Old Character
10/11/2022 (Tue) 10:10
No.33121 [X]
The other day, Nicholas J Fuentes had a rant about how they don't make big macs correctly, and how it is non-consistent, he likes his big macs reactionary, he doesn't like conservative-inc, he like groypers, and he is the leader of groypers, groypers like america first and they like cat boys, they like to jerk off to cat boys and eat big macs, there's a lot of things you could take as a bad thing, but if you're worried that there is an internet army of cat-loving big mac eaters out to destroy America and you're worried that they will use the medium of the internet to their advantage to try and destroy America, you can just go on the internet and see. The cat loving big macs eaters are not out to destroy America. You know what I love, I love how you said you are a cat boy. That's so cute. That is really so cute. Because he said cat boy and then you said that you're a cat boy, And you're acting exactly like a groyper, which is what I thought you wanted. No thanks. The second it comes to guns and Trump, you're in the wrong fucking thread, so we're done. But, but, you're a cat boy and this is how I know you, because I'm a cat boy. It's a cat boy code, it's where we meet up, it's a meeting of the minds. It's a beautiful thing to meet a cat boy.
It's just like you and your fellow groypers, the cat boys have been fighting the internet. This whole site is about you cat boys and your fighting the internet. It's been over four years since this site has been a place for men to talk about men, the last four years were a place where we would just talk about cat boys. When we talked about men, we would talk about Trump and guns and the state of affairs in America, but those are all topicsyour are a cat boy. That's the way the internet is.
Now you want to turn this into an argument about guns and Trump, which is, by the way, exactly what you did when you posted this. You're just being you. You're using your best friend as a weapon to try and get me to talk about you when I'm not going to. You're a cat boy, and you're acting like a cat boy. But that's okay, we all act like cat boys when we're alone with our cats.
It's really nice to have met a cat boy, and I've never met a cat boy before. That's all I wanted to say, my cat is dead. He's dead because he made it rain inside of my house and I was mad, but that's not my fault, it's because I'm not a cat boy. I know you were talking about the mac but I'm going to talk about cat boys, because I can. Now can you tell me why your cat's dead? Because you're not. You are a cat boy. You're a cat boy, and your are a cat boy and we can talk about cat boys, you can make the argument that we're not cat boys. But your cat is dead. I know your cat is dead. Why don't you ask your cat why he's dead? He's dead. He's dead because he's not a cat boy. It's a cat boy code, I know how to code, I know you know that I know how to code, you know that I know that you know that I know that we all know that the cat's dead, so can you all stop. Why don't you ask your cat why he's dead, why don't you, and then when he says it's because he's not a cat boy, you can tell him that he's not a cat boy, he is a cat boy, he's dead, and we all agree on that, we all know that your cat's dead because he's not a cat boy, so why don't you just go ahead and say it, why don't you, and then we'll all get along.