Jordan's Latest News Update Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 01:06 No.15231 del
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Latest Poopcat News Update

Our beloved Poopcat is little to be seen about the interwebs lately because

a] Jordan has had all his electronic devices forcibly removed from his access, even away from his 3 am moments.

b] His home WIFI access has been heavily restricted and he needs permission now to access the daily-changing password. (As we all know, he is unable to leave his home unsupervised).

c] His brother, Josh, continues to lock his bedroom door behind him every time he leaves his room, so his older brother is not able to steal things from his room again.

d] Carmen, his mother, finally acknowledged that Jordan's internet abuse was totally out of control. With help from some local internet professionals and his IP, access to most sites he usually visited is now heavily restricted for him now, thankfully.

e] She has securely locked away all access to her own personal information, phones, passwords etc.

f] Jordan remains under extremely heavy sedation due to the above actions.