Indiana Jones 2 Explained the World Quite Truthfully Tardus 12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:16 Id: 66767e No.23330 del
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I can see how that feeling could happen. But for me, I am always authoritative and yet also yeilding in the same way they are. This throws them off. I am generally polite, but in their case it's so obvious they they are fucked up infiltrators, that's its easy to smile at them, as a joke that it doesn't matrter if they see the joke or not. Having said that, I will say they are congenial and polite nice common people. About as smart as driftwood. Nevertheless, the world does need polite and hardworking people. BUT WHY CANT THEY BE POLITE HARDWORKING PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN GOD DAMNED HOMELAND?