NEET 09/02/2023 (Sat) 07:45 No.742673 del
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Just got back from the airport. The line thru customs was a bit tense because of the six kilos of china white in my boogie board bag but I got thru the trick is to give the customs bro a roman salute and spent four hours in the bar waiting for my connecting flight home. Dropped off the heroin, collected my fee and drove home. Went to make a fire in the heater and got the fright of my young life when a swift parrot jumps out. Gotta put a cap on the flue. Had a chat to the QT across the street when I was on the roof looking down the chimney with a torch. Got a nice tan and had fun in the sun, 10/10 would recommend any NEET to go running smack from the golden triangle, What did you retards get up to this last month?