Anonymous 10/14/2022 (Fri) 06:37 No.33261 del
I understand she had some agency, but I think we, should keep in mind that she was a sheltered and lonely child. And that children should not be held equally responsible for their actions as adults are.

Instead of blaming her for her making bad decisions she deserves your compassion and understanding, like all children do when they fuck up, if not more so given her circumstances.

Me and my friends did stupid shit when we were 16. Luckily it wasnt all online and my friends were not manipulating groomers or adult men pretending to be girls or adult men sending me porn fakes of myself.
So many children get taken in by psychopaths on the internet and are pressured and blackmailed into doing things they do not really want to do.

It is bad enough all these things happened to her, judging her and blaming her for what happened as some here do is neither fair nor productive. She is already living with the consequences, no need to make it worse for her.

If she really is as self destructive as someone here said it is a consequence of the trauma.
A repeating behavior pattern, stuck in a loop of mental self harm. All a consequence of what the internet did to her.

She did not deserve any of this.
None of it was her fault, it is the fault of the weird and actively mallicious adults surrounding her.

She does not deserve it now.

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