Bernd 07/24/2022 (Sun) 19:39:29 No.48373 del

During demonstrations police usually detains people for all kinds of bs. Especially with stuff that some violence was directed against them. They always say that the demonstrators are criminals. On the basis of a couple of disorders, they arrest people as suspects, they can do it with a bunch, and try to pin those things on them. Since they were present and frequently acknowledge they were at the demonstration - or the police record them with cameras - the suspicion against them becomes well established. It doesn't matter if in the end noone gets to be found guilty (sometimes only on superior court, on municipal courts they sometimes do find someone), they disrupted the demonstration, and gave the govt bunch of material to claim how the demonstrators did illegal stuff and they just disorderly. The criminal acts that provides the excuse for intervention sometimes done by police officers in civvies.

See picrel >>47693
Those pajeets haveing a good time. To be honest like the January 6 mass.

The more farmers demonstrate the less they are on the fields working, the higher food prices rose. All these small acts add up into big crisis.

They look good on webms.

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