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(129.82 KB 651x743 Special Mittens2.jpg)
Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 23:44 [Preview] No. 15146
Total Yonkers death. Kill Yonkers.

Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 01:14 [Preview] No.15149 del
How fucking dare you edit my art to that? Actually piss off

WiZarD 07/24/2023 (Mon) 01:31 [Preview] No.15151 del
Hi Jordan I hope your day is good, there is new Angelina music in the entertainment thread for you, enjoy :^)

Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 04:03 [Preview] No.15154 del
You forgot the pickle, he loves pickles.

Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 06:29 [Preview] No.15155 del
(416.34 KB 220x124 break-car02.gif)

Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:06 [Preview] No.15158 del
He didn't forget anything. He just doesn't know you.
Not a fan of Angelina Ballerina

Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 13:04 [Preview] No.15160 del
(27.49 KB 336x356 md01ba.jpg)
(16.31 KB 460x460 md02.jpg)
>Not a fan of Angelina Ballerina
She is way too old for Jordan now

Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 10:25 [Preview] No.15182 del
(1.23 MB 2296x2369 foto_no_exif (50).jpg)
Swallow your tongue whole Geordie. Then replace it with that pickle.

Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 14:06 [Preview] No.15184 del
(61.64 KB 608x525 1vhqnm.jpg)
>Not a fan of Angelina Ballerina
>She is way too old for Jordan now
And competent.
Pickle butt is pansexual gangbang.

Jordan's Latest News Update Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 01:06 [Preview] No.15231 del
(9.37 KB 250x190 1690128798205191.jpg)
(39.46 KB 622x466 1689847202573525.jpg)
(15.15 KB 896x380 1689748824993444.png)
Latest Poopcat News Update

Our beloved Poopcat is little to be seen about the interwebs lately because

a] Jordan has had all his electronic devices forcibly removed from his access, even away from his 3 am moments.

b] His home WIFI access has been heavily restricted and he needs permission now to access the daily-changing password. (As we all know, he is unable to leave his home unsupervised).

c] His brother, Josh, continues to lock his bedroom door behind him every time he leaves his room, so his older brother is not able to steal things from his room again.

d] Carmen, his mother, finally acknowledged that Jordan's internet abuse was totally out of control. With help from some local internet professionals and his IP, access to most sites he usually visited is now heavily restricted for him now, thankfully.

e] She has securely locked away all access to her own personal information, phones, passwords etc.

f] Jordan remains under extremely heavy sedation due to the above actions.

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 00:14 [Preview] No.15243 del
No, fuck off with that "b-but she's tooOOo Oolld!!!11" meme.
That show is for children. Preschoolers, even. I am not that demographic.
Plus isn't it weird to even be watching Angelina Ballerina at all? Fuck off. I don't like the characters, the show, or whatever franchise it has.
Speak english and start drawing less edgy

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 00:43 [Preview] No.15244 del
You like music, Jordan?

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 04:02 [Preview] No.15245 del
>That show is for children. Preschoolers, even.
this is from the guy that watches bluey

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 05:32 [Preview] No.15246 del
(38.78 KB 350x236 english17a.mp4)
Caught the latest episode of Bluey lately?

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 08:45 [Preview] No.15248 del
(24.73 KB 419x325 1611381774-2g.png)
VERY retarded

Anonymous 07/29/2023 (Sat) 16:22 [Preview] No.15279 del
No it's from me telling you to shut up.

Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 05:02 [Preview] No.15303 del
(138.77 KB 448x291 092b-Excellent-GIF.gif)
Thanks for posting, Jordan, and

a] bumping this thread
b] Drawing attention to yourself
c] Providing more proof that (You) are, in fact, Retarded.

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 05:11 [Preview] No.15723 del
>Klim simply exists as a blami-
Okay, guess I'll have to pull up the one and only screenshot of you LITERALLY showing your camera that you are a 60+ year old creep who had been severely creepy and stalky when I was a kid years ago and you're still doing harassment to this day. You are not a blaming tool, dude.
You're a fucking walking old geezer. You're the one with the failures. You don't socialize with fucking anyone. You don't ever apologize either - oh wait, why should I forgive someone who's literally wanted to "date" me. EVEN for a "joke" that was STILL not funny and you STILL said it to me as a fucking minor. I was 16 years old when you said that shit. You still obsess over me to this day.

It's just sickening, and you need to stop. I don't care if you claim you're not "Klim" you're still the same douchebag who needs to just leave.

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 05:56 [Preview] No.15725 del
(563.88 KB 500x595 nDsls9C.png)

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 11:51 [Preview] No.15737 del
Yes yes... everybody knows you just post an image of a random old man that you found on the internet and call him "Klim". We get it, OK?

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 12:22 [Preview] No.15738 del
(715.69 KB 1300x975 F8110D5.jpg)

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 17:59 [Preview] No.15746 del
>I was 16 years old when you said that shit.
<In Western Australia, the age of consent is 16 years for both males and females.

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 19:54 [Preview] No.15757 del
arent you from tasmania faggot

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 19:58 [Preview] No.15758 del
I'm not homosexual or Tasmanian. Are you thinking of someone else?

Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 20:13 [Preview] No.15759 del
(402.54 KB 900x900 jmr.jpg)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 00:01 [Preview] No.15767 del
No? I'm not dyslexic.
I only posted that here so it wouldn't have to be looking like "alleged spam".
>calling your own self a random old man
You have either got to be demented, crazy, or fucking STUPID that you do NOT know your own self.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 03:09 [Preview] No.15770 del
(528.96 KB 1280x715 12.jpg)
You don't understand the joke.
I see why you have no humor,
not aware enough to perceive
a nuanced meaning. It must be
painful being you.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 12:30 [Preview] No.15775 del
You don't understand the joke.
I see why you have no humor,
not aware enough to perceive
a nuanced meaning. It must be
painful being you.

