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Horrible Brown Water Seeping Under the Door Thanks to Our Shitty Leaders: All Authority is VOID Tardus 12/27/2024 (Fri) 00:01 Id: 66767e [Preview] No. 23324
I am a technician in the nietieth percentile of people who can fix things. I have been in IT all my working life. I have seen this shit fall and fall and now hit the pavement. I saw these indian street shitters take over the IT industry and destroy it. Their ilk is everywhere. AND DONALD TRUMP THJE LEFTIST EMPLOYER KIKE MINDED FUCKHEAD LOVES THAT CHEAP INDIAN IMPORTED LABOR, HE IS NO AMERICAN. HE IS A RICH FUCK WHO NEVER WORKED A SINGLE DAY IN HIS LIFE.
So anyway, I made this meme on the fly after I got home from work today. I like my job because it gives me the freedom as a tech, to go where I want whenever the fuck I want and do what I want whenever the fuck I want. However, my stores are infiltrated with thieving browns, so the idiotic wokeists in charge, hire more browns to police the theiving browns!


Reader 12/27/2024 (Fri) 01:47 Id: 5b2d62 [Preview] No.23327 del
They're so awkward to talk to sometimes. I don't know why.

I go online and it feels like talking to a person from another planet sometimes. lol

Indiana Jones 2 Explained the World Quite Truthfully Tardus 12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:16 Id: 66767e [Preview] No.23330 del
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I can see how that feeling could happen. But for me, I am always authoritative and yet also yeilding in the same way they are. This throws them off. I am generally polite, but in their case it's so obvious they they are fucked up infiltrators, that's its easy to smile at them, as a joke that it doesn't matrter if they see the joke or not. Having said that, I will say they are congenial and polite nice common people. About as smart as driftwood. Nevertheless, the world does need polite and hardworking people. BUT WHY CANT THEY BE POLITE HARDWORKING PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN GOD DAMNED HOMELAND?


Reader 12/27/2024 (Fri) 03:03 Id: b06a34 [Preview] No.23333 del
Even in their homelands, they face a significantly stricter scale of class system. And this has been historical! But a large, practically unnoticeable segment of this plight carried over the backs of their people through their history, similar to China, is in how their people became what they are today. Genetically. Rulers lowering city walls and allowing certain peoples to mix, their blood although not much different, becoming more of a melting pot. Slowly, and sure enough, you have a mass of nearly the same person.

Secondly, the breaking of spirit. Although their people's history stretches towards ancient times, spiritually, their pantheon alludes to a divided spirit. But is it any different than what came after Hinduism and the caste system? A spirit divided in the people over thousands of years generates plenty of conflicts within the design and makeup of a person. Although a spiritual people, there has been too much to lead their intelligence from whence it held more significance. Which beckons the question, from where did the elders in society break away to instead of continuing to guide the populus? Perhaps they too were so deprived in their desires after so long to where depravity became harder to stave off.

Lastly, the mind. Being in IT before (been 6-7 years being in retail), I concur with what you say. It's as though you're talking to an alien. Whether a developmental problem or genetic deformity, it's all too commonplace to find someone who is indian being incompetent of certain elements.

Reader 12/27/2024 (Fri) 09:02 Id: 68492a [Preview] No.23334 del
Those pajeets were never the origin. They're our future in every country if kikes get their way.
India is an example. Shitting in the streets. Trash everywhere and fucking obnoxious fast talking virus scam twats conning elderly out of their money.
Categorically the worst in the world at talking to women.
The myth of the 20th century is brown ancients

Nothing Can Stop the Truth. Tardus 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:46 Id: 66767e [Preview] No.26561 del
Nice work lads.

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:37 Id: 68492a [Preview] No.26753 del
Oh, that Russian scat fetish faggot is definitely trying as hard as he can. I just cleaned a couple of your threads and other threads from pictures of shit. His attacks get weaker every day.

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:48 Id: 3bb030 [Preview] No.26787 del
Even in their homelands, they face a significantly stricter scale of class system. And this has been historical! But a large, practically unnoticeable segment of this plight carried over the backs of their people through their history, similar to China, is in how their people became what they are today. Genetically. Rulers lowering city walls and allowing certain peoples to mix, their blood although not much different, becoming more of a melting pot. Slowly, and sure enough, you have a mass of nearly the same person.

Secondly, the breaking of spirit. Although their people's history stretches towards ancient times, spiritually, their pantheon alludes to a divided spirit. But is it any different than what came after Hinduism and the caste system? A spirit divided in the people over thousands of years generates plenty of conflicts within the design and makeup of a person. Although a spiritual people, there has been too much to lead their intelligence from whence it held more significance. Which beckons the question, from where did the elders in society break away to instead of continuing to guide the populus? Perhaps they too were so deprived in their desires after so long to where depravity became harder to stave off.

Lastly, the mind. Being in IT before (been 6-7 years being in retail), I concur with what you say. It's as though you're talking to an alien. Whether a developmental problem or genetic deformity, it's all too commonplace to find someone who is indian being incompetent of certain elements.
That's it, bitch. I know you're watching this thread. RAGE FOR ME.

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:53 Id: 68492a [Preview] No.26806 del
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Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:54 Id: 262e0e [Preview] No.26816 del
They're so awkward to talk to sometimes. I don't know why.

I go online and it feels like talking to a person from another planet sometimes. lol
Squirm like the worm you are

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 19:02 Id: 58114a [Preview] No.26844 del
Even in their homelands, they face a significantly stricter scale of class system. And this has been historical! But a large, practically unnoticeable segment of this plight carried over the backs of their people through their history, similar to China, is in how their people became what they are today. Genetically. Rulers lowering city walls and allowing certain peoples to mix, their blood although not much different, becoming more of a melting pot. Slowly, and sure enough, you have a mass of nearly the same person.

Secondly, the breaking of spirit. Although their people's history stretches towards ancient times, spiritually, their pantheon alludes to a divided spirit. But is it any different than what came after Hinduism and the caste system? A spirit divided in the people over thousands of years generates plenty of conflicts within the design and makeup of a person. Although a spiritual people, there has been too much to lead their intelligence from whence it held more significance. Which beckons the question, from where did the elders in society break away to instead of continuing to guide the populus? Perhaps they too were so deprived in their desires after so long to where depravity became harder to stave off.

Lastly, the mind. Being in IT before (been 6-7 years being in retail), I concur with what you say. It's as though you're talking to an alien. Whether a developmental problem or genetic deformity, it's all too commonplace to find someone who is indian being incompetent of certain elements.
Pressing that button pretty hard, aren't you loser? lol

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 19:08 Id: 68492a [Preview] No.26857 del

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 19:25 Id: 05e5fb [Preview] No.26897 del
Russian bot shit spammer

Reader 02/04/2025 (Tue) 19:37 Id: 68492a [Preview] No.26907 del
See, here's the thing, literally shit for brains. I can remove images from posts without deleting them. Whole slews of posts. Everything you spam can be scrubbed of pictures.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/04/2025 (Tue) 22:17.

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