Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 04:08 No.33055 del
Your answer made me think some more about why I care.
I think I understand better now.

The tiktoks were like cat videos to me. Fun, pretty, but just very light entertainment.
Only when I slowly learned about what was happening / had happened to her did I fall in the rabbit hole.

Part of what attracted me is the tragic nature of it all.
Tragic in the sense of the ancient greek plays.
A likeable protagonist is doomed from the start, tries to fight fate, but fate cannot be fought and it ends badly.

I guess I feel sorry for her, maybe Im projecting, but I think she is trapped, lonely and unhappy.
The situation she is in is hardly of her own making, as she was a child when all the pieces were set on the board. Now she has to play the game of life with the board she got.

I could be wrong, but despite it all she does not seem like the usual piece of shit influencer type. Even if she would like to be sometimes.

Im not saying I would like to meet her or that I think her and I would even get along, but she seems a pretty nice person at the core.

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