPEECH NIGGERS?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHH IM LOSSING IT

If you ban me you're gay!

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