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Interested in making money from running sites? Email looca@national.shitposting.agency

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Corporate Sadism Businessperson 12/31/2015 (Thu) 03:05:02 Id: b6d33a [Preview] No. 13 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
For whatever reason I really enjoy watching once mighty companies go bankrupt. Liquidation is the most entertaining to watch, but restructuring is okay too. Am I just really fucked up or are other people like this?

Businessperson 01/02/2016 (Sat) 21:11:54 Id: 488f5f [Preview] No. 14 del
Depends on the company. I personally can't wait to see most of the tech giants die. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microshaft, Apple. I want to see them burn.

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 09:41:24 Id: ed91ac [Preview] No. 16 del
Why contain it?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 12:15:03 Id: d4ef6a [Preview] No. 17 del
What are the collapses that have given you the hardiest erections, OP?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 20:59:19 Id: b6d33a [Preview] No. 19 del

Using a different connection, ID might not match.

The first time I remember being excited by economic failure was in 2008, when I saw an article about the Dow falling 800 points in one day. I was dissapointed the next day that there was no repeat performance.

Borders Books & Music is the gold standard for me when it comes to bankruptcies. National footprint to nothing in a few fateful months. Sold the inventory, the property, the shelving, the web servers, everything.

The Unicorns (Unicorpses?) have been getting me hard as diamonds lately. Living Social, Grupon, Zynga, Foursquare, all those third generation (after Facebook) social networking companies have been struggling for the last few years or have given up the struggle and died.

The devaluations of Snapchat, Square, and Dropbox drew me like the smell of blood and I have popcorn ready for when they drop into the abyss.

Most of the companies I like seeing collapse are in tech/retail/media because their misfortune is very public. Appalachian coal miners are of less interest since there are no mines nearby and their affairs tend to be not as well documented.

Businessperson 12/05/2017 (Tue) 17:54:57 Id: 4323b9 [Preview] No.39 del
me too op, consolidation is destroying the world and making a plutocracy stronger
https://youtube.com/watch?v=00wQYmvfhn4 [Embed]

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Businessperson 08/24/2017 (Thu) 06:11:00 Id: 49b128 [Preview] No. 35 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
3 best industries for making fast legal or at least warm money:

Religious Cult

The later 2 are good for entrepreneurs. Politics is less so unless you can engineer a revolution.

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idea Businessperson 01/09/2016 (Sat) 19:03:47 Id: a25b4c [Preview] No. 24 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
make a network similar to twister-p2p but adding a fonction where everyone can generate his own currency and exchange + a market with every currency & rating of users


Businessperson 01/13/2016 (Wed) 22:11:22 Id: 49583a [Preview] No. 26 del
How would you make money off of a decentralized network? All you could really do is sell tech support.

Businessperson 01/15/2016 (Fri) 16:28:15 Id: a911ec [Preview] No. 28 del
I don't know, you could make an android app with some ads... Decentralized = 0 cost for maintenance

Businessperson 05/06/2016 (Fri) 11:09:38 [Preview] No. 29 del
Time is money, breh.

Businessperson 12/20/2015 (Sun) 22:57:34 Id: 96987e [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Reserved for sticky.

Businessperson 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:07:37 Id: 96987e [Preview] No. 2 del
Rules: Aren't any besides site rules.

Don't be a faggot. Don't post illegal shit. Do whatever.

Keep in mind this is a business board though.

oyasumi Businessperson 01/02/2016 (Sat) 21:13:48 Id: 41e28f [Preview] No. 15 del
Interested in making money from running sites? Email looca@national.shitposting.agency

Can you give us more details on this?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 15:30:57 Id: 6384bc [Preview] No. 18 del
send an e-mail I guess?

Businessperson 01/09/2016 (Sat) 19:04:18 Id: 0fe5f4 [Preview] No. 25 del
>Still using cock.li
>Current year

Businessperson 01/15/2016 (Fri) 14:51:50 Id: 8c6684 [Preview] No. 27 del
yeah i just found out the 2nd drive has been taken

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Zero Hedge Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:52:47 Id: 6465f6 [Preview] No. 22 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Have Zero Hedge's seductive bearish whispering ever been right in the past? I looked through their archives a bit, and they seem to have been writing the same few articles over and over for years; lots of people are buying gold, America is becoming a police state, this sudden oscillation in an indicator that you have never heard of means disaster, etc. Wikipedia says that they broke some news about flash trading back in 2009, but have their predictions of doom even been correct?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:54:27 Id: 6465f6 [Preview] No. 23 del
ever been correct

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Businessperson 12/22/2015 (Tue) 06:20:56 Id: 4ea366 [Preview] No. 12 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
alaj o pato dormindo

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Businessperson 12/21/2015 (Mon) 08:14:14 Id: 26153e [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I am businessman. I came here to do business with other businessmen. Do you have business? Would you like business? Money please, thank you.

Businessperson 12/21/2015 (Mon) 11:34:24 Id: 03821c [Preview] No. 6 del
Where do I pay?

Businessperson 12/21/2015 (Mon) 12:12:44 Id: 26153e [Preview] No. 7 del
You pay at the counter or when I send invoice.

Businessperson 12/21/2015 (Mon) 12:56:25 Id: 03821c [Preview] No. 8 del
And how much?

Businessperson 12/22/2015 (Tue) 05:51:09 Id: 26153e [Preview] No. 11 del
How much you got?

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money? Businessperson 12/21/2015 (Mon) 20:00:52 Id: d70923 [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
how do I make money

Businessperson 12/22/2015 (Tue) 05:50:21 Id: 43e85b [Preview] No. 10 del
Find something, add value, increase price, repeat.

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Businessperson 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:26:52 Id: 1d2457 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
making a new thread to see how the engine displays the thread list

Businessperson 12/20/2015 (Sun) 23:33:19 Id: 1d2457 [Preview] No. 4 del
yeah imma need to work on the CSS