Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 20:17 No.2075 del
>I'm rizzing up the middle aged women
I feel like this is L rizz, chat?
>it's always hard to channel the motivation energy when I'm setting my own deadlines.
I've just genuinely decided that if I don't make myself and I mean make myself do the stuff I want to do I will never do it.
So I've became my own executioner, I promised myself I will spend at least a few hours programming daily, I sit down, fire up livesplit and I turn on the music and just focus as well as I can. I literally time myself just to make sure I do not cheat, I turn off the timer if I alt-tab into something else (including neko of course) and I know daily how much I've spent actually doing it and not being a bum.
I dunno if it'll help you but it is the only way that works on me and after the first couple days of high resistance I'm actually quite enjoying it.