/cumetc/ - cum accessories

talk about cum accessories, stories, and advice, but never cum itself

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rules of the board supremecumbucket 05/16/2024 (Thu) 23:35 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
In this board we will only talk about related cum topics but never cum itself. this means no pics of cum/masturabation(with exception of showing of new cum related inventions)

this is because this is a board of adult topics, not pornography

what you can't post:
1. masturbation of any kind with exception of new and original ideas
2. unrelated topics. if you don't post about cum you will banned asp
3. general pornography
4. nudes, tasteful or not, will be removed

what you can post:
1. cum inventions. examples: diy fleshlights, new inventions, ideas, concepts, and the like
2. stories involving cum, sexual and not sexual are both ok
3. general disscusion around cum
4. advice on how to pleasure yourself

endchans rules apply as well

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