>was 16 years old
at least now Jordan admits he was underage on an 18+ site. he broke the rules and the Law.

Yes, that's the name you use to focus all your hate and delusions upon, Jordan. Everybody gets that now. There's no need to milk it.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 12:34 [Preview] No.15776 del
(660.60 KB 1162x658 Mr Psycho.png)
>You ARE fucking STUPID that you do NOT know your own self.


➽ Yonkers Technique N° 54: Project onto others what I perceive to be my own failings, faults, flaws, weaknesses, inconsistencies, deficiencies, and shortcomings; reflect onto others the blame for things I perceive to be negative characteristics about myself. "My perception of you is a reflection of me". ie. "You am I". I know that deep inside my very essence what I am, and no amount of hiding behind PDD can change that.

So, WHY does Yonkers have such a massive ‘Hate Boner’ for his Klim?

He is *always* talking about and drawing attention to him.

- Sexual?
- Unrequited love?
- A replacement for never having an older male role model?
- Re-directed self-hatred/self-loathing?
- Rage at the knowledge that he killed his own brother?
- His inability to accept his PDD and social isolation?
- Knowledge he has no future: no gf/wife/children/forever alone?
- Jealousy/Envy?
- Seeing his own reflection in a Mirror?

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 13:32 [Preview] No.15783 del
(70.66 KB 844x377 4uCwHcd.jpeg)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 13:39 [Preview] No.15784 del
(150.95 KB 540x675 ALWAYS WAN-WAN.jpg)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 14:01 [Preview] No.15786 del
(761.36 KB 1080x1614 O9dEEkR.jpeg)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 14:19 [Preview] No.15787 del
It's scary out there.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 14:33 [Preview] No.15790 del
Thanks for the offer to get banned. But I can't go there, even more of a circus than here, who can remember 25 illogical rules? I tried a /hikki/ board once, but they are professional victims that have formed a cult to escape reality, not realizing that death is the only real escape, but none of them had the nerve to do it. NEETS are just another version of that story, but less catatonic; There are several subtypes of catatonia: akinetic catatonia, excited catatonia, malignant catatonia, delirious mania, and self-injurious behaviors in autism (repeating meaningless phrases etc.). Have a nice day.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 14:56 [Preview] No.15791 del
don't be rude

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 15:03 [Preview] No.15792 del
>self-injurious behaviors in autism (repeating meaningless phrases etc.) Have a shitty day.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 15:12 [Preview] No.15794 del
Well shit.

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 15:18 [Preview] No.15795 del
(53.77 KB 640x604 fyavbN6.jpeg)
(200.69 KB 400x204 6Oh60Sc.mp4)
(87.79 KB 564x960 4Ks9qQI.jpeg)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 15:24 [Preview] No.15796 del
Did you know if you had people hold hands in a line all the way around the earth at the equator a lot of them would drown?

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 15:42 [Preview] No.15797 del
Been there still there

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 18:49 [Preview] No.15805 del
(11.40 MB 724x418 Flush Flush.mp4)

Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 20:11 [Preview] No.15811 del
lol klim you never said you had a music career when you was younger

Klim##SAY7BM 08/11/2023 (Fri) 08:48 [Preview] No.15863 del
(861.90 KB 1000x744 Klim-Won.png)
Thanks. The Toilet Wars of the 70's were my 'Golden Years', musically.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 09:30 [Preview] No.16008 del
klim just cant stop winning
50 years reigning supreme

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 09:57 [Preview] No.16009 del
(426.91 KB 512x512 004.png)
"It's the Diapers that keep me in front, all the way!" - Klim, August 14 2023

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 17:42 [Preview] No.16011 del
(2.58 MB 1200x3693 h4V9jJF.png)

Poopcat 08/15/2023 (Tue) 04:54 [Preview] No.16035 del
(121.04 KB 451x618 KZ6tAJhJZc9q.png)
This is clearly wrong.
Why are diapers not listed here?

Anonymous 08/15/2023 (Tue) 08:13 [Preview] No.16036 del
(669.12 KB 1172x689 stanko poop kibble.jpg)
They are processed into his poop kibble by:
Stanko International Inc.

Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 08:09 [Preview] No.16106 del
(33.71 KB 1280x720 4t5y67u8i876y54.jpg)

Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 09:12 [Preview] No.16112 del
(69.55 KB 378x600 1sbt457.jpg)

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 07:21 [Preview] No.16147 del
(368.22 KB 1005x781 1657691248t78.png)
(ˈflʌfə ) a person employed on a pornographic film set to ensure that male actors are kept aroused.
Source: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/fluffer#:~:text=(%CB%88fl%CA%8Cf%C9%99%20),Collins%20English%20Dictionary.

A "fluffer" is a person who prepares the actors for their participation in pornography roles
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffer

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 14:48 [Preview] No.16148 del
(234.14 KB 348x372 k9wixaD.mp4)
(3.85 MB 960x520 j5GstWO.mp4)
Thanks Obama.

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 02:29 [Preview] No.16353 del
i fucking hate niggers

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 08:26 [Preview] No.16386 del
(135.08 KB 777x1036 1641212953-2d.jpg)
Just as well Our Boy aint Black.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:40 [Preview] No.23572 del
You can't kill me. I am unkillable man!

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:15 [Preview] No.23594 del
(85.94 KB 510x621 Dalek02.jpg)
(46.91 KB 440x586 Dalek.jpg)
>I am unkillable

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